Making Up and Making Out

Jan 19, 2008 01:44

Warpath: :: Trailbreaker? ::
Trailbreaker: :: Hi. ::
Warpath: :: H... hi there. ::
Warpath: :: You left. ::
Trailbreaker: :: Yeah. Had to get some air. ::
Warpath: :: I guess I know how that.. please. Jus'... tell me. Are you okay? ::
Trailbreaker: :: I'm okay. ::
Trailbreaker: *pause* :: How are you? ::
Warpath: :: Managin'. Mostly. :: *A rather flat tone, there.*
Trailbreaker: *another pause*
Trailbreaker: :: Alright. ::
Warpath: :: ...Slingshot talk to you? ::
Trailbreaker: :: He did. ::
Warpath: :: An' Hound? ::
Trailbreaker: :: Yeah. ::
Trailbreaker: :: Bonecrusher came for a talk too. .:
Warpath: :: Slag. Was tryin' to get mechs to come help you out, not badger you. ::
Trailbreaker: *a slightly pointed silence at that*
Warpath: :: you've moved on, then. ::
Trailbreaker: *a considerable amount of time passes before he answers*
Trailbreaker: :: I don't know. ::
Warpath: :: ...what? Why don't you know? ::
Trailbreaker: :: I... ::
Trailbreaker: *more pausing*
Trailbreaker: :: I need to think. ::
Warpath: :: I thought you'd... just find someone. :: *A drained exhaustion is creeping into his voice*
Trailbreaker: :: Why would I find someone? :: *carefully emotionless tone*
Warpath: :: So they could make you feel better? :: *It sounds weak even as he says it, and he falls back into quiet*
Trailbreaker: :: I have Hound and Slingshot for that. :: *not really flat, but his voice isn't the opposite either*
Warpath: :: why do you need t'think...? ::
Trailbreaker: :: I just need to sort out my thoughts. ::
Warpath: :: What's there to sort out? ::
Trailbreaker: :: Things. ::
Trailbreaker: :: Why did you comm? ::
Warpath: :: What kind of th-? I jus'... I wanna know. ::
Warpath: :: I wanna know that you're really okay and I'm not crazy. ::
Trailbreaker: :: I'm okay. Really. ::
Trailbreaker: *calm voice*
Warpath: :: Okay. ::
Warpath: :: I guess I can... get off the line, now. If you want. ::
Warpath: *The note of pleading for otherwise is pretty transparent.*
Trailbreaker: *a quiet, long-drawn sigh sounds across the comm*
Trailbreaker: :: How are things on base? ::
Warpath: :: I dunno. ::
Trailbreaker: :: You don't know? ::
Trailbreaker: *clearly surprised by that - although it's a bit subdued*
Warpath: :: I don't get out much, lately. ::
Trailbreaker: :: Why not? :: *sounds a bit worried about the other's health*
Warpath: :: I dunno. ::
Warpath: :: Jus' stopped. ::
Trailbreaker: :: ...alright. ::
Trailbreaker: *it's painful to admit it, but caring about Warpath isn't really his job anymore. A bit of that hurt leaks through the comm*
Warpath: *stays quiet for a few moments, not wanting to continue past that "alright," but the words squeeze themselves out in a thin whisper*
Warpath: :: I'm in our room. ::
Trailbreaker: *a flash-flood of pain at those words, the memory how terribly barren and empty their room had looked after Warpath had moved his things out of it clear on his mind*
Trailbreaker: :: ...oh. ::
Warpath: *can't summon up the power to say anything else; he just lies where he is, slumped against the corner, not knowing what else to do*
Trailbreaker: *the muffled sounds of driving make their way across the link, making it fairly obvious that he's in his alt mode and on the road*
Warpath: *stares at the barren room, listening to the background noise. It takes a while longer before he realizes why the sound is familiar, and abruptly emotion overcomes him. He moans pitifully into the comm, and struggles to choke it back into silence*
Trailbreaker: *doesn't miss that moan, or the emotion behind it, and it hurts just to listen to it, knowing there's nothing he can do - not really*
Trailbreaker: :: ...Warpath? ::
Warpath: :: Gone, you're gone, you're gone... I can't... I'm, I'm sorry... ::
Trailbreaker: *and fraggit, he still loved the mech, even after all the things he'd said and done*
Trailbreaker: :: I'll be back. I promise. ::
Warpath: :: ...I fucked up, I know, please... please, I can't do this, I just wanted you to be happy, I can't do this. I can't. ::
Warpath: *It's hard to tell if he's even listening to 'Breaker anymore, the way the words seem to just jerk out*
Trailbreaker: *it tears at his spark, to hear those words, and the defeated tone in which they are said*
Trailbreaker: :: Warpath. I will be back, okay? We can see eachother then, alright? ::
Trailbreaker: :: ..but not right now. ::
Warpath: :: ...w-when? ::
Trailbreaker: :: I don't know. A week, maybe. ::
Warpath: :: ...I can't. I can't do it. ::
Warpath: :: Energon stopped comin', it hurts all the time... please... ::
Trailbreaker: :: You're under-energized? :: *that startled him*
Warpath: :: I don't know. ::
Warpath: :: Diagnostic kept warnin' I was forcin' it in too fast, I jus'... so.. dunno anymore. ::
Trailbreaker: :: ...what? :: *is genuinely concerned now, and not just a smidgen either*
Warpath: :: It doesn' matter. Jus' that I'm, I'm alone. An' I can't forget it anymore, it's just... hurtin'. ::
Trailbreaker: :: Warpath... ::
Trailbreaker: *the sounds of driving has stopped, and there is a lot of torn emotions in that spoken word*
Warpath: :: An' I might've, m-might've done this to you, I'm sorry, please, PRIMUS, oh PRIMUS... ::
Warpath: *Anywhere but this room, maybe he could have scraped through this with some trace of dignity and resolve. But it just keeps eating at him: this terrible, terrible pain that's shriveled his spark into dimness, that forces him into an open sob over the comm*
Trailbreaker: *the noises of tires on tarmac start up again, sounding a bit more aggressive now*
Trailbreaker: :: I'm coming back. ::
Warpath: :: ...I d-didn't mean it, or... I didn't mean to do this... ::
Trailbreaker: :: I'll be on base in about 7 hours. Can you hold on for that long? ::
Trailbreaker: *vast amount of worry and determination in his tone*
Warpath: :: I'm holdin'. I can hold. I don' want to make it worse, but I can't stop it, you should stop. ::
Trailbreaker: :: I'm not stopping, Warpath. You need me. ::
Warpath: :: I'll jus' do it again. See? ::
Trailbreaker: :: I won't let you. ::
Trailbreaker: :: Warpath. I love you. ::
Warpath: *A few beats of silence. He tries to think about it, but the words just bash at his processors without creating much in the way of understanding*
Warpath: ::'d I do this? How'd you let me? ::
Trailbreaker: :: Do what? :: *confused*
Warpath: :: ...go apart. ::
Trailbreaker: :: was what you wanted. ::
Warpath: :: I didn't know it would be like this. I thought it would just be the other times... ::
Warpath: :: But I was busy, then, it wasn't just bein' alone with myself, I didn't know. Please, I didn't know. ::
Trailbreaker: :: ...other times? ::
Warpath: :: 'fore the war, don' even remember his name, jus' a young fling. An' when the war started. Hardline. Got slagged. ::
Warpath: :: Jus' moved on, 'cause so much was happenin' every day, I could just push through it... ::
Warpath: :: I can't. :: *The strength is slipping back into his voice, at last.* :: I can't think about anything else. ::
Trailbreaker: :: Then don't. ::
Trailbreaker: *doesn't sound mocking or demeaning*
Warpath: :: ...what do you want me to do? I'll do it. Anythin'. Jus' tell me. ::
Trailbreaker: *there's a pause, a tense and hesitant one*
Trailbreaker: :: Wait for me. ::
Warpath: :: Okay. :: *still sounds a little shaky, but there's a stirring of conviction in there*
Trailbreaker: :: Okay. ::
Trailbreaker: *accompanied by an engine revving*
Warpath: :: ...I love you. I didn't stop. ::
Trailbreaker: *eerily silent for a moment, before-* :: Love you too. So much. ::
Warpath: :: I know. I know. I jus'... don' understand how. ::
Trailbreaker: :: You're just... the mech I want to be with. ::
Warpath: :: Okay. :: *And this time, it's a firm proclamation.*
Trailbreaker: :: 7 hours. ::
Warpath: :: I'm waitin'. :: *Was that even a note of humor?*
Trailbreaker: :: Keep some energon waiting for me? ::
Warpath: :: I'll... I can try to find some. ::
Trailbreaker: :: ...oh. Don't worry, I'll be fine without it. ::
Warpath: :: I'LL FIND SOME. ::
Trailbreaker: :: ...okay. ::
Warpath: :: ...'m sorry, not tryin' to... talk you down. Shouldn't. ::
Trailbreaker: :: It's alright. ::
Warpath: :: ...I won't. Tell me whatever you want. Or just leave the comm on so I can hear your motor runnin'. ::
Trailbreaker: :: I have some in subspace, I can use that. ::
Warpath: :: Okay, 'Breaker. ::
Warpath: :: But I am never goin' to call on Primus again in my damn life if you have a blowout. ::
Trailbreaker: *chuckles over the comm*
Trailbreaker: :: I have a spare tire. ::
Warpath: :: Smart. Always smart. ::
Trailbreaker: :: It's a tire-thing. ::
Warpath: :: ...can I touch you, when I see you? ::
Warpath: :: It's... it's been really long. ::
Trailbreaker: :: Of course. ::
Warpath: *vents a contented sigh out over the comm, but falls quiet, settling for the noise of that familiar motor and whatever else 'Breaker cares to say*
Trailbreaker: *keeps driving, faster than he'd usually go, keeping a watchful eye on his fueltank, engine giving off different sounds as he shifts gears and speeds*

Unfortunately, while coming back, Trailbreaker runs into Galvatron outside the base's defense barrier. One skirmish mostly involving Astrotrain and Sunstorm later, Warpath and an injured Trailbreaker returned to base together in Astrotrain's cargo bay. One wonders what else they did in there.

Warpath: *carries the wounded 'Breaker in his arms, stumbling a bit as he tries to hustle towards medbay*
Glit: *is, for once, actually IN his medbay, or rather, the hallway outside it, waiting for the incoming*
Trailbreaker: *bit embarrassed by being carried, the damage isn't THAT severe*
Warpath: *does. not. care. He hugs 'Breaker close to his chest*
Trailbreaker: *...well. He doesn't object to that. Semi-rests his head on the tank's shoulder*
Glit: *sees them coming down the hall and goes to meet them, already scanning from afar* You're who Astrotrain commed about?
Trailbreaker: Yeah. *smiles at the apparently-medic, bit sheepishly so*
Warpath: *blink. blink. That's not Ravage, so yes, things have gotten worse since he stopped paying attention*
Warpath: *snugs 'Breaker a little defensively* What's it to you, kitty-cat?
Glit: Everything, since I'm the medic on call. Come on and let's get him on a table so I can take a better look. *circles around Warpath even as the tank goes, getting as best a visual analysis as he can*
Warpath: ...oh. Umm. Right.
Trailbreaker: You can probably put me down, now, Warpath. It's not that bad.
Warpath: *would be a lot more snappish if he wasn't so distracted actually listening to someone for a change and getting 'Breaker to a table*
Warpath: ...hnnh. Maybe. *squeeze*
Trailbreaker: *okay, so maybe the tank was being (over)protective. Still, he wasn't THAT badly wounded. It just hurt a lot*
Warpath: *sets 'Breaker down in medbay like he was told, but he leaves one hand on 'Breaker's shoulder...*
Warpath: *...and squeezes 'Breaker's hand tight in the other*
Glit: *jumps up on the table next to Trailbreaker and, with a rough inventory of damage from his inspection, starts numbing neural circuitry to kill the pain*
Trailbreaker: *squeezes the hand back to reassure, being rather cooperative despite Glit being a Decepticon*
Warpath: Primus, why's our luck so bad? Get you back jus' in time for an attack?
Glit: *considers this a blessing, as /he/ would have to get snappish if Trailbreaker was uncooperative* *sets immediately to work on the worst of the damage, clamping fluid lines*
Trailbreaker: Maybe he just wanted to see if my force-fields was still working? *light voice, watching the cat work with interest - he'd never seen that one before*
Warpath: He coulda just said some dumb slag, did the trick for me.
Warpath: *Totally over THAT incident. Ancient history!*
Glit: *seems to be remarkably good, especially for working with paws and forearm foldouts* Galvatron, I assume?
Trailbreaker: I think that was his name.
Trailbreaker: *gives Warpath a look, offering a smile*
Warpath: *smiles back, a little more faintly, but genuine*
Glit: Seems to be causing a lot of trouble recently, that one. *still working, now moving on to internal wiring and circuitry prior to welding armor panels back on*
Trailbreaker: It went fine till I started to run out of energy. *shifts his gaze back to the medic, giving Warpath's hand another squeeze*
Warpath: ...I forgot to ask Ratchet to give you your Christmas present. Slag. So stupid.
Trailbreaker: Christmas present? *surprised*
Glit: Christmas present? *not pausing in his work* Some kind of organic ritual...?
Warpath: *drifts his hand from 'Breaker's shoulder to 'Breaker's faceplate, stroking over his cheek with a vented sigh*
Warpath: Said he'd give you a system optimization. Stretch it for extra power an' all.
Trailbreaker: *tilts head in puzzlement, conveniently into the touch* ...oh.
Glit: I can do that in a few days, failing emergencies. *spot-welding jarred circuitry back into place, tweezing them into alignment* Which is to say it might be a week or more.
Warpath: Hey, if you need me to murder anyone to clear up your schedule, jus' ask.
Warpath: *gives 'Breaker's face a little pinch. Joking.*
Trailbreaker: *elbow, meet Warpath's midsection - albeit it's rather gentle, still*
Trailbreaker: ...that would be nice, uh...I don't think I caught your name?
Glit: No moving while I'm working on you. *whaps Trailbreaker with a paw - on the /un/damaged shoulder, of course*
Glit: I'm Glit.
Trailbreaker: ...sorry about that.
Trailbreaker: I'm Trailbreaker.
Warpath: *tenses with the CLICK of a shell loading as he sees the thwap*
Warpath: Please don' do that. Li'l jumpy.
Glit: *not intimidated by the shell.* Then un-jump yourself before I decide you need a processor check for overactive battle systems. I would /never/ hurt a patient of mine.
Glit: *hardly pauses in his work, though he does do a half-second of it by feel so that he can glare up at the far larger tank*
Warpath: Yeah, well... hnnh.
Trailbreaker: *tenses at that sound, frowning at the tank. Turns slightly to give him a cheek-against-cheek hug, speaking softly into his audial*
Warpath: Process YOUR checks.
Trailbreaker: Don't worry, alright?
Warpath: *...yeah, it's hard to stay tense with that. He pops the shell back out of the chamber*
Warpath: 'Kay.
Trailbreaker: *adds a little kiss to the cheek before turning around, giving Glit an apologetic smile for moving*
Glit: *ignores Warpath with righteous ignoring - and no one does that like a cat - turning his full attention back to Trailbreaker's damage*
Warpath: *keeps fondling 'Breaker's face, looking back and forth between the work and 'Breaker's reactions*
Trailbreaker: *leans into the touch, and back against the tank, keeping his optics on the one fixing him, light frown on his faceplates* How much damage to the circuitry?
Glit: Mild to moderate; I'm going to be in here for a bit. Nothing vital, thankfully. *slender paws mean that Glit's forearms can go quite a ways into Trailbreaker. He does not seem to realize that this might look disturbing.*
Trailbreaker: *has been in a medbay before, and he can't feel any pain anyway, so he takes it in stride. Is really quite good on the enduring-things part.*
Warpath: *Is not quite so good at the "weird cat mechs jabbing arms into his Hilux" thing. But he keeps quiet.*
Glit: *keeps working, slowly drawing his forearms out of Trailbreaker as he progressively repairs on his way out* That's the circuitry and fine wiring systems; fluid lines are next.
Glit: Was it just the purple mech that looks like Lord Megatron, or a black one as well? The black one uses virus-laden needles, and might have slipped a time-release one into you somewhere.
Trailbreaker: Just the purple one. Thought it was an Aerialbot at first. *quick glance at Warpath*
Warpath: *CLENCHES on 'Breaker with the mental image of "virus-laden needles," wishing now he'd just laid down the carpet bombing*
Trailbreaker: *winces, but doesn't say anything about the tight grip. Worried tank was very worried, and he didn't feel like he had the right to complain*
Glit: *feels that wince - well, it's hard not to when he's still wrists-deep inside Trailbreaker - and looks up to again glare at Warpath* Putting compression dents into him isn't going to magically draw any needles out.
Glit: The purple one doesn't use anything so sophisticated, but I'll check just in case.
Warpath: *Aerialbots, whatever. Slingshot's the last thing on his mind right now.*
Trailbreaker: *vents a quiet sigh* It's alright. *says this to all three mechs, really*
Warpath: Yeah, see? I'll listen to HIM if dentin' him up a bit ain't alright.
Warpath: *ducks his face down to smooch 'Breaker's forehead, slightly embarassed at having his face guard off in company*
Glit: What you two do on your own time isn't my concern until you bring the results in and ask me to fix them, but that doesn't mean you can't hold on to him just as securely /without/ jostling him /while I'm working./
Warpath: Why is it that everyone tells me they can't work while I'm doin' stuff can still jabber away an' THAT ain't a problem?
Glit: Because I'm not jostling him. *sweet, sweet logic, it is Glit's*
Trailbreaker: *fights the urge to sigh and roll his optics as he listens to the two mechs bickers*
Glit: *and yes, he is still working! He is well practiced in the art of bitching and working at the same time*
Warpath: Well, maybe if you were good at workin', a little jostle wouldn't be an ISSUE.
Glit: I'll keep that in mind the next time /you/ get injured on my watch. *wrapping several of Trailbreaker's energon lines - those will heal on their own - and welding bits of tubing to others*
Trailbreaker: Maybe you two should shake hands and make friends. *sounds neutral enough, but there's a certain hint of exasperated amusement in there somewhere*
Warpath: I'll keep you in mind next time I need someone to get talked t'death. *huffs, but loosens his grip on 'Breaker a few notches*
Warpath: ...well, he's workin', and I kinda like my hands where they are, 'Breaker.
Glit: Actually... Aren't you that one Autobot tank? I think we /have/ met, electronically at least. *tilts a curious glance up at Warpath*
Warpath: I am not "that one Autobot tank." There are others. Like...
Warpath: ...
Warpath: ...that one piece of Omega Supreme. Ahem.
Trailbreaker: *holds back a snicker*
Warpath: ...wait, slag, I DID tag you about somethin', didn't I?
Warpath: Were you the one who-SLAG.
Warpath: *can't really put his head in his hands, so he just shifts his weight awkwardly instead*
Trailbreaker: *eyes the two, confusion and curiosity in his expression - as well as some concern*
Glit: Yeah, probably. *still working diligently, but he can tell that awkward tone of voice. All right, he's mortal, he takes some pleasure in that, /but/ he doesn't make an issue of it.*
Warpath: ...well, I don' think I need anything in the line of... therapy, or anythin'. Anymore.
Warpath: *keeps his optics a little apart from 'Breaker's, having said it*
Trailbreaker: *notices that, and he squeezes Warpath's hand once again, opening up a private comm link* :: ok? ::
Warpath: :: 'm fine. I'll be fine, with you. ::
Glit: Well, you're welcome over for a cube anyway - both of you, if you like. Though at the moment you'll have to bring your own; medical-grade's still all I've got. */so/ mild, /so/ neutral, /so/ full of work*
Warpath: Hnnh. Maybe. *Okay, maybe he's conceding a bit of civility.*
Trailbreaker: :: Alright. :: *clearly concerned, though*
Glit: If you happen to be in the area. *well does Glit know the persnicketyness of his fellow mechs. Mild as milk, the kitty is.*
Glit: Trailbreaker, I'm done with your fluid lines; all I've got left is your armor panels.
Glit: I'm going to need your help bending some of them back into place, unless you /want/ me jumping up and down on your chest and getting out the vises.
Trailbreaker: Hm? Oh. *was a bit distracted by his own thought for a moment* I can help.
Warpath: *just watches, mollified by the politeness even if he's still a little terse*
Glit: Here; apply steady pressure to this split and I'll layer alloy on top of it. *directs with his paws*
Trailbreaker: Alright. *does as the medic wants, breaking the hand-holding he and Warpath has going, grabbing his armor with both hands to keep it as steady as he can*
Warpath: *Warpath resettles his hand on 'Breaker's uninjured shoulder in a protective caress*
Glit: *does just as he says he would, both welding the tear together /and/ layering strong alloy over it and the surrounding area*
Trailbreaker: *keeps up what he's doing, maybe getting a bit uncomfortable about watching his own armor being welded together again.*
Trailbreaker: *The whole meeting with Galvatron could've gone very wrong, he might never have seen Warpath again. Ever. Face sobers up as it (unintentionally) reflects his serious thoughts*
Warpath: :: ...hey, are YOU okay, 'Breaker? :: *rubs with a nervous tinge*
Trailbreaker: :: ...I'm fine. Will be fine. :: *doesn't sound too okay right now, though*
Glit: You're good; that's the main chest panel done. I can get the hip panel. *can and does, climbing onto Trailbreaker's thigh and balancing there* *spares a glance at his expression, though, and it's a concerned one*
Warpath: :: Well. Hurry up. 'm gonna be impatient for a smile, 'fore too long. ::
Trailbreaker: :: Alright. ::
Trailbreaker: *doesn't really notice Glit's glance - or, well, he does, but he doesn't give it any processing power to mull it over with*
Warpath: *smiles a little at 'Breaker himself, not really capable of being stern at a time like this*
Glit: *welcome to the Glit style of bending armor panels: put all your weight on it and jump once or twice because you don't weigh /enough/*
Trailbreaker: *isn't looking at Warpath, losing himself in fascination over Glit's medical antics instead. He'd never seen THAT technique used before...*
Warpath: Real professional. *grumblegrumble*
Glit: I can bring a maximum of five pascals of pressure with just my weight. I /could/ waste my time and his getting out the vises, setting them up, and calibrating them, if you /prefer.../
Glit: *has clearly said this many times before*
Warpath: Uh-huh. Just kindly don' get distracted by any mice.
Trailbreaker: *gives Warpath a light nudge. Play nice, tank.*
Warpath: *nudges back. I'm bein' nice, sugar.*
Glit: You might make a nice scratching post, come to think of it. *perches on Trailbreaker's hips to weld, so that the armor panel won't spring back up*
Trailbreaker: *for a tank, maybe. Gives Glit a look too, he should play nice with his tank as well. No scratching.*
Warpath: Most scratchin' posts don' scratch back. *slips his hands over to 'Breaker's neck to massage gently. Reassurance time.*
Glit: *is the soul of innocence and of welding. Welding is innocent, isn't it? Of course it is.* I'm sure.
Trailbreaker: *murmurs over the comm to Warpath* :: Maybe I should show you how cars use their scratching posts. :: *sounds perhaps a tad embarrassed*
Warpath: :: ...really now? :: *Glit? Who's that?* :: There some fender-rubbin' involved? ::
Trailbreaker: *well, at least the medic can work in peace now, right?* :: Mmm. And cleaning of ventilation. ::
Warpath: :: Mmmmmmm, indeed. I've been achin' for it so bad, when I wasn't just missin' you... you jus' tell me everythin' you want. ::
Glit: *is indeed working, and they /better/ hope they don't twitch or anything incriminating~*
Trailbreaker: :: I'll make you wish you never said that, tank. :: *light smirk, optics dimming ever so slightly*
Warpath: :: You couldn't say a damn thing that would make me take it back if I gave you fifty years to try. :: *gentle squeeze*
Trailbreaker: :: Is that a challenge? :: *says it in a tone that isn't one Trailbreaker often uses, turning somewhat to give Warpath a look*
Warpath: *blinks once, and his engine rises to a low purr as he looks back* :: Well, it sure is now... ::
Glit: There is to be /no/ interfacing in my medbay unless I'm involved, thank you both. *is done with Trailbreaker's hip, and is now making his way towards the Hilux's shoulder, climbing /over/ Trailbreaker as necessary*
Warpath: the HELL did y-nng. I have no idea what you're meowin' about. *Hmmph.*
Trailbreaker: *looks acutely embarrassed, giving Glit a (sort of) horrified glance* :: ...lets continue this later. ::
Warpath: :: Don't think I won't remember. :: *keeps rubbing down Trailbreaker's neck anyway*
Trailbreaker: *engine goes from the dead quiet it had fallen into to a low, thrumming sound, but he doesn't actually say anything*
Glit: I have special cat powers. Didn't I tell you? *serenely sets back to work on Trailbreaker's shoulder armor, and lightly whaps at Warpath on his way*
Warpath: *TWITCHES, his thumbs digging in a little hard for a moment, but he steadies himself with a very MEASURED bit of venting*
Glit: *oh come on, there was /no/ claw in that, you have nothing to bitch about* *perches on Trailbreaker's chest and sets back to work - this time, he only has to lean hard on the panel*
Trailbreaker: *shrugs - very lightly, to not upset Glit - to let Warpath know he felt that little 'twitch.' Glances down on the cat sitting on his chest with an expression torn between bemused and amused*
Warpath: *Does not see what is amusing at ALL, but that doesn't stop him from putting some energy into 'Breaker's neckrub. Primus, it IS nice to just touch him...*
Trailbreaker: *isn't that oppopsed to the touch, to be honest, relaxing under those hands and enjoying the feeling he thought he'd miss forever*
Glit: *balances carefully on Trailbreaker's shoulder and chest, welding closed the jagged rip with care*
Warpath: *leans in to plant another soft kiss on Trailbreaker's forehead, his engine rising up again*
Trailbreaker: *gives a motoric purr, one of the now-available hands sliding up to catch Warpath's chin, gently holding his face still so he can steal a kiss of his own*
Glit: Do I need to repeat myself, you two? *welding busily* /No/ interfacing in my medbay unless I'm a participant.
Warpath: *growls into it, forgetting completely about the cat until he hears and then tilting back* Ain't interfacin', just pettin'.
Glit: I'm not getting any petting, either, so unless you're volunteering...
Warpath: *SIGHS his frustration, and breaks further away, but he doesn't stop neckrubbing*
Trailbreaker: *optics flash for a moment, either in mirth or annoyance, it's hard to tell. Raises his hand to put it on Glit's back, giving his side a light pet* ...better now?
Warpath: ...ha HA HA HA! *shakes with the laugh, still unsteady, but he's quickly balanced again with a fit of giggles*
Glit: *purrs, smugly, and arches his back into the petting* Much, thank you, Trailbreaker. *fastening the alloy down securely*
Trailbreaker: *confused about that laugh, had Warpath gone slightly fritzy in his brain-circuits while he had been gone?*
Trailbreaker: *smiles at the medic's reaction, though, sliding his hand down the other's spine*
Warpath: I love you so fraggin' much. *MAKEOUT TIEM NAOZ*
Trailbreaker: you too. *flashes a grin at the tank before kissing him; rather deeply so*
Warpath: *takes only the barest amount of care necessary to keep his arms out of Glit's way as he embraces 'Breaker, every piston in his motor rumbling*
Glit: Pet me now or I kick you out. Tank, I mean you. *tail switching from side to side as he works, thwapping between the two of them*
Warpath: *whips his hand out, still focusing on the kiss. He not-too-gently thwacks at Glit's side before his grip settles to rub along the cat's haunch*
Glit: *tail goes switch, switch, switch, thrashflop into Warpath's face, switch...* *but apparently this is sufficient bribery, because he keeps working*
Trailbreaker: *a muffled snrrk escapes him, this situation rapidly becoming surreal - but he doesn't stop petting the cat*
Warpath: *Pets Glit pretty heavy, and gets into some pretty heavy petting with 'Breaker. Not his optimal situation, but whatever, 'Breaker's affection makes it worth it.*
Glit: *why, it's almost as though Glit's tail has a mind of its own, thrashflopping into Warpath's face when Warpath pets too heavily for Glit's liking!*
Glit: *but the cat's ability to multitask is impressive, because he keeps working, smoothing out the edges of the alloy plate*
Trailbreaker: *apparently has a mind for multitasking as well, with the way he's kissing Warpath and stroking the medic, but it's arguable that neither is a complicated task*
Trailbreaker: *...if not a bit distracting*
Warpath: *presses harder in response to the thwaps of the tail into his face, and when it only gets harder in response, he finally breaks away with a gasp of intakes*
Trailbreaker: *bursts out in laughter as soon as the kiss ends, seeing much humor in this little incident*
Glit: *purrs louder, and then slides out from under their hands* All right, I'm done. You can go. Try not to interface in the middle of the hall.
Warpath: Yeah, yeah, no promises. *His optics fix on 'Breaker, suddenly hungry to see him move of his own accord*
Trailbreaker: *still laughing, though a bit quieter now (but not much)* Will do.
Glit: Shoo. *curls tail neatly around his paws, smugly*
Warpath: Uh-huh. *distracted, still waiting on 'Breaker*
Trailbreaker: *chuckles while getting on his feet, giving himself a glance to check out how he looks - and he has to admit, it doesn't look bad at all*
Trailbreaker: Thank you.
Glit: You're welcome; take care. Now out, before you try interfacing on a medbay table. *amused and smug*
Warpath: *snares his arms around 'Breaker as soon as he's upright, giving a crushing snug* How y'feelin'?
Trailbreaker: Squishable. *says it jokingly, sliding his own hands around the tank and hugging him back*
Warpath: *starts sliiiiiding out of medbay with 'Breaker, not in any particular hurry when there's crevices to fondle*
Glit: *calls after them from his perch on the table* /I don't feel any petting./ Walk faster.
Trailbreaker: *glances back at the kitty-with-an-attitude, increasing their pace, more or less dragging Warpath with him, though it's hard with those hands WANDERING everywhere*
Warpath: *And they're wandering in the most INTERESTING places. He kisses over the line of 'Breaker's shoulders as they move out through the door*
Glit: I /see/ those hands, and they're not petting /me./ Out! *continues catcalling until they're out the door*

warpath, log, trailbreaker, glit

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