Feb 01, 2008 03:29

SUNSTORM: *he wandered into the common room, very intent on one thing. Showing up Starscream.*
STARSCREAM: *stalks in right after Sunstorm* Demented clone, you have /no idea/ what you have gotten into.
SUNSTORM: No, I don't think YOU have any idea, you over inflated excuse for a jet.
SUNSTORM: *wanders over towards the other side*
SKYFIRE: *follows the two seekers in, wings drooping and mentally resigned to the impending disaster*
RATCHET: *he followed shortly thereafter, knowing this was not going to end well, and he might be needed*
BLASTER: *He's amused by all this- sprawled out in a chair- watching with amusement*
SARAH: -heads into the common room, simultaneously looking forward to and dreading whatever the outcome will be-
SUNSTORM: *he turned and leaned against the wall, waiting for Sarah to show up. He eyed Blaster and grinned.* ::I am gonna have SO much fun with this....::
BLASTER: ::I know, just don't make him lose TOO bad::
SUNSTORM: *he smirked* ::Aww, come on, this is my ONE chance, and you are telling me I can't have my fun?:: *he grinned at him*
STARSCREAM: *manifests his holo, who cracks her knuckles* I know /exactly/ what I'm doing. /You,/ ignorant demented clone, are going /down./
SUNSTORM: *he looked up as Sarah walked in* Sarah! Welcome! *he activated his own holo, reaching up and pulling his hair back into a tight pony tail* Heh, we will see about that. I bet you are gonna burn everything, arguing with me.
RATCHET: *He looked between the two and found a seat on one of the couches, sighing and shaking his head* .....
SARAH: Hey! :3
SARAH: This should be...interesting.
SUNSTORM: *he laughed* Yes, it will be.
THUNDERCRACKER: *He slips in curiously- looking around*
SUNSTORM: *he perked up at TC* Hey, TC.
THUNDERCRACKER: Sunstorm *nods*
THUNDERCRACKER: I need to talk to you later...
SUNSTREAKER: ::wanders over, interested, with popcorn::
SUNSTORM: *he nodded* Sure thing.
THUNDERCRACKER: Sunny. *He smiles a bit*
DINOBOT: *wanders in wondering what is going on.* Hello sunstorm
DINOBOT: hello Tc *head bob of greeting*
STARSCREAM: Sarah! Thanks for arbitrating my clone's humiliating defeat. *starts rifling through the kitchen, setting things up*
SUNSTORM: *his mech form sat down next to his mate, while his holo was over in the kitchen area making noise*
SUNSTORM: *he glared at Screamer* Don't you mean watching your embarrasing defeat?
SARAH: Stop bickering, you two. -laughs-
SKYFIRE: *sighs and sits down somewhere nearby, so he can watch the so-to-be-chaos clearly, waving at Sarah* Sarah! Come find a seat.
RATCHET: *he sighed again* ::Hide? Where are you? This is something you need to watch...::
THUNDERCRACKER: And...Wow, your mouth hasn't lessened any, Starscream.
IRONHIDE: ::Hmm?::
DINOBOT: *curls up beside tc*
RATCHET: ::Just....Get in here. The common room::
IRONHIDE: ::...okay.::
DINOBOT: whats going on now? or do i want to know?
SUNSTORM: *He began to pull out pans, pots, and other stuffs for zeh cooking*
STARSCREAM: What, did you think it would, TC?
RATCHET: ::I mean, unless you want to miss Sunstorm and Starscream duking it out....with cooking...::
LOVETRON 9000: *is watching from a secluded corner*
SARAH: :3 -finds herself a seat and settles down to watch-
STARSCREAM: *setting up his half of the kitchenette jealously*
THUNDERCRACKER: Of course not.
THUNDERCRACKER: Because that would be too much to hope for.
IRONHIDE: ::...I have to see this. Coming.::
SUNSTORM: *pulling out some rather nice teflon pans and pots, and setting up* So, Sarah...since you are judging...
SUNSTORM: What are we useing?
SUNSTORM: And how many dishes, and how much time?
SARAH: Ummm...I don't know...
STARSCREAM: *is using -- oh, lord, does some of that look like lab equipment?*
SARAH: Wait. Are you doing this like Iron Chef?
SUNSTORM: *he shrugged* I remember seeing something about it online...we could try it?
DINOBOT: mmm food this should be intresting
RATCHET: ::Alright, hurry up.::
SKYFIRE: *....quietly facepalms*
STARSCREAM: ...I promise I'll give it back, Skyfire, but I didn't /have/ that many Bunsen burners.
SARAH: -grins- Hmmm. One hour, and the ingredient is...powdered sugar. I didn't use all of it during Thanksgiving.
DINOBOT: hmm Iron chef has more then one jusdge *looks hopeful*
SUNSTORM: Powdered sugar...hmm....that should be interesting...
RATCHET: .....OhdearPrimus....*facepalms*
SARAH: That, and I'm in a dessert mood. -light laugh-
SUNSTORM: Desserts it is. *he grinned and began pulling out other pans*
SKYFIRE: *sighs* Good luck, Starscream. ::...and please, please, /please/ don't treat this like you did first semester chemistry class...::*private!*
STARSCREAM: Powdered sugar. Right. How many dishes? *looking around 'his' half of the kitchen speculatively*
SARAH: -thinks for a moment-
SARAH: Four.
IRONHIDE: -gets to the common room- Heh, this should be a sight.
SUNSTORM: *he nodded, pulling out ingredients and setting them aside*
RATCHET: *he looked up and waved* 'Hide, over here.
STARSCREAM: Done. */pounces/ in the general direction of the ingredients to evaluate them*
IRONHIDE: -grins, and goes to sit next to Ratchet-
SUNSTORM: *glares at Starscream when he gets too close to his side*
SUNSTORM: Back on your own side.
RATCHET: *shakes his head* They're gonna need me after this, aren't they?
STARSCREAM: Back on YOUR side. *glares right back*
IRONHIDE: More than likely. -leans on him-
SUNSTORM: I AM on my side! *yanks some ingredients over on his side more*
THUNDERCRACKER: Any one else seeing this end in utter misery?
RATCHET: *he raised his hand*
THUNDERCRACKER: *reaching down to scritch Dinobot along the spine*
SUNSTREAKER: The second, probably.
BLASTER: ...I think Sunstorm's gonna kick Screamer's aft.
BLASTER: Honestly.
DINOBOT: hmm either way i might get to eat something *arches into the scritches*
THUNDERCRACKER: Good way to look at it.
SUNSTORM: *his mech form grinned at Blaster.* Thanks for the vote of confidence, love.
BLASTER: S'not a vote, or a prediction.
BLASTER:S'a certainty.
STARSCREAM: You're a lying liar, clone! *tugs some ingredients back towards HIS side*
SUNSTORM: *he grinned, his holo glaring at Starscream. After a second, he turned away and began preparing*
SARAH: Oh god, this is going to end badly.
SUNSTORM: *will ignore! will make GOOD stuffs!*
DINOBOT: hehe perhaps I should taste test before you do human. less chance of me dieing from it then you.
RATCHET: *he sighed miserably...though, he was actually amused.*
THUNDERCRACKER: Want a front seat, Sarah?
THUNDERCRACKER: *Sliding a hand down to her*
SUNSTORM: *he turned and looked at Dino* Oh, THANKS.......
STARSCREAM: HIS food is going to end badly, you mean. *busily sorting through ingredients and giving Sunstorm's half jealous looks to make sure that Sunstorm's ingredients aren't better*
DINOBOT: was refering to starscream sunstorm. I know you would do your best not to harm the human
SARAH: That might be a good idea...no offense, guys. -to Dinobot, and crawls onto TC's palm with a smile-
SUNSTORM: *he's hiding half his ingredients from Starscream*
THUNDERCRACKER: *laughs at that, and slides his fingers carefully around her- providing her with a seat as he brings her eye level to him*
RATCHET: *chuckles at that*
THUNDERCRACKER: *So she can watch from his height- then gently slides her onto a shouldervent*
STARSCREAM: I am /not/ going to hurt Sarah, Dinobot, but if you're not careful I /am/ going to hurt /you./ *growls at his clone's holo as his mechform leans over to get a better look*
SARAH: -gets comfortable- :3
BLASTER: *Just shakes his head, watching this entire mess*
DINOBOT: *looks at the lab equipment.* mmhmm I will belive that when the lab er kitchen doesn't explode. good to have you back by teh way *grin*
SUNSTORM: *he pulled out some pecans, a big thing of flour, vanilla, butter...and then pulled out some other ingredients to be used later. He hid them from Screamer, knowing he was looking.*
IRONHIDE: -watches, amused-
SKYFIRE: *sighs, watching on with a frown*
LOVETRON 9000: >> << O.O
SUNSTORM: *he finally finished preparing, and looked at Sarah, a towel over his ingredients*
BLUESTREAK: *smells food*
BLUESTREAK: *creep, creep into common room*
BLUESTREAK: :3 *Ooh, food*
BLUESTREAK: *Creep, pause...*
SUNSTORM: So.... When ever you are ready to start the timer.
BLUESTREAK: *Huh, he sees Starscream, and Sunstorm, and Rachet. And Ironhide...and Sarah!*
BLUESTREAK: *Okies...*
BLUESTREAK: *creepcreepcreep*
STARSCREAM: *growls, and hides his own blueberries, lemons, egg whites, and several other items*
BLUESTREAK: *..and ninja five fingered discount*
BLUESTREAK: *swipes a coupla blueberries*
DINOBOT: *peers around*
DINOBOT: *head tilt*
SARAH: Alright... -looks at TC- Can you time them for me?
THUNDERCRACKER: Just tell me when, Sarah.
STARSCREAM: *SNARLS at the thief* /Try/ that again and you'll be missing a /hand./
STARSCREAM: /At best./
SUNSTORM: *he turned and looked at Screamer* HEY! Don't say that to him! *turns and offers Blue a strawberry*
SARAH: -waves at Blue, then grins- Ready?
SUNSTORM: Ready. How long?
SARAH: One hour.
SUNSTORM: Alright.
SARAH: Starscream?
STARSCREAM: Done. *nods firmly to himself*
BLUESTREAK: o_o...*glances at Starscream*
SUNSTORM: *he raised his hand to the towel, waiting&
BLUESTREAK: *snitches another anyway and DART*
SARAH: Three....two....GO.
THUNDERCRACKER: *And the big blue seeker starts timing*
SUNSTORM: *and whips off the towel and begins!@*
LOVETRON 9000: ^________^
SUNSTORM: *First up, is Pecan cookies covered in a light dusting of Powered sugar....He began mixing primary ingredients, measureing carefully. He turned and put the oven onto preheat..*
STARSCREAM: *swipes at Bluestreak as he passes and sets immediately to work*
BLUESTREAK: *<<...avoids swipe deftly...giving Screamer that big optic'ed look.* o.o
RATCHET: *sitting and watching, amused, and worried for the participants*
SUNSTORM: *he grinned at Blue, and made a mental note to save some for him*
STARSCREAM: *growls at Bluestreak, not fazed, but /not/ going to be distracted from /his/ projects*
BLUESTREAK: *Just...big...blue..wibbling..optics*
IRONHIDE: ::To Ratchet: You think any of this is gonna be edible for her?::
SUNSTORM: *he measured some flour, regular sugar and pecans into little cups, and set them aside, then put the sugar, butter and vanilla into a bowl and began mixing them*
RATCHET: ::I have no idea...I think Sunstorm's might, but...Screamer's? I don't know about that...::
STARSCREAM: *impervious. Also starts measuring out powdered sugar, sour cream, cream cheese, and heavy cream, in beakers as if they were highly dangerous substances*
THUNDERCRACKER: *Quiet seeker is Quiet- though highly amused*
SUNSTORM: *Ignores!Starscream*
THUNDERCRACKER: ::How do you think this is gonna end, Skyfire?::
SUNSTORM: *After a minute, when the mixture was a perfect, smooth texture, he began mixing in the flour and nuts slowly*
SARAH: -watches, hoping like hell she doesn't get poisoned-
STARSCREAM: *meaaaaasuring until everything is /perfectly/ right, and /then/ starts mixing it together with /vigor/*
SUNSTREAKER: ::is so taping this::
DINOBOT: *looks up at sarah. this should be most intresting to taste. by chance. are you cooking at all anytime soon?
SUNSTORM: *the mixture became thick and heavy, and he finally got it all mixed together. He turned and made sure the oven was at 375, then took out four pans with teflon on them and set them on the stove.*
SKYFIRE: *shrugs* ::If they can keep it together and follow a recipe - and other outside mechs /do not interfere/ with the contest so it actually stays /fair/, then I can see it going either way...::
SUNSTORM: *he began to pull out some of the dough, and rolled it between his palms and began making little crescents, and placing them on the pans at a regular interval*
SARAH: I might, this weekend. -smiles-
RATCHET: *he's watching both of them, an arm over 'Hide's shoulders*
THUNDERCRACKER: ::Entirely true::
SUNSTORM: *he finally got two pans filled and put them in the oven, setting the timer for 10 minutes. He then pulled out a plate of powered sugar and set it aside. He would need it later.*
STARSCREAM: *still mixing, until the entire thing is completely smooth - maybe shouldn't be using a glass stirring rod in a large beaker instead of a spatula and a bowl, but, you know, whatever works*
SUNSTORM: *he then turned to his next task: Powered sugar Pound cake*
DINOBOT: If by chance... you have any leftovers. would you be so kind?
THUNDERCRACKER: You look mad by just baking.
THUNDERCRACKER: *he kinda feels sorry for Skyfire, if that's how concentrated Screamer looks during interface*
STARSCREAM: I do /not./ I'm paying /attention./ The consistency has to be /just. right./ Now shut up; I'm busy. *finally deems the cheesecake mixture to be sufficient, and starts going through the blackberries, one by one, for quality*
THUNDERCRACKER: *....Do not snicker, TC*
THUNDERCRACKER: *Seriously, do not*
THUNDERCRACKER: *...Just don't, its not kosher*
THUNDERCRACKER: *Even if Screamer DOES look like he's about to blow a fuse*
RATCHET: *he coughs, trying not to laugh as well*
SARAH: -giggles- So intense!
SUNSTREAKER: Aw, ain't he cute?
THUNDERCRACKER: He wears the same look when he's going into battle, going to talk to Skyfire- or facing down Megatron.
THUNDERCRACKER: Its the "Rawr. I'm Starscream, king of the skies" face.
STARSCREAM: *spares the hand to flip Thundercracker off*
STARSCREAM: *without looking*
SUNSTORM: *busts up in laughter, but keeps working*
THUNDERCRACKER: ...Nicely done, Screamer- but your timing was half off.
THUNDERCRACKER: *Rubbing his nose, with his middle finger - knowing Screamer will know without seeing it*
THUNDERCRACKER: *Then leans back, watching*
IRONHIDE: -knows Bad Things will happen-
SUNSTORM: *he was currently mixing cream and powered sugar together, then some lemon and vanilla flavoring..*
SKYFIRE: .....
RATCHET: *shakes his head and facepalms - for everyone.*
STARSCREAM: That's because you're not /worth/ my time, slagger. Acceptable, acceptable, inferior... *throws a blueberry - perfectly fine for all intents and purposes - over her shoulder at TC. Hard.*
THUNDERCRACKER: *completely- and utterly deadpan*
SKYFIRE: Can we keep the heckling comments to a minimum, please? *glaring*
STARSCREAM: Whoops. *just as deadpan*
SUNSTORM: *he beats in 6 eggs, one at a time, alternating with flour*
THUNDERCRACKER: Wow.. I knew you were fruity, but you didn't have to show it so literally.
THUNDERCRACKER: *Its okay, Skyfire- seriously. This is how they show their brotherhood....painfully...with thrown objects...and cursing*
THUNDERCRACKER: *And occasional medical visits*
RATCHET: *coughs, trying not to crack up*
IRONHIDE: -snorts-
STARSCREAM: *finally begins layering blueberries and cheesecake mixture into glasses! ...after measuring and weighing each layer for consistency.*
SUNSTORM: *after everything was mixed together and mixed perfectly, he poured the batter into a pan, watching it flow smoothly out and into the pan*
THUNDERCRACKER: *Primus- Screamer- could you BE more anal*
SKYFIRE: *does not CARE how you show your brotherhood, not when you are unbalancing a contest with the intent to humiliate*
SUNSTORM: *He set the bowl down and the timer went off on the cookies*
THUNDERCRACKER: *He's not trying to humiliate. Screamer's too good at repartee's for that*
THUNDERCRACKER: *He's just teasing him, he hasn't seen wingmate in a -while-*
SKYFIRE: *alas, does not care. <3*
THUNDERCRACKER: *Cheerup, Skyfire- Screamer can take care of himself.*
IRONHIDE: ::Everyone but Screamer and Sunstorm: You think he knows that lab equipment isn't meant for cooking? -amused-::
THUNDERCRACKER: *TC loves you too*
SUNSTORM: *he went over and pulled the cookies out, and grabbing the sugar and dusting them with a coating of white powdered sugar*
THUNDERCRACKER: *do not know
SUNSTORM: *it looks like snow!*
SUNSTREAKER: *I don't think so.*
RATCHET: ::I am waiting for Screamer to break something and get glass everywhere in his food.::
BLASTER: :Blaster: *Is STILL amused*
BLUESTREAK: *has made off with another blueberry, and has apparently managed to ninja into Skyfire's lap*
STARSCREAM: /There./ *eyes his handiwork triumphantly* ...now the /rest/ of them. *and suddenly goes into a /flurry/ of motion, as she apparently realizes how much time she used with the parfaits*
SUNSTORM: *he prepared the oven to the next setting, 325, and waited a moment for it to cool down for the next thing*
BLUESTREAK: = *Giant lapbaby*
SUNSTORM: *he put the cookies aside to cool, and put the pound cake in the oven to cook*
SKYFIRE: *Optic brow goes UP at the Bluestreak in his lap, someone who he does not know and that really /should not be there/, and picks him bodily and sets him to the side*
RATCHET: *watches, wondering when the flour is gonna start flying*
STARSCREAM: *oven goes ON! parfaits go in FRIDGE for COOLING! things become /whipped!/ ...is he /really/ trying to make crepes, /souffles,/ and bread in what's left of his hour?*
BLUESTREAK: *looks a little hurt at this..but scuttles off*
SUNSTORM: *he's working on the lemon frosting now for the cake*
BLUESTREAK: *Finds a place to curl up under something...he was warm...bah, mean mech*
SARAH: Ooooh... -/likes/ what she sees being made-
DINOBOT: *is licking his lips. mmm the smells are tantilizing* mm sunstorm that smells good.
SUNSTORM: *yes, homemade lemon frosting*
STARSCREAM: *whisking is going on, things are rapidly going about the kitchen, and yet... and yet Starscream /still/ finds the time in her busy schedule to 'accidentally' kick Sunstorm in the back of the knee*
SUNSTORM: *he finished the frosting and covered it, setting it in the fridge*
SKYFIRE: *would be somewhat apologetic if he had not been sneaking things from the contest supplies, but he did so he isn't* *focuses back on the contest, both sides looking fairly good so far*
THUNDERCRACKER: No kicking, Screamer.
SUNSTORM: *he turned and glared at Starscream, debating flicking icing at him, but decides against it*
STARSCREAM: I have no idea what you're talking about, and who decided /you/ were the judge?
SARAH: -frowns- That wasn't fair.
THUNDERCRACKER: *He smirks just a touch*
SUNSTORM: *he turned back to his stuff...Oh, hay, Pecan Pralines.*
THUNDERCRACKER: *Wonders if Skyfire caught that since he's Mister Fair-Minded-Mech*
SKYFIRE: *blinks* While that was more then a hardly fair move, Starscream, I didn't see anyone objecting when Bluestreak interfered with the supplies.
STARSCREAM: Clone, you /know/ the ingredient was / confectioner's sugar,/ not pecans, yes? *archly, half-covered in flour*
STARSCREAM: It was an accident. Why does no one ever believe me? *lamenting*
STARSCREAM: My demented clone was in the /way./
BLUESTREAK: *glances over at Skyfire* There's a difference...between pilfering three blueberries- and kicking someone.
SUNSTREAKER: Because you're a lying liar that lies lies?
SUNSTORM: Stfu Screamer and watch a master at work.
BLUESTREAK: *his voice is soft, but its there*
RATCHET: *he was shaking his head*
BLASTER: He's hardly your clone, Starscream. First off, he's an entirely different color, secondly- an entirely different mind- and thirdly- well, his voice is less annoying. *grinning*
SKYFIRE: *gives Starscream a /look/ but continues* Perhaps, but either way you should not have done it, especially as it seems you know perfectly well you shouldn't have interfered.
SKYFIRE: *to Bluestreak*
SUNSTORM: *he pulled out the sugar, milk and marshmallows that he needed and put them in a pot, and set it to medium on the stove* *he smiled* Thank you, Love. *still concentrating*
STARSCREAM: *pauses long enough to blink at Blaster* ...Do you not know his history? He really /is/ my demented clone. Ask him.
SUNSTORM: Screamer, he knows my past..*measuring liquids*
STARSCREAM: *shrugs, and goes back to work, sending flour and sugar and things everywhere now that she's gotten into the swing of it. Everything that actually /makes it into/ the dish itself is perfectly, obsessively measured, though*

Cut here because LJ is a bitch...9.9

starscream, log, sunstorm, dinobot, bluestreak, ironhide, sarah, blaster, ratchet, thundercracker, sunstreaker

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