Log: Lab Invasion!

Jan 31, 2008 02:14

So Windcharger and Silverbolt meet up in the common room, and Silverbolt, being the nice guy that he is, shows Windcharger where Skyfire's lab is - because Windcharger proooomised to visit after Skyfire brought him in from Russia, don't you know!

Chaos and angry fliers resulted! <3! Glorious!

Windcharger: *wanders into the room, glancing around curiously before heading over to what looks like a bar*

Windcharger: Awww...

Windcharger: There isn't any energon left in here. *sad face*

Windcharger: *starts exploring the room more fully; it being just as empty of other mechs as it is of energon*

Sideswipe: *strolls in, taking a quick look around and seeing only...* ... oh.

Windcharger: *takes a little moment (or two) before he notices anyone arriving. And when he does-* Hi!

Windcharger: *quickly walks over to the red mech, grinning up at him*

Windcharger: Do you know where I can find energon?

Sideswipe: ...

Windcharger: ...no? *looks a bit disappointed*

Sideswipe: *shakes his head, looking down at him with a confused expression* No. When did... you get here?

Windcharger: Yesterday. Skyfire picked me up in Russia. *gets an OOH!-expression*

Windcharger: Do you know where his lab is?

Sideswipe: Oh, yeah! I know where it is! *hmm...*

Windcharger: Really? *instant happy, just add friendly mechs!* Can you take me there? I promised Skyfire I would drop by.

Sideswipe: ... Sure! Wouldn't wanna keep him waiting. *:/*

Windcharger: Great! *huge, happy grin*

Windcharger: Are you doing something right now?

Sideswipe: Do I look like I'm doing anything right now?

Windcharger: ...well, no.

Windcharger: But you could have been planning something?

Sideswipe: If I had something planned... *he would have been out of this conversation a while ago* I have nothing planned. *smiiile*

Windcharger: That's great too! Then you could show me, right? *look at that hopeful face...can you really crush the minibot's hope?*

Silverbolt: *Silverbolt wanders in, looking somewhat tired - it seems like whenever he comes by, it's late, but it's nice and quiet at least...*

Sideswipe: *... do you WANT him to crush it?* Yeah, yeah, I can show you. *looks up at Silverbolt and does another :/*

Silverbolt: *...but not empty. He nods to the two Autobots, smiling* Evening.

Windcharger: *Oh, but Windcharger is a happy minibot right now! Grins at Sideswipe, then at Silverbolt* G'evening!

Windcharger: ...oh! I don't think I got your names? *sheepish look*

Sideswipe: ... Sideswipe. You?

Windcharger: I'm Windcharger. *offers his hand for potential shaking, raising it pretty high up - mechs and their heighty selves*

Silverbolt: I'm Silverbolt. *He takes Windcharger's hand with a nod, glancing at Sideswipe as well* I think I've heard your names before, but it's nice to meet you both.

Windcharger: *Silverbolt? That sounded kind of familia--* Oh! You're an Aerialbot, aren't you?

Silverbolt: Yes! I am, indeed. *smiles at the smaller mech*

Windcharger: *satisfied expression* I've heard about you guys! You're pretty awesome.

Silverbolt: *Beams* Thank you! We've always tried our best, at least.

Windcharger: *borders between smug and content - with a good dash of Autobot optimism* You want to join us-- *gestures to Sideswipe* --to Skyfire's lab?

Silverbolt: *He looks from Windcharger to Sideswipe, curious* Skyfire's lab? What for?

Sideswipe: *shrugs* You don't really... need to come, if you don't want.

Windcharger: I promised him I'd come visit. *happy, thy name is Windcharger*

Silverbolt: *Tilts his head* Well... I don't think you need me along, really. Though I would think at this time he'd be recharging.

Windcharger: *aww... frowns at that* ...oh.

Sideswipe: *slight glare at Silverbolt* Well, we can always go check. Just to... be sure.

Windcharger: Really? *slight hope, there*

Sideswipe: Really. Let's, uh, let's go now!

Windcharger: *grin!* You want to come too, Silverbolt?

Silverbolt: *Blinks at the glare and looks slightly bemused as the invitation is reiterated* I... suppose? I don't have much else to do.

Windcharger: Great! The more the merrier. *does the mech equivalent of :3*

Sideswipe: Oh yeah. Woo for more. *doesn't he look SO HAPPY*

Silverbolt: *Gives Sideswipe an odd look* I'll try not to be in the way.

Windcharger: Don't worry, you're too tall. *humor, yes, that solves everything*

Sideswipe: Oh, I just remembered... I really do have somewhere else to be, so... uh, Silverbolt? Can take you. *:<*

Windcharger: Oh... *gives Sideswipe an odd look*

Silverbolt: ...I can, sure.

Sideswipe: Sorry. *:/ and he's out!*

Windcharger: Alright. *grins up at Silverbolt, looking rather hopeful now*

Silverbolt: *Shakes his head slightly and looks to Windcharger, smiling* Well, I can show you where his lab is, but I do think he'll be in his quarters.

Windcharger: *slightly disappointed* Okay. At least I'll know where it is, then.

Silverbolt: Well, it is rather late... But you never know - he might still be working? *Gives him an encouraging look and gestures to the door* Shall we?

Windcharger: Never hurts to find out, right? *grins* Lets! *walks through the door, looking up at the Aerialbot expectantly*

Silverbolt: *He walks alongside the minibot, taking a turn as they leave and walking along the corridor* I don't think I've seen you here before -- did you arrive recently?

Windcharger: Just yesterday. I came to Earth a couple of days ago, but I landed in Russia.

Silverbolt: That's... *He checks quickly* ...quite a ways away. How did you get here?

Windcharger: I got a bit distracted when I plotted in the course for landing. *tiny bit sheepish*

Silverbolt: Aaah. *Grins* That's a bit of a difference when you can't fly here - is that how you know Skyfire?

Windcharger: Yep. *happy tone* He came and picked me up.

Silverbolt: That was nice of him!

Windcharger: And I promised him I would stop by his lab later, but I forgot to ask where it was. *frown*

Silverbolt: It's not hard to find, don't worry.

Windcharger: Well, that's good. *smiles up at him*

Silverbolt: *The Aerialbot smiles in return, walking leisurely down the hallway* I think if you checked with Teletraan, you could probably download the ship layout. Not that I mind showing you at all.

Windcharger: ...oh. I forgot about that. *slightly apologetic expression* But it's always nicer to have someone show you it! The company and all, you know.

Silverbolt: *Nods* Definitely! I'm happy to help, really.

Windcharger: Really? I'd hate to keep you away from something more important just to give a newcomer the tour, but I really appreciate it! *it's impossible to not see that he really means it, from the look on his face*

Silverbolt: *rather charmed by his sincerity, Silverbolt shakes his head* No no- especially at this time of night, I'm just up with nothing else to do.

Windcharger: *flashes another smile to the taller Autobot, genuinely happy and content* I suppose there's always recharging? But then again, I'm not recharging either, so I can't really accuse you of anything - although 'accuse' is maybe not the right word to use. *why yes, he is a wordy minibot*

Silverbolt: *Quietly amused, Silverbolt shrugs* I suppose, yes, but I didn't quite feel like it yet.

Windcharger: Yeah, I know the feeling. *wryly. After all, he was awake as well* Are you always awake at this hour? I usually am, but I think that's because I was originally tuned in with Russia's clock; did you know there's several hours difference between the different countries? Strange, isn't it? You'd think it would be easier to have the same time everywhere, but then again humans seems to be a bit backwards sometimes. *muses*

Silverbolt: They really do; maybe it's an organic thing. *He offers, somewhat thoughtfully, and apparently not put off by the minibot's wordiness*

Windcharger: *gives a somewhat surprised glance up at Silverbolt* Oh! That's a good point. Organic things are weird. I mean, they don't even have access to subspace, how inconvenient is that? ...can't survive subspace either. *that last part is rather mumbled* I mean, where else would they keep all their stuff? Flesh pockets? Sorta like the... kangaroo? or something.

Silverbolt: *Gives Windcharger a curious look* Like a what? And what did you do?

Windcharger: I read about it on the humans' internet while I was waiting for Skyfire to come. Russia is on the other side of the planet, you know! So it takes some time to get there. And it's like... a hopping animal? You could probably run a search on it if you want to know more about it. It has this flesh pocket thing it keeps its sparklings in, though I suppose it could use it to store food and such in as well. That would be the smart thing to do, anyway. *again, a frown. Animals weren't that smart, from what he'd gathered. He shrugs it off, though, recalling the other question (oddly enough, perhaps)* ...what I did? Huh?

Silverbolt: How did you find out they can't survive subspace? *He glances at Windcharger apologetically* I'm used to my brothers; they try things before thinking them through first., sometimes

Windcharger: *a mix between guilt and sheepishness settles on him* ...I sorta put a little creature in one of my 'space compartments to get a better look at it later, and when I took it out again it was...definately deactivated. Dead, I mean. *grimaces at the memory* It made a mess on the rest of the things I had in that compartment, too. I spent probably an hour cleaning them off properly. At least there was plenty of snow there, which helped a lot, let me tell you. I just hope nobody will notice those bare patches. *thoughtful sound* You think they would be mad if they found out?

Silverbolt: Who would? *thinking about it, and leisurely searching kangaroos around the stream of chatter as they still walk towards Skyfire's lab*

Windcharger: ...I don't know. Prime or the humans or someone like that? Some mechs hates it when you mess around with the local fauna and animals, you know.

Silverbolt: You didn't mean to, and you won't do it again, right? *Silverbolt smiles encouragingly* So I don't think they will.

Windcharger: Of course I won't! *horrified expression* Do you know how terrible it was to clean all that stuff? I even had to throw some of it away! And I think the critter was hurt, too. ....sure looked like it, at least.

Silverbolt: You didn't mean to, though, at least. I'm not sure I would have thought of it either, in the same situation.

Windcharger: No... I didn't. I was just curious and didn't want to have to catch it again. And I was really bored, there wasn't that much to do where I landed. Had to do something, right?

Silverbolt: *Nods* I can see why. How long did it take Skyfire to fetch you back?

Windcharger: *searches his memory files* ...a long time? *grins*

Silverbolt: Then I could understand you getting bored! *grins back*

Windcharger: Right! *gives Silverbolt a friendly pat/punch on the... well, thigh. Minibots aren't that big*

Silverbolt: *beams! And then looks up the hallway, pointing to the large (nearly cargo-bay-like) doors* And here we are.

Windcharger: *whips his attention to the doors, almost bouncing in excitement* You think we can look inside? To check if he's there or not?

Silverbolt: I... think so? I don't know if he has security set up, like some of the others... *He looks at the doors thoughtfully, not entirely certain*

Windcharger: Only one way to find out, isn't it? *mischievous expression*

Silverbolt: *He glances at the minibot somewhat dubiously* I suppose so...

Windcharger: *grin is so big it's almost splitting his head in two* Great! *looks at the doors, pondering a bit before taking a step forwards, pushing the keypad to see if it's unlocked*

Starscream: *bing! The door, it opens!*

Skyfire: *Skyfire shall be kicking himself for that, soon enough too*

Windcharger: *beams up at Silverbolt* Lucky!

Starscream: *do they dare enter the environs? do they??*

Windcharger: *Windcharger has nothing if not courage! (And impulsiveness.) He sticks his head through the doors, body soon following*

Windcharger: *...and you can bet he is fascinated by all the things he sees*

Silverbolt: *The Aerialbot doesn't look terrifically comfortable with barging in, despite the lack of a lock* Is he there?

Windcharger: Let's find out? *glances over his shoulder at Silverbolt*

Skyfire: *and into Skyfire's private lab they go, though the shuttle doesn't seem to be around at the moment - at least, not that they can see. But there is /indeed/ a lot of interesting stuff lying about*

Silverbolt: *Wandering in behind the minibot, he fidgets his wings uncomfortably, keeping hands to himself*

Skyfire: *Lab equipment - glass beakers and vials and containers filled with a multitude of colored chemicals; half-finished looking devices and datapads filled with schematics; even what appears to be a half-completed space craft, taking up a full third of the huge docking bay-turned-lab*

Windcharger: *forgets about both Skyfire and the Aerialbot as his optics land on the vials full of color, and he wanders over to the shelf they're standing on, reaching out to tap the glass carefully*

Skyfire: *Apparently not carefully enough, as the vial stand wobbles dangerously at the tapping - hope that's a stable mixture, and not something like, say nitroglycerine...*

Windcharger: *frantic look - oops, he did it again? Grabs the glass, trying to stabilize it*

Skyfire: *The vial makes a glassy squealing sounding as it's grabbed. Not so tight, clumsy-paws - you'll crack the glass!*

Silverbolt: *Looking at something else, Silverbolt wonders why they're still in there - this isn't really a good idea* Windcharger--

Silverbolt: *at the sound he glances around* What are you doing?

Windcharger: *freezes, a guilty look on his face* Nothing!

Windcharger: *unfortunately, the glass is rather slippery to his metal fingers, and it starts to slide down...until it slips from his hand altogether*

Silverbolt: That doesn't sound like nothing!

Skyfire: *SHATTER!* *the vial hits the ground, breaking and splattering the pretty red chemical all over the place...and the floor almost instantly begins to steam and smoke, the liquid fizzing on contact with the metal floor*

Skyfire: *...hope you didn't get any on yourself, Windcharger~*

Windcharger: *scrambles to catch the thing before it hits the floor, but alas. He yelps and jumps back, shaking his hand furiously. That stuff /stung!/ And it isn't stopping! Another yelp, this one slightly more panicked**

Silverbolt: Windcharger? *Starts in the direction of the minibot's yelping, worried now* Are you all right?

Windcharger: Ow, ow, ow! Stings! *looks around, there must be /something/ in here to get this slag off his hand!*

Skyfire: *ah yes. that would be the neutralizing station over in the corner next to another doorway, in bright, 'NOTICE ME' neon yellow*

Starscream: *it has a little sign under it, apparently added in a burst of irritation. 'Starscream, this means YOU.'*

Windcharger: *Oh! He sees it! Worry not, dear hand, you shall be rescued! With a speed so impressive it looks like he's almost teleporting, he gets over to the salvation of his poor limb*

Windcharger: *He's not quite sure how it works, but it's never stopped him before! Besides it should be pretty idiot-proof*

Skyfire: *there is a pull-chain, which activates the shower head, which douses the apparent victim with a dusty, yet somehow still wet cloud of neutralizing chemical. Very messy*

Windcharger: *Never a vain 'bot, either. Grabs the thing and pulls it hard, squeaking when he's covered with...dust. /Wet/ dust. Air ventilation coughs as it tries to get the stuff out of its systems*

Silverbolt: Windcharger? *Following the sounds of smaller footsteps moving further into the lab* Where are you?

Windcharger: *intakes are still coughing and sputtering, damn but that slag was even worse than the chemical he'd gotten on his hand. Which didn't hurt anymore. Great!*

Windcharger: *stage-whispers* I'm here!

Silverbolt: *Follows the commotion and gives the mini-bot a look as he finally find him again* What happened?

Windcharger: *has an embarrassed air to him* I knocked over a vial.

Starscream: *What Windcharger and Silverbolt don't know is that the lab? Is connected directly to Skyfire and Starscream's living quarters. /Very/ directly. You have disturbed them; they /hope you're happy./ Well, no they don't.*

Starscream: *A wild Starscream appears! He is... 'disheveled' is probably the best word for it, fans working overtime and wingflaps fully extended.*

Starscream: WHAT in the PIT are you doing here? *This is to poor Silverbolt, who really doesn't deserve that glare.*

Silverbolt: *If Silverbolt had a menu option for "Escape!" he would certainly use it. Unfortunately, he just stares, horrified*

Skyfire: *A /equally/ 'disheveled Skyfire appears in the doorway, turbines thumming loud and insistantly, looming over Starscream with a fairly rabid glare, waiting for an explainaaaaation. NOWPLZ*

Windcharger: *gets wide-opticked when Starscream appears, and for once keeps his mouth shut*

Silverbolt: I-- Ah. *Pauses, scrambling for an explanation, raising his hands in front of him plaintively*

Starscream: /Why/ is Skyfire's benzo-diethylene on the floor and why in the /Pit/ can't you /knock?/ *no, Silverbolt really does not deserve this.*

Silverbolt: We were looking for Skyfire!

Skyfire: *optic twitches* Well you've obviously found me. *pause* ....you and WHO now?

Skyfire: *this is not the voice of a Happy Shuttle*

Windcharger: *Uh oh. Slinks forwards where he can actually be seen, grinning at the two newly-appeared mechs* Hi?

Silverbolt: *glances at the minibot, then back at the interrupted lovers* ...He just wanted to know where your lab was.

Starscream: *STARES down at the minibot* /You./

Skyfire: *actually /twitches/ at the sight of Windcharger. In his lab. /Windcharger/ is in his lab. This does not make Unhappy Shuttle HAPPY again, nonono*

Skyfire: ...So you showed him where my lab was...and walked right on in, then? *optics narrow, and his turbines are not making 'Do Me' sounds any more - more like 'Urge to kill, RISING' sounds...*

Windcharger: *keeps up that grin, putting an heroic effort into it* Zombie-'Con! *can't help but say it when he recognizes Starscream for who he is (with)*

Silverbolt: *Stares at Windcharger now, in an "OMP, what are you DOING?" sort of way*

Starscream: /You./ *repeats himself, in ominous tones of /doom/* Have you figured out basic facts of life yet, like 'don't knock over Skyfire's benzo-diethylene' and 'don't touch his harness straps'?

Windcharger: *Sheesh, hadn't the mech gotten over the harness-thing already? Talk about being grouchy!* It was an accident!

Skyfire: .....He knocked over my benzo-diethylene? *quiet rage, thy name is Skyfire today. Enjoy your stay*

Windcharger: You really should secure your dangerous chemicals better, you know.

Windcharger: And I didn't have a choice with the harness!

Windcharger: I asked if I could get out of them, but Skyfire wouldn't let me.

Starscream: So you kept /touching them?/

Starscream: And you don't even know /why/ this might be a problem?

Windcharger: *tilts his head, giving the Seeker a good You're Weird expression*

Skyfire: *And Skyfire's wing twitch back aggressively with that one* ...Excuse me? "You really should secure your dangerous chemicals better"? I wouldn't /have/ to if /certain mechs/ wouldn't come poking around in people's private labs. *glares at the pair of them*

Skyfire: You should /know better/ then to mess with chemicals you nothing about. *indigant scientist lecture mode!*

Starscream: /This/ is why, you /idiot./ *spins and slides his hand between the panels of Skyfire's wings, where his cargo compartment collapses into, and /pulls/ on a handful of straps, tugging them out of their storage space*

Silverbolt: *Squeaks and claps his hands over his optics*

Skyfire: */yelps/ and cuts off in the middle of his building rant, knees going weak as he flails for the door frame, trembling; wings shuddering and head tilting back with a loud, broken moan*

Starscream: *lets go of the straps, letting them retract back into Skyfire's storage* I rest my /case./ *GLARE at minibot*

Windcharger: *entire face is a pretty good impression of the ':o' emoticon* Guess you weren't kidding about about the turbo-rabbit thing.

Silverbolt: That was unnecessary!

Windcharger: *mostly looks fascinated by the whole scene, though*

Skyfire: *mewls in disappointment when Starscream lets go, intakes panting as he keeps clinging to the door frame, legs too shaky to support himself without it*

Starscream: I think it was /perfectly/ necessary to demonstrate my point. Now. You know where Skyfire's lab is. You have seen it.

Starscream: Silverbolt, unless you need something that can't wait... *eyes Skyfire* ...five minutes, then both of you are /done here./

Windcharger: *wonders if it's just Starscream that can provoke such a reaction from the airbus, or if it's all tugging on the straps. Purely platonic thinking, of course*

Starscream: *would, if he knew where Windcharger's thoughts were going, invite him to try so that he could have the pleasure of turning the minibot into /puree./*

Windcharger: *has the ability to turn mechs into metal splinters, so he wouldn't be afraid*

Windcharger: ...isn't that inconvenient? *thoughtfully*

Starscream: OUT.

Skyfire: *trembles slightly as he finally steadies himself, wings shakily relaxing bit by bit as he turns to focus a fuzzy glare at the other two mechs /for some reason/ still in the room*

Windcharger: ...only inconvenient when they're out? *puzzled*

Silverbolt: ...Windcharger, let's please just -go-?

Starscream: ...Silverbolt, take him and get out of here. I have a shuttle to overload. *gestures imperiously towards the door*

Skyfire: *optic twitches at the question, but he refuses to dignify it with a response at the moment. ..Or likely /ever/*

Silverbolt: *Grimaces and shakes his head slightly, but does turn to usher Windcharger away* Come on, let's leave them.

Windcharger: *glances up at Silverbolt, noticing the Aerialbot's discomfort*

Windcharger: ...alright.

Windcharger: My poor optics can't take the sight. *jokingly*

Starscream: You only /wish/ you had it so good. /Out./ /Now./ *stalking forward, /definitely/ going to lock the door behind them*

Skyfire: *turbines make ANGRY!THRUMM as the minibot further entrenches himself in that hole he's been digging*

Windcharger: *What hole? Gets the hint, surprisingly enough, maybe (he's not a stupid mech, really), and starts moving towards the doors*

Silverbolt: *Doesn't look back as he grimly follows the minibot away*

Starscream: *probably for the best that he doesn't look back, because Starscream is stalking /after/ them, with intent to close the door and possibly BOLT IT DOWN behind them*

Windcharger: *would perhaps have gotten the feeling of being stalked by an angry hen, or a mother-moose if he was so inclined, instead he just quickens his steps and hurries out*

Skyfire: *watches Starscream's progress with narrowed, expectant optics, still leaning against the door*

Silverbolt: *Is relieved to step out and just barely glances back a moment before the doors shut behind them, feeling less bad, but a bit frazzled*

Starscream: *SLAMS DOOR*

Starscream: *there is the distinctive sound of locks being primed.*

Windcharger: *jumps at the unnecessarily hard slam, shooting a slightly bemused look at the door, then peering up at Silverbolt*

Windcharger: ...oops? *hopeful grin*

Silverbolt: *Gives him a frustrated look* Next time, no poking around in other mechs' laboratories.

Windcharger: *expression falters* ...I didn't mean to.

Silverbolt: I know. *Sighs* It's all right, no permanent harm done.

Windcharger: ...hope not. *takes a better look at his hand, where some of the metal has been eaten away by Skyfire's positively lethal vial-contents* I should go to the washracks.

Skyfire: *and only a few moments after the door closes, there is a loud /bellow/ from back inside the lab, quite easily hear from outside and obviously signaling a certain shuttle's too-long-denied overload*

Silverbolt: *ignores~* Probably a good idea.

Windcharger: *odd stare at the door, before snickering*

Silverbolt: I think I should go attempt recharge again. *He smiles faintly at Windcharger*

Silverbolt: I would give them a couple of days to cool down before you try another visit.

Windcharger: *nods* I think so too.

Windcharger: *long stare at the Aerialbot before hesitantly asking*

Windcharger: ...are all fliers this...tetchy?

Silverbolt: *He pauses a moment, but ultimately shakes his head* No, not all of them. But... a great number of them do seem to be.

Windcharger: Hmm... You all seem a bit grumpy to me. Not you, though!

Silverbolt: *Shrugs slightly* I like to be friendly, rather than not.

Windcharger: *smiles up at him* Me too!

Windcharger: ...I just get a bit TOO friendly sometimes, I think. *and he frowns*

Skyfire: *bellow eventually turns into a higher shriek of pleasure, just barely able to be heard from this far away - but still hear it they /do/*

Silverbolt: *Trying to ignore it, he begins walking away from the lab, though not at a pace to leave Windcharger behind*

Windcharger: *another, short stare at the store at the sound, but he follows the other 'bot without too much hesitation, listening to other mechs was fun and all, but they'd probably slag him for /sneaking./

Silverbolt: *The Aerialbot pauses at the next hallway juncture, giving Windcharger a tired smile*

Silverbolt: Do you need directions to the washracks as well?

Windcharger: *...how long had the Aerialbot been looking so tired?* Naah. I'll figure it out. *flashes a grin* It'll be like a tiny adventure!

Silverbolt: *Nods* Just be careful?

Windcharger: Don't worry, I'll be fine. *is confident that he will be, too*

Starscream: *stalks back across the lab after that very satisfying doorslam, towards Skyfire*

Skyfire: *rumbles with relief at the /locked/ door - /and/ most certainly at the approaching seeker* ...Primus damn I'm going to change those locks...

Starscream: In a bit. *stalking back across the room, wings held high* Hang on to that door, Skyfire, because you're going to /need/ to. *presses himself up against Skyfire, and slides /both/ hands into Skyfire's wings, rubbing over ceiling panels and pulling at straps*

Skyfire: ..oh holy primus... *it's all he's able to get out before he arches sharply against the door frame, clinging with twitching limbs as he overloads right then and there, bellowing with the force of it*

Starscream: /Mine./ *hisses, tugging harder* Mine, mine, /mine.../

Skyfire: *sags against the door, knees failing, the wall between his legs the only thing keeping him up as his bellow turns into a higher shriek of pleasure, overload /continuing/ with the rougher treatment of his straps*

Starscream: I know... I /know/ you're still overloading, Skyfire... *croons, low and rough, drawing his claws over the straps lightly* You sound so /good/ this way...

Skyfire: */sobs/ at Starscream's words, spark continuing to flare almost to the point of pain with his drawn-out overload, wings rattling so bad he feels as though he could come apart at the seams, and /gladly/ at that* Ahh- Sstarscre-! *frantically paws at the wall, metal beginning to buckle with the force*

Starscream: Mmhmm... I wonder how long I can keep you overloading /just/ from this... *purrs, stroking the metal that becomes Skyfire's cargo bay ceiling panels*

Skyfire: *vocalizer cuts out as those ridiculously sensitive panels are stimulated, optics burning white as he trembles violently, intakes roaring at full throttle; unable to arch back any further into the touch as his overload continues, /hard/ and /powerful/...Before his optics flicker out and he goes limp, off-lined from the force of the extended overload, spark spent and dim*

Starscream: ...Apparently /that's/ how long. *thrumming hard, smugly supporting Skyfire's descent to the floor and perching in his lap, expectant of rebooting*

Skyfire: *intakes continue to howl even as he's limp on the ground, processor clicking faintly as it sluggishly reboots, body exhausted and even a little bit strained from the extended overload - mostly from the excessive amount of force he was applying to the door frame. Finally, with a quiet little 'whirr' sound, Skyfire comes back online, optics flickering and blinking up and Starscream dimly* ...nnh?

Starscream: *squirms on Skyfire's lap, claws digging into his shoulders just a little* /There/ you are again... *thrums*

Skyfire: nhh? Mmmm, S'scream... That was... /Mmmhmm/..! *rumbles drunkenly below Starscream, armor twitching where Starscream's claws come in contact with him*

Starscream: I know... *thrums, wriggling more up against Skyfire*

Skyfire: *purrs, nuzzling back at Starscream contentedly* ...You want me to return the favor? *low rumble*

Starscream: Oh, /yes.../ *arches up against Skyfire, spreading his wings invitingly*

Skyfire: *sits up a bit and thrums at the sight of those wings, brushing a hand down the leading edge...and pressing the other up against Starscream's knee with a smug little grin*

Starscream: *wails, raggedly, the openings to that landing gear panel clicking locked and unlocked over and over, almost fluttering in anticipation* /Evil mech,/ Skyfire...

Skyfire: I thought that was supposed to be /you/, Starscream? *smirks, pressing a little bit harder at the edges of the panel, even as he idly traces the /inside/ of the thruster rim now* ...You going to let me in, Starscream? *picks at the edges of the locking/unlocking landing gear panel playfully*

Starscream: *makes a garbled little whimpering noise* Mmhm... *tries to leave the panel unlocked for Skyfire, and - well - succeeds for a few moments before it flutters closed again*

Skyfire: *stares for a moment before chuckling quietly, giving the panel a caressing pat* Mhmmm... Starscream. You want it that bad...? You're already so tense and ready, love... *purrs and leans over, pressing his face down almost all of the way to Starscream's knee with a knowing smirk, before /licking/ along one of the panel seams*

Starscream: */wails,/ staticky and harsh, as he arches back and presses his calf up against Skyfire's lips and glossa*

Skyfire: Mmm... feels good? You look like you think does... *rumbles, smirking against the panel metal as he grasps at the back of Starscream's leg with a hand, fingertips working into the joints and cables at the /back/ of Starscream's knee as he /slowly/ traces the other panel seam lines, working his glossa in the gap where it /should/ open up at as much as he can*

Starscream: I-i-it does, /Primus/ Skyfire /please-/ *shrieks, the panel coming unlocked again for good this time after that... demonstration of intent*

Skyfire: Mhmm. Thought so. I love being able to make you /sound/ like that. *growls and pries the panel open with only his glossa and dentals, briefly pressing a kiss to the inside of the panel before focusing on the folded landing gear... and running his glossa through the treads in the tire before even pulling it out of the compartment*

Starscream: *wails, stuttering and thrashing in Skyfire's arms, claws scraping down the shuttle's chest as he overloads abruptly* /Skyfire!/

Skyfire: *Grins against the tire, head tilted so he can watch Starscream's expression as he overloads. Slowly, he opens his mouth and lightly /bites/ down on a section of tread, tightening his jaws just enough to squeeze and compress the rubber, still running his glossa along it, humming with amused pleasure*

Starscream: *makes garbled noises, his claws finding crevices in Skyfire to hook into and hold on so tight the servos in his arms creak*

Skyfire: *groans quietly when Starscream's claws brush up against some of his internals but continues nipping at Starscream's tire, slowly turning it to clamp down on a new section of thread every few moments. Eases his free hand down into the compartment enough to slowly pull out the landing gear with 'click', mouth only loosing contact for a moment before he continues his ministrations*

Starscream: *keeps making noise, arching back against Skyfire's mouth as much as he can* *screams again, high and broken, when Skyfire finally /actually/ pulls out his landing gear, his intake fans roaring as he /still/ keeps overloading*

Skyfire: */shudders/ with the sounds Starscream is making, his own intakes rumbling back to life in appreciation* *Presses shorter, harder little bites along the tire, threads all along it getting attention as he threads his fingers through the relatively spindly mechanics of the landing gear arm itself, brushing control cables and compressing the shock absorbers with a hiss of metal on metal*

Starscream: *tightens his grip on Skyfire spasmodically with each little bite, making choked noises as his systems stress drives him ever-closer to offlining /entirely/*

Skyfire: *chuckles against Starscream's tire, making it spin lazily as he continues to play along the treads, running his glossa along the little crevasses between them once more, and squeezing the exposed lines in the landing gear assembly* ::That's right, Starscream. It feels so good, doesn't it? I can feel you shaking. You look so slagging /gorgeous/ right now, in the middle of overloading for me…/So gorgeous/...:: *croons over the comm, smirking against the tire as he frees a hand and reaches over to Starscream's /other/ knee, pawing lightly at the panel cover*

Starscream: *and - that's it, Starscream is /gone,/ just at the /implication,/ all his systems ticking over and sending him /offline/ with the intensity of it*

Skyfire: *chuckles fondly against the tire, parting away from it with one last lap of his glossa along its surface, pulling the slumped seeker into his arms loosely and rumbling his turbines against him, stroking his helm as he waited for him to come back online, grinning smugly*

Starscream: *after a few long moments, Starscream's systems sputter back to life, his claws un-clamping from Skyfire and falling to pet along his shuttle's sides or whatever's closest* ..../mmmm..../

Skyfire: 'Mmmm' indeed. Welcome back, love. Did I 'return the favor' well enough for your liking? *purrs, pressing a lingering kiss to Starscream's helm and resting a hand on the tire of his still-open landing gear*

Starscream: *laughs shakily, squirming a little under the persistent touch to his landing gear* Mmm... A repeat experiment might need to be done. When it wouldn't fritz me out /entirely.../

Skyfire: Oooh /yes/... This is a hypothesis that surely must be repeated, for the sake of thoroughness, of course. *croons back, giving the tire a flick of a finger to set it spinning, before easing the entire assembly back into the compartment, closing it with a snap and a fond caress* ...For science, and all that. *smirks*

Starscream: *wriggles on Skyfire's lap as he flicks that wheel* ...we /like/ science.

Skyfire: That we /do/...*leans over for a quick kiss that easily becomes more lingering* So. Perhaps we could continue this /experiment/ back inside? *intakes give an anticipatory rumble as he looks about the lab significantly* ...after I toss some neutralizing chemicals on that mess over there. *dryly, referring to the still-bubbling puddle of spilled benzo-diethylene*

Starscream: ...well, /I/ say whatever's on the floor beneath us can take care of it. *tugs Skyfire back towards their quarters*

Skyfire: ....Oh very well. *follows with only a token amount of resistance, /locking/ the door behind them...and /gleefully/ pouncing Starscream in the general direction of the berth*

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)
...Whoops.  Did we forget to mention Starscream's landing gear kink?  Yeah.  He has one.  HIS EROGENOUS ZONE IF THERE EVER WAS ONE. <3

starscream, silverbolt, log, skyfire, sideswipe, windcharger

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