Log: Spirit quest for Starscream! Part two.

Feb 01, 2008 22:06

After that lovely little pleasure jaunt inside Starscream's psyche, there's still the question of how to take the Seeker and run.

Skyfire: So...we are...here now... But there is still the problem of the red seeker... *haltingly, optics going back and forth from the medbay to the ugly walls of the institute*
Optimus Prime: Leave getting out of here to me. But we can't do that until we deal with the other.
Optimus Prime: *Frowns*
Skyfire: *finally has to force himself to put the absolute illogicness of the situation down to /its not really real/ and ignore it, before his processor shorts*
Skyfire: Yes. Does anyone have a plan on that matter? How do we get rid of him...it...whatever he is?
Starscream: /That/ slagger goes where he wants to. I didn't see any kind of pattern.
Optimus Prime: *Exhales slowly again, lowering his gun* My instincts tell me that it's a product of the Matrix. *Before they can interrupt* Not mine.
Optimus Prime: On that note? You two would be sorely outmatched if you tried to stand against it.
Skyfire: *opens his month before closing it again* That...makes a lot of sense, actually. The red seeker being the product of the matrix...
Starscream: Oh, /thanks,/ Prime. *sourly*
Optimus Prime: Have you tried to fight it, Starscream?
Optimus Prime: *Gives him a look*
Starscream: *glares right back* Not in /here./ Out /there./ It's different, but I think I did a slagging good /job./ Seeing as the base is /not/ a blackened crater.
Optimus Prime: ....
Optimus Prime: *Rubs the bridge of his nose, tilting his head. Point to Starscream*
Optimus Prime: Problem is, we're not out there anymore. We're in here.
Skyfire: *makes his 'thinky-face' for a moment, frowning* True, but this /is/ Starscream's mind. He /should/ be the ultimate power here, I would assume...
Optimus Prime: *Doesn't say anything*
Skyfire: ...It would make more sense, at least... *wry*
Skyfire: *thinks a bit more, considering* Of course... If Unicron does has a foothold in here - on your spark, like he does, Starscream, that could also mean his power is greater.
Skyfire: There is really no way to know until we face him, I guess....
Skyfire: Either way, I would sooner just use the matrix on his aft and be done with this, Prime. *grin*
Optimus Prime: *Doesn't say anything*
Optimus Prime: *Thinking*
Starscream: Huh. All the power here, huh? So why the Pit is everybody still /dead?/
Optimus Prime: *Quietly* There's a difference between having power...and knowing how to use it.
Optimus Prime: *Lowers his hand, looking at Starscream* He's right, though, at least in part. The question is whether you're willing.
Skyfire: Exactly. *gently rueful look*
Starscream: Willing to /what?/ Crush that slagging Unicron-spa - wait, no, that's me - slagging /Matrix/ out of existence? Of course I am.
Optimus Prime: Alright then...no sense standing around here.
Optimus Prime: *Turns, expecting to go back from where they came*
Skyfire: *Frowns a bit at Starscream's slip but nods* Any ideas of where to start, then? Or just wonder aimlessly?
Optimus Prime: *Though...pauses again*
Optimus Prime: ...I don't suppose you have an idea, Starscream? *Read: Where to start*
Starscream: ...not a slagging /clue./ Where'd you see him?
Optimus Prime: A cellblock.
Starscream: A /cellblock?/ What the Pit were you doing there?
Optimus Prime: *Dryly* Not sure. We were just heading forwards.
Optimus Prime: *It's /Starscream's/ Spark, not his*
Skyfire: We just ended up in there, I'm afraid. *shrugs*
Starscream: *shakes head* You didn't need to go /there.../ ...but maybe he's still around somewhere near there. How in the Pit do we deal with him once we /find/ him?
Optimus Prime: If it wasn't for the fact that he could teleport - I'd say the cellblock would be a perfect place to fight him. Enclosed.
Optimus Prime: As they are - same way we deal with any other threat. *Looks from one, to the other*
Starscream: Oh, give me a fragging blaster. *holds out a hand* Why the /frag/ I don't have my nullrays...
Skyfire: *shrugs and pulls out his cannon rifle. It might be a bit big for Starscream, but he offers it silently. If Prime's gun seemed to work, this should*
Starscream: *takes it gleefully, holding it up to his shoulder and getting a feel for it* ...it'll work. Thanks, Skyfire. *beams up at him, all viciously pleased at being able to deal more /damage/*
Optimus Prime: *Nods, and turns around. Time to go* Keep your optics and audials open. For all we know - it was that scratching sound we heard.
Starscream: Scratching sound?
Skyfire: *Grins back, his own shoulder cannons and forearm guns coming online, battle mask sliding into place. Technically, he is going to be the most useless one here in any kind of fight against the matrix, but it doesn't hurt*
Skyfire: Hnn. Yes. There was a scratching sound down that hall we found you in...
Optimus Prime: *Nod*
Starscream: What, that? That was me. Some of the bodies were in the way. *shrugs, casually* ...I may've kicked one, but he deserved it. Fragger.
Optimus Prime: ...
Optimus Prime: *Facepalm*
Starscream: What? /He did!/
Optimus Prime: Right.
Skyfire: *Snorts, fighting back some much needed laughter*
Starscream: Fragger kept diagnosing me with stupid slag because he didn't have the processor power of a /drone!/ He deserved it! *indignant*
Skyfire: *Feeble laughter cuts off in a second, staring at Starscream with wide optics* D-diagnosing you? You...you where actually /in/ that place? For /you/? *Rising horror*
Starscream: ...oh, /slag./ *belated realization of what he just said*
Skyfire: Starscream...*quiet, stunned* What.../W-when/...?
Optimus Prime: ...
Starscream: A long time ago I firebombed it afterwards can we be done with this conversation now?
Skyfire: .... *leans forward, hand twitching as though he want to reach out for Starscream's face, but isn't sure what to do* ...Starscream, why? *barely audiable*
Starscream: /Long story not time for that now it's not important really./
Optimus Prime: *they can be moving forwards nao y/n?*
Starscream: */yes plz/*
Skyfire: *blinks, still stunned and sorrowful looking, but nods slowly, turning away to head forwards again, though he glances back and reaching out a hand for Starscream's own* ....?
Optimus Prime: *Onward, then!*
Starscream: *okay that conversation is over maybe Skyfire will forget about it (fat chance)* *takes Skyfire's hand and squeezes it* ...Out the door, then, is the way to the cellblocks...
Optimus Prime: I'll take point, unless you want to, Starscream.
Starscream: Be my guest. I suppose we'll figure out how to fight it on the way?
Skyfire: *squeezes back, somewhat reassured, and follows*
Optimus Prime: Shoot to kill. *Blunt, matter-of-fact*
Starscream: Is there another way to shoot?
Optimus Prime: *Turns his head as they walk so he can see Starscream out of his perephial vision* Yes, but for once I'm glad you've rarely done so.
Optimus Prime: The best advice I could give you - either of you - is to go in fully intending to do something, be it to damage, stop, or in fact destroy. Your will is what will make the difference in a place like this.
Optimus Prime: If you're not sure you can do something - then you might as well not do it at all.
Skyfire: *nods slowly, trying to put the mental image of Starscream in that place-! Stopstopstop. No. He isn't going to go there right now. He can't afford to* ...Of course.
Starscream: The thought of this thing dying is about the best thing /I/ can think of right now.
Starscream: *Apparently Starscream was mistaken about his directions, though, because the corner they turn around isn't any sort of corridor. They step straight into a blizzard, the wind screaming and the snow so white it's green and blue.*
Starscream: /What/ the -
Optimus Prime: *Stiffens slightly - was /not/ expecting that*
Skyfire: *Balks at the sudden snow storm, probably more surprised by the abrupt change then anything else come before it*
Starscream: This isn't where it's supposed to be!
Optimus Prime: ...
Starscream: *alarmed, taking a step backwards*
Optimus Prime: *Is going to take that as a bad sign*
Optimus Prime: Stay on guard.
Optimus Prime: *Takes a look around through the snow, raising his free arm to shield his face from the howling wind and snow*
Skyfire: Snow...? *stares out into the whiteness blankly, still shocked. Why would they be...*
Starscream: *Visibility is /very/ poor, maybe a few inches in front of them. The surface under their feet is packed snow and ice, and the winds are fierce.*
Starscream: Did I go /off/ guard? *warily, with dread in his voice* I don't /like/ this...
Skyfire: *Shivers, though it has less to do with the cold and more to do with the location - he /hates/ the ice, and he has a very, /very/ bad feeling about this place*
Optimus Prime: *Looks back at them, or tries to - he's unwilling to move far enough that they're out of sight. With the visibility, that's probably not very far, if that*
Optimus Prime: *...and maybe hoping that he can see the corridor they came out of*
Starscream: *The corridor? Gone.*
Optimus Prime: *Thought so. Was hoping, though...oh well*
Optimus Prime: We can't go back the way we came - and we're getting nowhere here.
Skyfire: *Does not like this. Does not like this at /all/. This is the ice. /The Ice/. He's sure of it now...* *tightens his grip on Starscream's hand* Starscream... This is...Isn't it...?
Starscream: *grips Skyfire's hand /tight,/ so tight it's probably painful* You're /not/ going /anywhere./ ...Let's get /out/ of this slagging pit.
Skyfire: *Doesn't even register any pain his hand might be feeling, just concentrating on /holding on/ to Starscream as firmly as he can, wings and guns twitching nerviously*
Optimus Prime: Forward. *Waits until he sees them moving - then moves with them*
Starscream: *The greenish patches of snow are joined by a red one above them, rapidly descending.*
Optimus Prime: *whatthefuckisth-.........................!!!!!*
Skyfire: *Finally notices the red when its practically on top of them, stumbling back on the ice*
Optimus Prime: GET DOWN! *Turns around to tackle both the fliers out of the way*
Optimus Prime: *One arm each - yeah, that'll work. Maybe.*
Starscream: *snarls incoherently as he's tackled, struggling to slide free and leap up to /meet/ the flier. Flashes of red exploding the snow around them indicate that the red Seeker had dropped bombs as a calling card.*
Starscream: *One lands right where Prime had been. Amazing, that.*
Skyfire: *Big feet go /slip!/ on that ice, and Prime /actually/ manages to take Skyfire down, and as he's holding on to Starscream at the same time...* *CRASH*
Optimus Prime: *Is Just That Good at dodging?*
Starscream: *Apparently so.*
Starscream: *Conquest rises back up for another pass, as Starscream claws his way out from under the two Autobots and leaps up, despite the winds that really /should/ ground him. He did it once, he'll do it again, and /he has a target./*
Skyfire: Starscream! *shouts, struggling to shove Prime off of him and raising a gun at the same, aiming for the red blurr in the snow and firing*
Optimus Prime: *It's not too hard to get out of his grasp, mainly because he's getting into battlemode, his facemask sliding up to shield his face. Even though he can't see Conquest, he follows an invisible trail, following his instincts...*
Optimus Prime: *...and firing once*
Starscream: *Conquest is more visible than Starscream, by virtue of its glow, and visibly jerks in the air. Starscream is howling something almost audible even over the wind, all battle fury and rage, and is quickly lost to sight.*
Optimus Prime: *Conquest is more visible than Starscream, by virtue of its glow, and visibly jerks in the air. Starscream is howling something almost audible even over the wind, all battle fury and rage, and is quickly lost to sight.*
Skyfire: *curses, unable to fire if he can't even /see/ where Starscream is!*
Skyfire: Slag! *he might hit Starscream instead of the red seeker, if they are fighting up close up there*
Optimus Prime: *Apparently realizes this as well, because he doesn't fire again; he searches the skies, straining for some sign of either flyer...*
Optimus Prime: Come on...
Skyfire: *braces himself against the wind, prepared to try and take them on if he must, to get up in the air and /help/ somehow, though he isn't sure he can make it past the winds like Starscream did...*
Starscream: *Conquest is still visible as that dim red glow high above them, but Starscream is apparently gone.*
Optimus Prime: ...
Optimus Prime: *Looks at Skyfire*
Optimus Prime: *Looks up at the glowing red*
Optimus Prime: *Looks at himself*
Optimus Prime: Skyfire. Can you get us up there to help? *Slight emphasis on 'us'*
Skyfire: *blinks and turns, noticing the 'us' in that* I'm not sure. I don't even know how /Starscream/ manged it in this storm - must be because its his own mind - but I can try!
Optimus Prime: You either can or can't. There's no 'try' here, Skyfire. *Gives him a very serious look*
Skyfire: *Frowns at that* .....Point. *crouches down* Get on my back, at least, so I have my hands free*
Optimus Prime: *Nods, and climbs on, using his formerly-free hand to steady himself*
Starscream: *The red glow of Conquest is weaving back and forth in the sky - Starscream has apparently engaged him /somehow,/ but still isn't visible at all.*
Skyfire: You steady? *stands, Prime's weight noticable, but not enough to severally hamper his movements* *Fine. No try here, huh. Very well. It wasn't reality. Logic has no place here. Don't try. /DO/.*
Optimus Prime: Let's go.
Skyfire: *doesn't wait - runs with the wind, giving himself some tailwind to aid him, and leaps, firing his rockets and thursters both, wings out*
Starscream: *The winds are /brutal,/ especially given Skyfire's passenger - just as brutal, if not more, than the ones that sent him down into the ice in the first place.*
Optimus Prime: *Flattens himself as close to Skyfire's back as he can. He's done something like this with Megatron, and on the bright side - he's not trying to hold onto a giant duckie*
Skyfire: *Snarls with the winds, intakes and thrusters whining with the force required to keep them aloft - but this place wasn't real, and that ment he /could/, somehow, rise up against them*
Optimus Prime: *Knows damn well they can do it. He focuses on keeping his one-handed grip - even using his legs a bit to help keep him close - while readying his blaster for a fly-by shooting*
Optimus Prime: *If need be - he could probably use his hand to pull up/down on Skyfire, should something bad happen*
Starscream: *The glow of Conquest is soon visible up ahead, as is the distant sound of screaming. That's all Starscream, and while the words are lost to the roar of the winds, the incoherent rage in his voice is not.*
Skyfire: *Somehow, inexplicablely to his poor logic circuits, they rise up, and he forces himself higher, coming up on the fight, the shoulder cannons Prime is actually resting between whirring as they lock onto their red target*
Starscream: *Something dark tumbles past them, the red, blue, and green coloration indicative of Starscream. Now he's shouting curses as Conquest turns as though there /were/ no winds, and faces the new threat. It hasn't made a sound so far.*
Optimus Prime: *Stay on target...stay on target...wait...wait...waiting for Skyfire to get closer...*
Skyfire: *Arches behind their traget, fighting the urge to call out to Starscream, focusing on the meager element of surprise they might have if they can get close enough...
Skyfire: Flares his wing flaps and catches the wind, letting it /push/ him towards the red seeker - and fires all of his guns at once*
Starscream: *Conquest twists in the air lazily, with the same sort of contempt Starscream summons up at particularly bad flying, and fires back. The missiles there are vivid red and trail flames behind them.*
Optimus Prime: *Doesn't fire his own weapon but keeps his grip. As close as he can to Skyfire's audial, so it doesn't get lost in the storm;* Get as close as you can!
Skyfire: *shouts and simply cuts him thrusters, dropping like a rock to avoid getting them /both/ hit* I'm /working on it/!
Starscream: *Starscream rises up again from below, snarling audibly and using the cannon that Skyfire gave him. Conquest, though, doesn't have to /fight/ the winds, and simply follows Skyfire down, lightly.*
Optimus Prime: *Looks up as Conquest follows them...then, with a brief squeeze to Skyfire - lets go, throwing out his arms and legs to create more air resistance. This has the effect of slowing his fall...slightly*
Optimus Prime: *The winds change his path as well...but such is his plan. They 're to guide him into Conquest, so he can grab on*
Skyfire: *Shouts in surprise as Prime's weight suddenly vanishes, blasting his thrusters again and fighting the winds, twisting in midair to see what has happened*
Optimus Prime: *Has done this before...so he has plenty of confidence. Well, sort of done it before. Hasn't actually made a mid-air jump, but is pretty confidant all things considered. He's /Optimus mothafuckin' Prime/*
Starscream: *Of all things Conquest might have been expecting, /that/ is not one of them. He's grabbed, the energon lines in his wings flaring at the touch, thrusters actually sputtering in surprise.*
Optimus Prime: *LATCHES on with enough force to dent Cybertronian metal, manhandling his way into a better hold - both arms and legs are used here, and if he bends the wings? So much the better*
Optimus Prime: *Yeah, GOINGDOWN*
Starscream: *The sound that Conquest makes is not a sound that a mech's vocalizer could ever produce, a high shriek almost beyond auditory range. The Seeker drops, spinning like a top.*
Skyfire: *spins around and follows them down, not sure what he's supposed to do - let Prime fall? But he still follows them, looking around for Starscream at the same time*
Optimus Prime: *As unpleasant(burning/painful/wrong) it feels to make contact with Conquest, he maintains his hold. He even goes so far as to reach for one of the thrusters, to disable by ripping clean out. As they pass Skyfire-*
Optimus Prime: SHOOT!
Starscream: *Starscream loops back around, and starts /laughing./.* Slag you, slagger! *He starts echoing Conquest's erratic flight as the red Seeker tries to lose his 'passenger,' making much use of his temporarily-captive target.*
Optimus Prime: *Is doing his best to roll themso that Conquest is the shields*
Skyfire: *Though his attentions are divided, he doesn't miss /that/, twisting around and bringing his arms up, firing all his weapons, aiming for as close to the red seeker's core as he can manage without hitting Prime himself*
Starscream: *Conquest 'screams' again as the shots hit, releasing fiery streaks of 'missiles' and cannonfire far in excess of what a Seeker's armaments /should/ be.*
Optimus Prime: *Those will be his next targets. Ignoring the burning in his hands, in fact wherever he's making contact with Conquest - he lost his gun mid-jump - he tries to rip and/or kick off whatever parts are unleashing the weaponry*
Skyfire: *dodges the incoming missiles as well he can, but the winds are against him now and one clips his right leg thruster, letting out an electronic bellow at the firey explosion at engulfs his leg as a result*
Starscream: *Starscream howls almost as though /he/ were the one being struck, angling his flight path closer in case Skyfire needs help descending even as he unleashes another barrage* Prime! Bring him DOWN!
Starscream: *Conquest flips and rolls in the air, still trying to dislodge Prime and struggling, finally, to stay aloft - the winds are starting to affect him, it seems*
Optimus Prime: *Growls in response to Starscream's yell, transforming his hand into its sword - then promptly stabbing it into a wing with the intent of /sawing/ through, and sawing off*
Skyfire: *twists and drops slightly in the sky, a hole taking up half his lower leg blown clear to the inside of his thruster, warped turbine blades inside clearly visible as he fights to stay up in the air,
Skyfire: booster rockets firing harder them before to keep him there*
Starscream: *Conquest 'screams,' a sound more like some pure electronic tone. Prime doesn't manage to saw the entire wing /off,/ but nonetheless between him and the winds, the red Seeker is spiralling towards the ground*
Optimus Prime: *Doubts he'll be able to tell when they're about to hit and jump off, so just braces himself for impact as he continues to rip at it. A few stray shots have hit him, but he's ignored them*
Starscream: *Starscream, by contrast, angles even closer to Skyfire, grabbing his arm and firing the cannon with his other arm, each shot jerking him backwards with the recoil* Descend! *shouted over the wind*
Skyfire: *Damaged leg dangles limply as he fights to keep himself balanced with only one leg thruster and the two in the back, grateful to Starscream for balancing him out, now trying to match his decent with that of the red
Skyfire: seeker and Prime* Not! Yet! *Shouts, firing his cannons towards the seeker once more as they all near the frozen ground*
Optimus Prime: *Is tempted to do what he did to Thundercracker and transform into a truck/land on Conquest that way - decides against it, as he'd lose his grip*
Optimus Prime: *The one he has now involves the sword being stabbed into the other wing, and his other hand grabbing onto the hole it's already made. His focus is as follows:*
Optimus Prime: *Get it down. Get it down so it can't get back up, and end it*
Starscream: *The ground is approaching /very/ quickly now, Conquest turning its nose up and flaring to try and control its descent. This is going to hurt, Prime.*
Optimus Prime: *Oh, hello ground. Won't you be his friend?-you know what, now that he can see it? Conquest isn't going to get up. Leaps off the red Seeker, planning to roll once he hits the snow and ice to at least absorb some of the shock*
Starscream: We need to get down! I am going to /crush/ /it!/ *shouting, even as they descend, considerably more controlledly*
Starscream: *Conquest seems to be doing much the same, kill its momentum, but this close to the ground? There's no way it can recover, and it /doesn't./*
Skyfire: *tumbles down alongside, firing his cannons and blasters in a near continuous stream at the red seeker, flaring his wing flaps and firing his rockets to their fullest to make sure he doesn't just crash into the ground...*
Skyfire: ...Maybe /we/ should crush it? *shouts over the wind, manuveuring alongside Starscream. If he is going to crash, it might as well do some good...*
Optimus Prime: *Hello, Ground. Won't you be his frie-OW, okaymaybenot. Does roll, but that -HURT-, and dazed him*
Starscream: YES! *laughing that not-terribly-sane laugh, pulling Skyfire with him to land on the form of Conquest, who is just pushing itself back up on hands and knees.*
Starscream: *Shuttles are heavy. So are Seekers. CRUNCH is the appropriate sound effect here.*
Optimus Prime: *Catches sight of this happening. Blinks*
Optimus Prime: *And it's about this time that his blaster lands in the snow next to him with a loud CRUNCH of show*
Optimus Prime: *Not as loud as Crunching!Conquest, though. But he's not complaining, reaching for it even as he pulls his sword back into a hand, and starts to move oveR*
Skyfire: *damaged leg folds under him like a limp noodle, but everything else makes Conquest go /CRUNCHY/, red-hot thrusters and fists slamming into the red seeker's back, Skyfire shouting with the force of the impact*
Starscream: *Starscream laughs as he impacts Conquest's fuselage, leaving huge foot-shaped impact craters.*
Starscream: *Conquest 'screams' again, and /explodes./ What coalesces isn't anything mech-shaped at all, just pulsing light, white at the core and flaring red at the edges.*
Optimus Prime: *Freezes*
Skyfire: *Flies back with the explosion, tumbling head over aft though the snow with the force*
Starscream: *shrieks as he's also hurled back through the snow, scrabbling at the air*
Optimus Prime: *Just....stands there, sensing something. He even takes a slight step backwards*
Skyfire: *finally comes to a stop, flat on his back and groaning, damaged leg sprawled out at an akward angle* *blinks dumbly when he notices the light hovering over them all, bright yet...somehow /terrifying/ at the same time...*
Starscream: *The thing, now floating a few feet above the ground, crackles, sending out arcs of light that sear through the winds*
Optimus Prime: *Raises an arm to shield his optics, which is by now unreadable. He can barely see Skyfire & Starscream, but what he can see doesn't really worry him.*
Optimus Prime: *They're alive...but...they might not be for long if they don't find out/deal with whatever this new thing is. He's getting a sick sense in his body(spark), a twisted feeling of wrong - conbined with enemy.
Starscream: *scrambles to his feet, snarling, but the cannonshot that he sends straight into the heart of the pulsing light does nothing at all.*
Skyfire: *slowly eases himself off the ground, stumbling once or twice when he tries to put weight onto his damaged leg - /Primus/ that hurts! - before finally getting up with most of his weight on his good leg, staring at the light*
Optimus Prime: ...
Skyfire: *Starscream's shot did nothing, so he doubts any shots from him will be anymore effective, and glances of towards Prime - /well? Got a plan/?*
Optimus Prime: *Looks a little strange, all things considered. It's not his face or anything, which is actually quite...calm. And, in fact, does have that slightly other-worldly look on it.*
Optimus Prime: *Maybe the most obvious thing is the fact that he's sort of ringed by double-images, mirror images, barely off him. Not unlike a camera with bad focus on its target. Only those double images aren't /him/.*
Optimus Prime: *Sentinel Prime's recognizable. Even Nova Prime, though it's a bit fainter than the others (which isn't saying much). Other, older Primes. Even the ghost-form of Vector can be seen.*
Starscream: *The /other/ Matrix's pulsing movement steadies and brightens, and that light begins eating away at the very surface upon which they stand, small bursts of lightning jumping from its surface even to the driving flakes of snow.*
Starscream: *It gives the impression of bracing itself, and then, with a deafening CRACK, an enormous bold of lightning arcs from Conquest to Prime.*
Optimus Prime: *Raises his arm to shield - only that's not what catches it. It's the great shield of Sentinel Prime that deflects/absorbs the lightning, not even flinching under the blow though the air itself crackles*
Optimus Prime: *The wings of Nova and Vector flare out behind him as he bends his knees slightly, then leaps into the air as thrusters that belong to neither propel his feet off the ground*
Optimus Prime: *His other hand reaches back for at least five distinct weapons, including but not limited to an axe, a javelin, a sword, and what looks like a heavy mace*
Optimus Prime: *And his voice is the thunderous warcry of every single Prime that has come before, mixed with his own*
Optimus Prime: *In its own way - it is the voice of Primus himself screaming as the Matrix-user brings all of these weapons to bear upon Conquest*
Skyfire: *stumbles back at the sight, optics wide at the resulting clash*
Starscream: *The Matrix of Conquest flares back, its scream somehow tinny and weak in comparison, backed by nothing but its own power and fury.*
Starscream: *The lightning shocks of its passing leave afterimages in the air as it backs away from the wielder of the Matrix of Leadership, and its cry is that of a cornered animal.*
Optimus Prime: *It's not as if there's much room for it to do so - he/they/it continue forwards relentlessly, stabbing/thrusting/swiping/assaulting.*
Optimus Prime: *Even the shield(s?) are used as the Primes attack, lightning shocks being 'smashed' out of the way.*
Starscream: *The Matrix screams again, a tortured furious noise, and its attacks now are those of desperation.*
Optimus Prime: *One gets through, scorching armor - but the Primes do not react to the damage, if it's even on the main body instead of one of the others*
Optimus Prime: *Instead, the weapon-arm is pulled back, all of the weapons seeming to blend into one that's too bright to even look at. It's raised up, and with a final cry, brought down in a cleaving slash*
Starscream: *The Matrix of Conquest shrieks as it is extinguished, and then - the blizzard is gone, and all three of them are in the medbay.*
Starscream: *Well, Prime and Skyfire are. The Matrix is gone, but there are flickers of Starscream's ghost in the air.*

starscream, log, skyfire, optimus prime

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