Log - Skyfire and Windcharger

Jan 23, 2008 10:26

Skyfire: *Skyfire, having managed to get away from the base without incident, flies high overhead up in the stratosphere, above the clouds. And its /nice/ to be up in the air again - he doesn't even mind that he's been called on as an cargo-ship yet /again/. It's a relief to get back to normalicy. ...As normal as things can be with the matrix of his semi-dead partner resting in his cockpit, anyway. Still, he's here to pick up an old camrade, and it gives Skyfire an chance to fly again, so he's momentarily content. And for him, it's a merely a quick flight-jump away over to Russia, so he is rapidly closing in on Windcharger's last-known location*
Windcharger: *has moved away from the coordinations he sent, being distracted by things he thought he saw, things he actually DID see, and the urge to find out how fast this terrain would let him go. Still, it's such a barren landscape that it's fairly easy to spot him, even if he is currently zooming around, laughing and squealing from the low friction.*
Skyfire: *Flies down low, back through the clouds and pings the area Windcharger is /supposed/ to be, with no luck. Still, the shuttle isn't blind, and his sensors do quickly catch sight of both him, and the faint snowy cloud his explorations are kicking up*
::Windcharger? To you read me?::
Windcharger: *skids to a halt, or at least he tries to, the ground is a bit too slipper for that, so he slides across the snow with a big shower of frozen water* :: Skyfire, is that you? I read you loud and clear, buddy! ::
Skyfire: *roars on overhead with a blast of his thrusters, /very carefully/ scanning the ground to make sure he is putting down on just iced-over solid rock, rather then a ice-covered liquid. He has no intentions of repeating certain past experiences, thank you*
::Of course. It's certainly not Astrotrain, at least:: *laughs quietly and circles around low, transforming mid-air and dropping down to earth a safe distance from Windcharger with an icy 'crunch'*
Windcharger: *transforms and gets up, watching the flier with curious interest. Having thrusters as big as those must be a fun experience, he thinks, imagine how fast he could go if he had some of his own!* :: Isn't a railway nearby, so why should /he/ come? :: *walks closer - with some difficulty, the snow and ice wasn't that easy to navigate through when you were a minibot, grinning up at the other Autobot*
Skyfire: *Frowns and steps toward Windcharger, shaking the crunched-up ice off his thruster-feet one at a time, never mind the fact that the ice is mostly melting on contact with them - he still /does not like it/. Looks down at the minibot and smiles, nodding in greeting* Windcharger. It's been awhile. And Astrotrain is still a shuttle - he could have been assigned the task of picking you up if I hadn't responded first.
Windcharger: *makes a face - he didn't have too much love stored away for the triplechangers, cocky little slaggers they were* Shuttles are too big-afted, they'd go through the ice and get stuck.
Skyfire: *stands up straighter at that, frowning and crossing his arms, turbines given an angry little rev - well, little for him. It proabably sounds pretty damn loud to the minibot*
Hnn. Yes. This 'big-afted shuttle' actually /does/ know all about that, thanks. *thick with annoyed sarcasm*
Windcharger: *oh snap! That's right, Skyfire was a shuttle too! He stares up, way up, at Skyfire with a horrified expression, which is helped along by the noises the other is making* But your big aft is so much nicer than Astrotrain's! *that may have come out a bit wrong, but Windcharger's mind is too stirred up to notice*
Skyfire: *optic twitches* Why /thank you so much/. I've always wanted to have my BIG AFT compared to someone else's. *more sarcasm there. Good job, you've managed to genuinely insult your rescuer in under five minutes, Windcharger.*
Windcharger: *voice is full of apology and confusion and maybe a bit of stress* I didn't! Your aft is unique! Truly one of a kind! Number one in its class! *he might be rambling a bit, too, engine going into a whine*
Skyfire: *frowns and shakes his head at the rambling, but his turbines stop growling at least. Seems like the slagging little minibot didn't mean anything by it* Alright, alright already! Primus... *holds a hand out, waving him off. He still somewhat annoyed by the slip, but he's not angry anymore*
Windcharger: *screeches to a verbal halt* ...okay. *sounds subdued, he really hadn't meant anything by that one comment! Offers a sheepish grin to the mucj bigger Autobot*
Skyfire: *rolls his optics but relaxes his stance. He'll get over the slip soon enough, once his residual annoyance fades* ...Are you ready to leave then?
Windcharger: Yes I am! Completely ready to go, I was done preparing before you came so I started to drive around a bit, which was sort of hopeless at first but then it got better. *frowns a bit at that.*
Skyfire: Ah. Well then. *Nods lightly - he can somewhat understand the lack of decent driving conditions due to the much-hated ice - and transforms without further delay, cargo bay doors opening and engines revving up, prepping for takeoff* ::Climb on in then. And shake off your wheels before entry, please. I don't /like/ slush in my insides, thanks.::
Windcharger: Alright! *brightly said, and then makes his way over to the cargo doors, giving himself a good and thorough (and probably needlessly dramatical) shake before stepping inside, sitting down on a seat - or something resembling a seat, at least*
Skyfire: *there are seats! And seatbelts/harnesses too!* ::Thank you. And I'd recommend strapping in. The lift off will be rather sharp::
Windcharger: *isn't sure whether to to speak out loud or use the comm, but decides it would make him feel like talking to himself too much to use the former* :: As you say, Captain! :: *fastens himself securely with the harness/belt, humming some random tune afterwards*
Skyfire: *It doesn't matter to him which way he speaks, though he can hear (and /feel/, though that is /not/ for anyone other then Starscream to know,) everything that goes on in his cargobay. And once he can tell that Windcharger is safely locked in, thrusters go BOOM and he is up into the air*
Windcharger: *It might be a very good thing that Windcharger is strapped in, seeing as he would most likely go around and prod at things that caught his optics' interest. Grins as Skyfire takes off, the forces involved with takeoff with those kinds of thrusters are always fun, especially when there's a distinct lack of screaming and shots being fired. He taps the seat he's sitting on with his fingers, still humming*
Skyfire: *So it IS a very good thing that Windcharger is strapped in. Skyfire might feel a need to roll about if the minibot started /touching/ things* ::You all right back there, then?:: *as soon as he can, Skyfire is shooting straight up into the air to gain some altitude and streaking up through the clouds*
Windcharger: *of course, that doesn't mean that the minibot will stay /completely/ still. He looks around the cargobay curiously, up the walls and the ceiling and basically everywhere, a little outcrop above him with a strap catching his attention* :: I'm just peachy! :: *reaches up, straining a bit to grab it, and gives it an experimental tug*
Skyfire: *makes a funny 'urk' sound and jerks in the air as Windcharger grabs ahold of one of his rarely-used auxillary straps - and 'rarely used', means they are far too sensitive for his own liking* ::Ack! Windcharger! Let /go/ of that please!:: *voice goes a tad bit high*
Windcharger: *Now, that jerk was uncomfortable, and made his gyros go bananas, as well as making him give the strap another, harder pull in reaction to the unfamiliar lurch in the sky. He lets go of it in a flash when he hears his name though, a slightly guilty grin settling on his face. He knows he can be a bit...distracted, sometimes* :: Sorry! :: *ponders a bit on that tone, though. Had it hurt?*
Skyfire: *Skyfire only jerks worse with the second tug, of course; his wings trembling a little as his engine gives an involuntary rev* ::Don't. /DO that/. PLEASE.:: *grates out, voice now a bit thicker then usual*
Windcharger: *flails, what was going on?? He stares wide-opticked at the opposite wall, clenching his fingers around his harness* :: What's going on? Are you having trouble flying? :: *sounds worries, for all he knew they were under attack*
Skyfire: *Oooooh he and Starscream should /never/ have started using his harness straps to make their deep-space travels less /boring/-! He /knew/ in the back of his mind it was only going to lead to trouble!* ::I'm /fine/. Thank you. We are flying /just. fine/.:: *if he was in his robot mode, his teeth would be clenched at this point*
Windcharger: *doesn't miss the curtness in Skyfire's replies. Had he done something to make the other angry? Maybe the flier was still upset about the big aft thing. He makes an unhappy grimace* :: Your aft isn't that big, you know. I bet all sorts of mechs wants to touch it. :: *sounds a bit embarrassed, as well as hopeful for forgiveness*
Skyfire: *intakes sigh a bit, and as Windcharger isn't tugging on anything anymore, he can relax a bit* ::That's fine, Windcharger. It's alright. That's not the problem.:: *vaguely apologetic...and a bit hesitant. He doesn't exactly /want/ to talk about why his straps are so slagging sensitive, after all*
Windcharger: :: Then what is? A bird fly into one of your turbines? :: *when things have his attention, he's loathe to let it go (unless something else distracts him), and he's worried that they might fall down and die horrible in a planecrash. Or get badly bulked, at least*
Skyfire: ::What? No no, nothing like that...:: *Thankfully, just holding on to the strap doesn't do much of anything, so Skyfire relaxes even more and his flight levels off completely*
Windcharger: :: So everything's ok? :: *he gets a bit bored after a little while though, there isn't much to DO in an empty cargobay when you're strapped down, and since Skyfire has stopped jumping around, his concerns fade away. Absently, he starts giving the harness itself little tugs, thinking about the pretty lights in the nightsky*
Skyfire: *Aaaand Skyfire tenses up again, but manages to avoid jerking around this time. The harnesses are sensitive, but not /that/ sensitve.../really/. We swear. >>* ::Yes. I'm..fine.:: *Oh hey! The shuttle has an idea* ::...Are you bored back there, then, or something?::
Windcharger: *keeps giving the straps little tugs, most likely in time with some song in his head* :: Hmm? Why you ask? ::
Skyfire: *shifts his wing flaps tensely* ::Oh...just a hunch. Would you like to...see outside or something?::
Windcharger: *is more or less dancing in his seat now, hands having let go to do some moves, but his body makes up for the discontinued pulling. This song was very cheerful, slaggit!* :: That would be cool! ::
Skyfire: *Thankfully, Skyfire's seats were /far/ less sensitive - more on the level of /proper/sensitivity, actually - but he still aims to distract the fidgety minibot. Who knew what /else/ he could get into on this trip? A monitor screen slowly reclines down from his ceiling, the view switching on and displaying Skyfire's own current view from the front of his shuttle mode. Quickly passing clouds and sky and approaching stars, as they were well above most of the atmosphere*
Windcharger: *curious expression as the monitor appears, leaning forwards against his harness as he watches with fascination - this wasn't exactly a view he could see THAT often. He makes little ooh's and aah's at random intervals, grinning hugely*
Skyfire: *relaxes /greatly/ with that, pleased he could do something to amuse/DISTRACT the other mech* ::...Enjoying the sights, then?:: *faintly amused*
Windcharger: *is fairly easy to distract, really, but that also means he tends to lose interest rather quickly in things* :: It's great! Fly, fly, little plane, fly away with me~! :: *sings a slightly off-key made-up-on-the-spot song, still paying attention to the screen*
Skyfire: *gives a quiet, amused chuckle at Windcharger's randomness, and turns in his flight path, tilting lightly to the side as adjusts their course - he got a bit off it eariler, with all the jerking around*
Windcharger: *it takes about 5-10 minutes before he finds out that the view is just the same thing over and over, and that it's actually kind of boring. He taps his feet on the floor, itching to be moving about and examining that one thing on the other side of the cargobay that caught his optic just minutes before, but is too unsure if he can actually get up and move around or not*
Skyfire: *The view actually changes, going from mostly space down towards the clouds, now, as he prepares to arch back down towards the ground for their destination* *And if Windcharger /asked/ to move around, Skyfire would very likely say /no/.*
Windcharger: *Well, changes /now/, at least. Clever mech, Skyfire is, although Windcharger would be very disappointed to hear that* :: Hey, Skyfire! :: *it's pretty obvious that he has a question he's burning to ask*
Skyfire: ::....yes?:: *easy question, though he is starting to want to get back and have this trip done with already*
Windcharger: :: What's base like? :: *genuinely curious, he's put some thought into that one, how it would be*
Skyfire: ::The base...? Oh, it's nice, I guess. The Arc and the Nemesis are hooked together right now, and mechs just can't get along with each other - understandable, of course - but it is good. Its better then it could be.:: *shifts downward a bit, flying through the clouds*
Windcharger: *makes a thoughtful sound* :: Wait, they don't get long? :: *mix between surprise and worry*
Skyfire: ::Well no, of course not. Not everyone does, despite the peace. Peace after millions of years of war can't change everything we went through at the hands of the other side, of course:: *matter-of-factly*
Windcharger: :: Of course not! But...not at all? :: *bit concerned about that, he's just a minibot after all!*
Skyfire: ::Well, a lot of people are /trying/ to get along. And a lot of surprising people get along. There have just been problems with infighting lately...::
Windcharger: :: Maybe they just need a little vacation? :: *light voice*
Skyfire: ::...maybe. Or we just have very differing views and it makes for deep tensions between us, no matter what we try...:: *sighs*
Windcharger: *frowns* :: Then we just have to lessen those tensions. It ain't rocket science! ::
Skyfire: ::Well, if you can come up with something where other people have failed, you're welcome to try:: *decends down lower, and actual landmarks can be seen now*
Windcharger: *somewhat distracted from the conversation by the signs of ground beneath them, this is the first time he's ever even seen this continent* :: I'll try. ::
Skyfire: ::If you can manage it. Be careful, though. A lot of mechs there won't take kindly to your attempts, I'm sure...:: *heads on down, the cities passing out of view as they come up over the more barren desert, a lone structure standing out from the dirt. Home base.*
Windcharger: :: I'll comm you if I get into any trouble. :: *jokingly said, but with a undertone of seriousness. Watches the monitor with much fascination now, eyeing his...home*
Skyfire: ::You do that. Make sure you report it if anything happens, by the way. Infighting if currently at a zero-tolerence level. ...So try not to start anything, either.:: *Flies on down lower, the ground rapidly approching. As he can't transform and land on his feet like he normally would, due his passenger, he has to make sure he has enough of an runway, so he comes in low*
Windcharger: :: I will, and won't. :: *thinks this is what you must be seeing before landing with a loud, dull thunk on the ground, metal screeching as you turn into a metal pancake. Shakes the image out of his head*
Skyfire: ::Good, and even better.:: *dryly* *passes low over the ground and his landing gear retracts with a rumble, the shuttle touching down on the ground as he passes through the faintly glowing barrier surrounding the base, slowing to a stop right in front of the Ark base doors* ::Well, here you are. And before I forget - that barrier we passed through? It's a protective sheild installed by some of the local life forms - humans, just so you know. Take care is you pass beyond it - those rogue mechs I mentioned have been spotted lurking around it lately.:: *cargo doors open up - look! natural sunlight, shining in from Skyfire's aft! Freedom, twitchy mech, Freedom for you /both/!*
Windcharger: *leans back against the wall as they land, harness keeping him from falling over* ::...barrier? Rogue mechs? :: *sounds a tad sheepish - don't tell him he had completely missed or forgotten that? Unfastens himself and gets up, walking with a bounce in his step to and through the door, shielding his optics against the waaay too bright light - he's not used to sun just yet!*
Skyfire: ::Unfortunately yes. The rouge mechs include...heh.. /demented clones/ of Prime and Megatron, both, it seems, as well as a servant of Unicron known as the Fallen. All of which are obcenely strong. So try not to get caught alone outiside the barrier. They can't pass through it, though the rest of us can.:: *waits until Windcharger is /finally/ out of the way, before transforming and streching, rarely this realived to be changing back after a mear 'cargo' run*
Windcharger: :: Clones? What? Prime and Megatron? :: *bit of oh-shit factor in there, as if one Megatron wasn't enough, they'd have to have another one? And a Prime-gone-bad? Primus. Servant of Unicron? O snap, this wasn't little stuff he'd wandered into. This was things you could really sink your dental plates into - figuratively, of course. He completely fails to pick up Skyfire's discomfort too*
Skyfire: Yes. Its all very... overwhelming, I suppose, coming in from the outside like you are on this. *starts heading on into base, idly gesturing Windcharger to follow if he wishes*
Windcharger: When you put it like that, it is. Might want to keep that in mind for the next mech you have to pick up! *sees the gesture and follows (not that he wouldn't have done that even if Skyfire HADN'T done so), quick steps as he tries to keep up with the much bigger bot*
Skyfire: *snorts* You would have found out sometime. Possibly from someone who might have found it amusing to just point you in there direction and let you find out first hand. *Sighs and leads the way in, glancing back at the minibot* ...I would think you might know your way around the Ark, at least, or do you need any other help?
Windcharger: *frowns, that would not be nice indeed. Looks up at Skyfire's face* I know the Ark. ...somewhat. Where do I report in?
Skyfire: Lately new arrivals don't seem to report in /anywhere/... Though you could just go and see Prime and check in with him. He should be in his office. As for rooms... I think if you didn't have one on the Ark before, you can check the computer to see which are available and get one.
Windcharger: They don't? ...maybe he won't mind me getting some energon before seeing him, then. *ponders a bit on that, all that fooling around in Russia had demanded a certain level of energy* And if it's free it's up for grabs?
Skyfire: The energon is usually free for grabs, and it still is, when our refinery isn't buried under a mass of /slagging Bombshell drones/, at least. So there might be a bit of a shortage, but there /should/ be some up in the common room, or a stock room somewhere.
Windcharger: Shortage? Insecticon drones? /Buried?/ *very puzzled expression*
Skyfire: *sighs and turns to explain* Our current operating refinery is onboard the Nemesis, which is currently under seige by a entire /horde/ of Incecticon drones. Which seem to have cut off the path to and from the refinery. Hence, we have a bit of a shortage at the moment. However, most mechs have energon stockpiled in their own private quarters, so it isn't a problem yet. *wry look in Windcharger's direction* ...I'm sure we can find you some somewhere.
Windcharger: *face falls as he hears this, though it brightens some at the last comment* I could help if you wanted more crew? I'm good at tossing things away! *demonstrates this by generating his trademark magnetic field, giving the flier a little lift into the air*
Skyfire: */SHOUTS/ as he's unexpectedly lifted up into the air /not/ by his own choice and thruster-power, grabbing for the wall and nearly firing his thruster's reflexively* /Holy slag/! Put me down!
Windcharger: *cuts off the feed when he hears that shout, jumping back from those BIG feet and grinning apologetically, as well as nervously, up at the shuttleplane.* Sorry! *he actually /sounds/ sorry too, he had just wanted to give Skyfire a little feel of what he meant!*
Skyfire: *settles back on his feet with a loud /thud/, straightening back up with an irritated scowl on his face. Primus, everything that minibot said or did just seemed to rub him the wrong way...* Look. Lets just get you to Prime, and I'm sure he'll tell you everything else you need to know. I'm not really the person to go to with all of this, anyway. I'm a scientist, not an officer.
Windcharger: *keeps the smile up, optic ridges knitting together and rising up, and he would've been doing a fairly good impression of a puppydog, if he had lost the grin* Alright! Prime it is, then! *pauses* Scientist, huh? What sort of science?
Skyfire: *Groans internally and begins to (quickly!) lead the way to Prime's office* I...do all types of things. I specialize in several differing scientific fields.
Windcharger: *Well, at least the mech wasn't angry anymore...? He's running to keep up, minibots aren't exactly known for their size, and Skyfire's steps a /long./* ...wait up! You're moving too fast!
Skyfire: *Stops in his tracks long enough to count to ten mentally - he is getting to the point of /needing it/ - before starting up again at a more sedate pace* ...Sorry.
Windcharger: *manages to catch up as the other is doing his counting, flashing a big grin up at him* No problem! You're just a bit bigger than what I'm used to. *waits for the other to start walking again, staying at his side when he does*
Skyfire: Hnn... Of course. *ever so sloooowly makes his way towards Prime's office, already planning on raiding his own private stash of extreme vintage energon the second he got back to his room*
Windcharger: *still walks fairly quickly, but in all honesty he's used to it so he doesn't take it that hard. He's itching to ask just what kind of scientific areas Skyfire has expertise in, but figures the way to Prime's office just isn't long enough for all the potential talk it would spawn off, and he hates leaving a conversation hanging. Still oblivious to the other's desire to run away from him* So how long have you been on Earth? *small talk is nice, yes*
Skyfire: I have been on Earth for over four months now, I believe... *And they round and corner, and low and behold, it's Prime's office!* Well, anyway, Prime's office is that door right ahead on your left, Windcharger. It was nice seeing you again, but I have a schedule to keep. I have a, uh..titration running in the lab that needs to be checked soon. Sensitive experiment. So I'll hmm, see you later then? Good luck with Prime! Bye! *said /oddly/ fast, and Skyfire is already backing off with those wide shuttle steps of his, rounding the corner and /gone/ from sight*
Windcharger: Oh! I hope I haven't kept you here for too long and ruined your experiment! Maybe I'll drop by later and see how it went? *bright smile, waving after the flier as he /flees/ - not that Windcharger notices that particular part* See you around, Skyfire! Thanks for picking me up! *and he turns, moving towards Prime's office door*

log, skyfire, windcharger

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