Log from last night 1/2

Jan 18, 2008 21:33

Sarah: -wanders in, humming to herself, and grabs a soda from the kitchenette-
Runabout: *blinks* oo
TC: *light poke with one taloned finger*
TC: Sarah. *amused*
Vortex: Lennox-woman.
Skydive: *nuzzles Blue, and spies Sarah* ...Hey, Sarah. ^^
Sarah: Hmm? -looks up at TC-
TC: Hey.
TC: *just giving her a friendly smirk, Bee on his back painting*
Sarah: -at Vortex- Oh, and you can just call me Sarah.
Runabout: *waves at Sarah*
Vortex: Alright
Bluestreak: HiHi. ^^
Sarah: -smiles at everyone-
Skydive: *grins and watches*
TC: *soft laugh*
Runabout: *moves and resettles himself with his kitty, sort of hides against this kitty*
Razorclaw: *Nuzzles him again, making a soft purring sound*
Megatron: *Wanders on in.....*
Vortex: *looks up*
Runabout: *smiles gently at the kitty and nuzzles him gently*
Sixshot: *Looks around....*
Razorclaw: *He glances over at Megatron, paws crossed*
Sarah: -waves at Megatron, sipping at her soda-
Bluestreak: *is still in his corner, a cube of energon in his hands*
Vortex: *salute from the couch!*
TC: *Is on the floor, being painted by Bee. He's everything under the sun. Red, blue, orange.*
Megatron: Hn....finds a seat.
TC: *With bumblebee's on the wings*
TC: *Looks surpremely comfortable, actually*
Runabout: *is completely paying attention to the kitty - first few hours online - feeling a bit better, but is still so damn skittish*
Sixshot: .....Anyone see a Runabout?
TC: *He spies Megatron, and nods to him*
TC: *points*
Sarah: -watches, giggling at the bumblebees on TC's wings-
Megatron: *Heads over to TC and nearly flops down at the bar, looking tired.*
TC: Hey, Megatron.
TC: How's it going?
Runabout: *la la la kitty*
TC: *Looking up curiously*
Skydive: *eyes Megatron curiously*
Runabout: *looks incredibly sad and really rather miserable* ;;
Vortex: Alright, Lord Megatron?
Sixshot: *Heads over to where 'Bout is standing and gooses his aft*
Runabout: *Jumps in the air and clings to the ceiling as he's been doing all night* O_O
Megatron: ....I can't find a replacement for the ball bearing...
Megatron: Shockwave is going to be...angry. *sighs*
Runabout: *blushes when he spied who it was*
Sixshot: *hug?*
Megatron: *rubs his face*
Sarah: A ball bearing? -curious-
TC: What ball bearing?
Megatron: Mmm....half ton ball bearing...
TC: *curiously*
Skydive: ....?
Runabout: *hugs gently, blushing some*
TC: For what? *curious*
Skydive: *curious now*
TC: *peers up*
Vortex: since when do you answer to shockwave?
Razorclaw: *Well, he served his purpose- and flicks his tail once*
Megatron: ....I borrowed two from the Nemesis...
Razorclaw: *Then crawls under a chair, curling*
Sixshot: *HUUUUUUG* >>
Sixshot: <<
Megatron: Well, I don't. But he is the one who has to fix it....
TC: Mm....
Megatron: I could've sworn that webpage called eBay would've sold them....but no. Humans are too stupid to sell useful things like that. >/
TC: *Chuckles*
TC: Let me know if there's anything I can help with.
Runabout: *squeaks and wriggles a little* C-careful...
Megatron: *Gives TC a look* Find me a ball bearing.
Sarah: Well, a half-ton ball bearing is...kind of big. -laughs-
Sarah: For humans, anyways.
TC: ...
TC: How big?
Sixshot: .....*Lets go, curious*
TC: Half ton can be...like...y'know, small.
TC: Dense.
Megatron: .....half ton.
Megatron: It's not THAT big.... *to Sarah*
TC: *laughs*
TC: It is to her.
TC: *Wingflick*
Runabout: Just woke up...finally okay enough to be online..
Runabout: *is absolutely shy and reserved - what happened to Runabout? o-o*
Sixshot: ....
Sixshot: >D
Sarah: -leans on the counter-
Sixshot: *HUUUUUUUG*
Runabout: *SQUEAKS*
Runabout: *wriggles like a kitten*
TC: ...
TC: This is going to end curiously.
Vortex: *flops*
Vortex: Yah...
Megatron: *Glances over half heartedly....depressed*
Skydive: >.>
Runabout: *whiiiines and pads at him* You're so weird Si-ix! ;;
Megatron: ...maybe Will might know? Maybe?
TC: *Glances up at Megatron*
TC: Maybe.
TC: Hm.
TC: Could always make one?
Sarah: Might know what? -she digs for something to eat-
Sarah: Oh. The ball bearing.
Megatron: Basically...what it boils down to is theNemesiswon'tflywithoutit. *Looks away*
Vortex: !!!
Skydive: .....
TC: ...Gotcha.
TC: What about Wheeljack?
TC: Or one of the Constructicons?
Vortex: .....well, not like we're goin' anywhere...
Sarah: What did you need them for?
Sixshot: Weird? *Rubs his face, catlike against Bout's*
Skydive: >.> <.< >.> *sneaks off with Blue*
Bluestreak: *yay!!!*
Megatron: You never know, Vortex. Me, personally, I'm not too worried about it. But if any of YOU needed to get out of here, that's a different story.
Megatron: ...I didn't expect it to get so crushed. I thought I could fix it.
Vortex: Well, it'll get fixed. No worries.
Runabout: *smiles gently and nuzzled Sixshot* M-missed you..
Sixshot: *Another hug* ::Missed you too.::
Sixshot: ::Sorry for bein gone so long.::
Megatron: ...I hope so.
Vortex: You can always get Mixmaster or something anyway. Hell, I'll look in scav's junk and see if he has anything and doesn't mind giving it up till you get a real one
TC: *nods quietly at that*
TC: We can get it fixed somehow.
Megatron: ....like a dummy bearing?
Vortex: Yah
Megatron: Bonecrusher suggested melting down the drones...
Runabout: *nods slowly and looks up at him* :: I feel weird... ::
Sixshot: ::I noticed. What's up?::
Sixshot: *Puts him down*
Runabout: :: Just.. haven't been online in a while... s'like I've forgotten how to be social.. how to be me..::
Ratbat: *peep peek looklook*
Ratbat: >> <<
Ratbat: *sneaks in*
Noki: *perks up, looks around*
Noki: >.>
Sixshot: *Fails to understand why being social is important* ::Hmmm....it'll be alright. You got your Da, your brother, me, n' stuff.::
Runabout: *snuggles against his mate.. relieved* :: And I thought.. you were mad at me... Didn't want to be around me... ""
TC: Well, there's the drones.
TC: There's also destroyed parts of the Ark that could be used too.
Sarah: Those drones...they've completely taken over the Nemesis?
Ratbat: *flap flap flap to rafters*
Noki: *eyes the little flappy thing flying to the rafters* ....skree? *softly?*
Sixshot: ::Nah! Never! Jus' been busy with slag. I'm always here if ya need me...:: *hug again*
Ratbat: *peers down at hm, shrinks back* D:
Noki: *headtilts* -kree?
Megatron: *sighs again at the mention of the Nemesis being taken over*
Runabout: :: Sure..? :: *looks up at him, wibbling a little - clings to his mate and just... CLINGS*
Ratbat: ::...uhm, hi?::
Sixshot: ::Of course:: *Nuzzle*
Noki: :: Hihi! :: *chitters happily*
Ratbat: ::........::
Ratbat: ::....yeah. Hi.:: >>
Noki: ::Whaturname?:: *headtilts again*
Ratbat: ::....ratbat....::
Sarah: -still watching Bee paint TC, amused-
Runabout: *nuzzle* :: You're fairly affectionate tonight.. ::
Noki: ::OhhhhRatbat....cutecute!:: *chitters again*
Ratbat: ::T-thanks..::
Ratbat: >>
Sixshot: ::'S that a problem?::
Noki: *jumps up and down on Nova's head*
Noki: *chittering at Ratbat*
Ratbat: D: !!
Noki: ^_______^
TC: *slides a little energon cube for the both of them*
Noki: *and goes into a backspin on the MUCH largers mech's head.*
Noki: *whooootwirly!*
Vortex: *gets up and skips to the bar*
Noki: *spies the energon cube, and hops off of Nova and rushes for the cube, slamming into it cause his brakes don't work very well...* o.<
Ratbat: O.O!!!!
Noki: *gets up shakily* ......*wobble wobble*
Runabout: :: Course not.. just.. not as used to it..:: *fingers his mate's chassis and murmurs*
Sixshot: ::We'll have to remedy that.::
Megatron: ....
Runabout: :: Promise? ::
Vortex: *grabs cube*
Megatron: Did he just skip? *To TC*
Vortex: :-D
Noki: *steadies, then pokes the cube that he slammed into*
Sixshot: ::Course...::
Sixshot: *Nuzzle* ::Wanna play Frogger?::
TC: ...
TC: I think he did.
TC: But you know what.
TC: I don't ask anymore.
Noki: Badcube! Hit Noki. *pokes it again*
Megatron: ....Primus...
Sarah: -giggles at Noki,and digs out a pan, filling it with water, and setting it to boil-
Vortex: 'm a happy mech. What we happy mechs do.
Megatron: Next he'll be square dancing.....
Megatron: ....
Megatron: ...notthatIknowwhatthatis....
Vortex: Riiiiiiight
Vortex: *guzzle*
Noki: *becomes interested in the pan of water and skitters over to it* ......o.o
Runabout: *smiles at the group and clings to Sixshot - snuggles him tightly - hishishis*
Sarah: -smiles at Noki, pulling out a box of macaroni shells-
Noki: *reaches over and pokes the box* Skrreee??
Sarah: I'm making macaroni. :3
Ratbat: *flaps to a couch* >>
Sixshot: *Holds back, content and happy*
TC: ...
TC: >>
TC: *He slowly looks at Megatron*
TC: *Then drags a hand down his face*
TC: *He doesn't want to know. He doesn't want to know*
Vortex: *goes back to couch, flopping down*
Megatron: ....What? *Grumpily*
Noki: *pokes the box again, then skitters to her shoulder, watching.* Mac-maca---roni...? *TRYING to say this was interesting*
Runabout: *tugs Six to a couch, wanting him to sit down so he could sit in his lap*
TC: ...Square dancing?
Vortex: You been watchin' too much human TV, Lord Megatron
Sarah: Food! -pulls her hair over her other shoulder so he won't get tangled in it-
Sixshot: *Sits down on a couch, patting his knee*
Noki: *he keened and nuzzled her neck and then watched as she mixed the food and water* o.o
Megatron: ...I don't watch THAT much satellite feed.
TC: >.>
Megatron: I just happened to see it on YouTube.
Megatron: That's all.
TC: >.o
TC: *TC's brain just broke on You Tube*
Runabout: *jumps into his beloved's arms and snuggles in, purring happily*
TC: *He watched a video once*
TC: *..Never again*
TC: *Runabout made him watch it*
TC: *He died mentally*
TC: *Two Girls One Cup..never, ever again*
Sixshot: *Cuddles*
TC: *Oh GOD, he just thought about it*
Sixshot: *Discretely, of course*
TC: *...rocking back and forth as well as he is able*
Vortex: o.O
Megatron: .....are you alright?
Megatron: *Concerned*
Sarah: ...TC?
TC: ... I thought about it.
Runabout: *smiles and kisses Sixshot gently - tugging his mouth open with a hand*
Ratbat: *sneaks over to sarah*
TC: Runabout.
TC: I hate you.
Sarah: -adds in the shells-
Runabout: *blinks and breaks off the kiss* Wut.. oooh.. *begins playing the music*
TC: *curlcurlcurl*
Noki: *skrees and jumps up and down at the splashing water, and then skitters back down to the pan, poking it*
TC: *Can't Sleep. YouTube will eat me*
Megatron: ......
Runabout: *laughs and snuggles against Six*
Megatron: ....you are all fragged, you know that, don't you?
Vortex: Yo, toss me another cube, someone *lazy mech is lazy*
Megatron: Every last one of you.
Sarah: Careful! That pan's hot, and I don't know how well you handle heat. -giggles-
Runabout: I love you too. :D
TC: *...Since Bee's done..he hides under a chair*
Runabout: *snuggles against his Six and nuzzles*
TC: *Yes...a seeker, BIG seeker*
TC: *Under chair*
Noki: *pokes again, and then skitters to the edge of the pan balancing there, watching teh water*
Sarah: -smiles at Ratbat- I don't think I've seen you before.
Runabout: *smirks* One moment, Hun... *slips down and taps his Da's shoulder*
Ratbat: .....r-really? Good! Uh-- mean....
TC: ...What.
TC: >.>
TC: *totally untrusting*
Ratbat: .....hi. *shyly*
Runabout: *whispers something*
TC: ........................................
Sarah: I'm Sarah. What's your name?
Runabout: *skips back*
TC: *whimper*
Runabout: *snuggles into Six's lap* <3
Ratbat: Ratbat >>;;
Runabout: My work is done.
TC: *He needs a happy*
TC: *A big..distracting... happy*&
Runabout: *his son is happy? That should be a happy*
TC: *Brain bleach plzkthx*
TC: *With a shotgun*
Sarah: ... -looks at TC, concerned-
Sixshot: ....what did you do?
Runabout: *prepares eet?*
Runabout: You don't want to know, Lover. Seriously.
Megatron: ....What is with all the skipping?
Megatron: Skipping!
TC: *Needahappyneedahappyneedahappy*
Megatron: Decepticons DON'T skip!
TC: *Traumatized Seeker is Traumatized*
Runabout: It's fun. <3
Vortex: They don't fuck Autobots either.
Vortex: And yet
Runabout: *laughs and winks at Megatron*
Megatron: .....
Vortex: Here we are
TC: *.......*
Runabout: *sends a video to his da - the kid that talks about kicking a monster's ass*
TC: *...plz to have a happy*
Megatron: ........................
Noki: *leans over to poke at the water...*
Vortex: ....
Runabout: *Sends adorable pictures of him as a kid?*
TC: ...
TC: *hate*
Runabout: ;w;
Runabout: *wibbles - seriously*
TC: *sigh*
TC: *Not hate*
Sixshot: *Is a bit perplexed. Decides he doesn't want to know.*
Megatron: *So is Megs!*
Megatron: *Skipping....he can't take it.*
Vortex: *DRINK*
Sarah: -scoops up the cellphone and sets him back on her shoulder, moving to drain the water- You're adorable.
TC: ...High grade, plz?
Runabout: *wibbles and whiines, now hiding against Six*
Megatron: Ridiculous. *Suddenly stands up*
TC: *Will get slaggedfor brain bleach*
Vortex: o.O
Noki: *chitters at being moved, then settles down to watch* ....o.o
Noki: whatdoing!?
Megatron: *And demonstrates how utterly stupid a 35 foot mech looks while skipping*
TC: o.<
Vortex: ......well YEAH.
TC: *goes the rest of TC's processing powers*
Vortex: You're not HAPPY
Vortex: *wink*
Megatron: *He'll probably regret it later, but stress makes mechs to wierd things*
TC: *one optic just...twitching*
Megatron: ....
Runabout: *blinks and laughs*
TC: *optic twitchtwitch*
Runabout: You look awesome, Sir :D
Sarah: I'm draining the extra water ou- Megatron, don't ever do that again. - D: -
Vortex: It's like this, Lord Megatron. *happy, casual, NORMAL skip to bar*
Sixshot: *Is he gaping....why yes he is*
Runabout: You just haven't gotten used to it yet..
Sixshot: *This is NOT happening*
Runabout: There's a technique to it..
TC: ...........
TC: *head goes into clawed hands*
TC: *rockrockrockrockrock*
Runabout: You gotta move your aft... you know how to move your aft, right?
Megatron: See! You're scaring Sarah!
Vortex: Pep in your step is vital!
Megatron: *Points at her*
Noki: *Blinks at the skipping mechs* .....
Vortex: Bah, the humans have seen worse
Noki: *and skitters down to the counter, and tries it himself*
TC: *...*
Megatron: Wha....my aft?
Noki: *skipskipskip!*
Runabout: Yes.
TC: ._.
Megatron: *Looks back at his tail pieces*
Vortex: *Awwww Noki*
Sarah: ..../you/ were the one scaring me. Their skips are weird enough, but yours...please don't.
TC: *Hunkers down, making himself smaller from all the insanity*
Runabout: *kisses Six and stands - shows Megatron the aftshift* Like that.
Vortex: Meow!
Megatron: ....
Runabout: You try.
Noki: *absolutely adorable little phone trying to skip...and trips over his own feet*
Runabout: It's great for come hithers..
Noki: Srreeeee!! D8
TC: >.O
Runabout: *laughs*
Sarah: -adds in the milk, cheese and butter, stirring it together and trying to not pay attention to giant alien robots /skipping/-
Vortex: Heheheh, Noki
Vortex: *nudges him*
TC: *Plz..for the Love of Primus*
Megatron: *Gives Sarah a hurt look*
Runabout: Cmon, Megatron.. try..
TC: *Hey, look- Arm Cannon*
TC: *I bet the nozzle of THAT would fit in my mouth*
Megatron: ....No, I don't think so. *Goes to sit down*
TC: *And I bet I could pull the trigger too*
Noki: *stands back up, and skitters to the floor, and tries again*
TC: *..its starting to look reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal good*
Runabout: *laughs and saunters to Sixshot and shakes his aft for him*
Runabout: *shakeshake*
TC: *>.>*
Noki: *all across the floor, he skips!*
TC: ...
Sixshot: *Swat*
Noki: *...and trips*
TC: *whimpers*
Sarah: -apologetic smile at Megs- I'm sorry....it just...doesn't suit you.
Vortex: *gives Noki a little prod*
Noki: *and STILL continues to try this skipping thing.* ^___^
Runabout: *purrs*
Ratbat: *meanwhile*......*HORRIFIED RATBAT*
Runabout: *shakeshake*
Megatron: *Right before he does though, he gives a little bitty aft shake* >>
Runabout: *claps!*
TC: .................
Runabout: HUZZAH! You're a natural!
TC: ...*arms arm cannon*
Sarah: -pats Ratbat on the head and makes herself a bowl, going over to TC- ...you alright?
TC: *peers down at the muzzle*
TC: <.<
Ratbat: .....oo
Ratbat: Dunno.
Ratbat: >>
Runabout: Da. Quit being a drama queen <3
Megatron: I don't know what you're talking about.
Runabout: *grin*
TC: >.>
Noki: *and skitters to TC, and skips across his arm*
TC: -_-
Noki: ^_^
TC: *Primus damn it*
TC: *Can't attempt suicide with everyone in here >>*
TC: *extends arm*
TC: *and hits Runabout in the aft with a low-power null ray*
Runabout: O_O!
TC: *Just enough to sting*
Sixshot: !!!
Noki: *makes his way up the arm, then back down, then back up...skipping the whole way*
TC: -_-
Runabout: *grabs his aft and whiiines* ;;
Noki: *even as he fired*
TC: *disarms cannon*
TC: I feel a bit better.
Sixshot: .....
TC: >.>
Runabout: *grins and winks* But just think...
Sixshot: ::You sorta asked for that.:: *chuckles*
Runabout: Megatron did an aft shake. And all is well with the world.
Noki: *skitters to his head, and tries skipping in place on TC's head*
Megatron: ....I did not.
TC: *There is no God..There is no God*
Runabout: :: I know... I'm an aft. ::
Runabout: *snuggles into Six' lap* :: Discipline me later? :3 ::
Sarah: -gives TC's leg a hug the best she can with a bowl in one hand- ....think happy thoughts?
Noki: *is getting the hang of this! Skips in place, rocking back and forth, little feets moving back and forth*
Runabout: You did too. And it was good.
TC: ...<.<
TC: *He's trying, honestly-he is*
Megatron: *smiiiiiiles*
Runabout: *grins* A natural ;P
Megatron: *Devious, devious smile, giving TC a look*
TC: >.>
Noki: *...and it seems to have shifted to a sort of wierd dancing*
Runabout: Do it again! Do it again!
Noki: *moonwalk anyone?*
Runabout: *Cheers!*
TC: *He pets Sarah gently*
TC: >>
Sarah: :3
Noki: *moonwalk! Do the moonwalk! on TC's head!*
TC: ...
TC: -_-
Runabout: *fingers Six's chassis and smiles*
TC: *Well, if he had any dignity*
Sixshot: *Is smiling, but a bit disturbed by all this nonsense*
TC: *It went flying out the door*
TC: *Eyeing that devious smile with some trepidation*
Vortex: .......You all are crazy
Runabout: *moves closer and noms on an armor plate* :: Still haven't washed you yet... ::
Sarah: -can't see Noki from where she is-
Noki: *chittering happily*
Noki: *little tapping noises on the Helm of TC*
TC: *reach*
TC: *Pluck Noki off- to floor*
Megatron: *Arches an optic at TC, then goes over to the bar to get a cube*
TC: *letting him Moonwalk there*
Noki: .....*wibbles at TC*.....
TC: *And is not moving from his hiding place*
TC: >>
TC: *If he goes out. BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN*
Megatron: *Sauntering, not aft shaking*
TC: *...Like his damned sparkling*
Noki: *chitters and goes back to TC*
Noki: >/

log, bumblebee, nightbeat, nova prime, skydive, sixshot, thundercracker, megatron, runabout, vortex, bluestreak, annabelle, ramhorn, sarah, nokia, razorclaw, ratbat, scrapper

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