Prowl's Visit

Jan 01, 2008 03:49

After making rounds to talk to everyone else, now it seems like everyone's coming by to see Warpath all of a sudden. Prowl stops by to have a friendly chat about Warpath's recent breakup.

Prowl: *Prowl is walking down the corridors, heading towards Warpath's room. He wants an explanation as to why Warpath broke off the relationship with Trailbreaker after worrying about it for so long. Okay, so it probably isn't any of his business, but he doesn't see the logic in it, and wants to understand. He hopes Warpath is in a mood to enlighten him*
Warpath: *sits very comfortably in his quarters, Bonecrusher having left not too long ago. He's perchced on the pile of ammo crates in the room, legs sprawled over one and his back to another, and he's THOROUGHLY intoxicated, judging by the sizable quantity of scattered empty cubes around the room. Songs by the Platters play at a low volume as he muses with bleary optics*
Prowl: *reaches Warpath's room and hesitates for a moment before he knocks.* Warpath? May I enter? *waits for an answer*
Warpath: 'sat PROWL? Slaaaag. Yeh, get in here, so we can get this OVER with. *leans his head back with a sigh of exasperation to come*
Prowl: *sighs. enters the room, looking around at all the cubes scattered on the floor. closes the door and takes a few steps in* Well, I believe you were going to explain the logic in your actions to me.
Warpath: Hnnh. *lowers his optics to Prowl and squints, looking distinctly unhappy about this* Jus' got done explainin' it once, Prowl. Let's make this a fair trade. What's goin' on 'tween you 'n' Jazzhands?
Prowl: *sighs* Fine. Between Jazz and myself? He is taking more time to think about it. He will not be staying with me while he does, but he has not completely decided one way or the other.
Warpath: That's SLAG, he's overthinkin' this shit. Should come 'n' talk t'ME, I'd set him straight and have him bangin' yer tailpipe 'fore mornin'. *chuckles and shifts his weight with a visible swaying*
Prowl: He has every right to take the time to think about it. I'll wait as long as it takes for him to make the decision. I, however, am no longer going to be sitting in my room doing nothing. *pauses* I have told you what is going on between Jazz and myself. I believe it's your turn to answer my question...
Warpath: An' what question was that? 'Cuz I wanna QUESTION how dumb he is. Fraggin' depressin', Prowl. *shakes his head vigorously and lolls back against the crates*
Prowl: *wonders if he should just come back when Warpath isn't drunk* I wanted to know the logic behind your decision to break things off with Trailbreaker after you spent so long worrying about what he would think when you first told him, and, again, worrying about what he'd say when you spoke to him a second time.
Warpath: ...guess yer a little too smart t'chase off by actin' crude. *sighs, and slowly leans forward again, looking a lot more somber now* Let's get somethin' straight. I don' OWE you this. I don' OWE you anythin'. 'ccording to your own bullshit, I OWE you a pop in the jaw for lettin' things get as far as they did.
Prowl: No, I don't suppose you owe it to me, but I did answer your question. *pauses* As to owing me the "pop in the jaw" as you put it, there's nothing stopping you, is there? If you feel I deserve it, perhaps I do. I would appreciate it, though, if you did answer my question.
Warpath: Nothin' stoppin' me, 'cept that I don' buy into your self-pityin' SLAG at the moment. *forces out a sneer, but he's quickly solemn again, and looking more and more bitter about it* But if you really want to know, here it is.
Warpath: It's painful to love someone and have them hurt and twistin' 'cause of you. An' I realized that forgiveness, one forgiveness, wasn't good 'nough for him anymore. That he'd keep gettin' tortured by me and everythin' I do that he hates, 'cause of his stupid idea of love.
Warpath: 'Less I cut it out. Ended it.
Warpath: Felt like bein' shot. I love him so much, still. But I'd tear him apart, a li'l bit each day, an' I can't let that happen. Can't do it to him.
Warpath: An' that's the story. Any fuckin' questions?
Prowl: Yes, actually. When you spoke to him, did he say whether or not he still loves you? If he did, what was his answer?
Warpath: ...said he loved me. *dead, dead voice*
Prowl: *nods* That's what I had thought. If he still loves you, he obviously doesn't see all of this the same way you do. Yes, you hurt him with this, just like I hurt Jazz, but if he's willing to give you a second chance, you should take it. *pauses* And, before you say anything, NO, I'm not trying to tell you what to do. It's merely my suggestion.
Warpath: Your suggestion would have one or both of us back in medbay in a week. *says it with flat, absolute conviction* He'll do better'n me.
Prowl: So you're giving up on it? Just like that? After all your worrying, you're not even going to try?
Warpath: *smiles, thin and cold* I tried. It didn't work. Now. If you wanna fuck again, I could go for it. But if yer just gonna judge what I did? Based on no information at all? Get out.
Prowl: *is slightly angry at the suggestion, but forces himself to calm down* Earlier, you spoke of me wallowing in self-pity? What do you call this? *takes a few steps towards Warpath, motioning at Warpath and the cubes* Tell me something...if your decision makes you miserable, and Trailbreaker still loves you, how can it be the right decision?
Warpath: This? *glances at the scattered cubes, and the smile turns smug* Kickin' back. I ain't miserable, Prowl, not 'fore you showed up and started naggin' about it. I'm feelin' stable and back to my proper self. Miserable's what we were doin' each other.
Prowl: So you aren't upset at all about breaking it off? *knows this is probably a bad idea, and takes a couple steps backwards*
Warpath: When yer processin' a cool fifteen cubes of fiiine high grade, straight from the refinery, it all goes pretty numb. Might wanna try it sometime.
Prowl: And then, when the high grade wears off, it'll be worse. It isn't going to do you any good to drown yourself in high grade, hoping your troubles will disappear.
Warpath: Ain't HOPIN' my troubles'll disappear. Already dealt with 'em. Jus' stayin' outta my head 'til the wound patches over.
Prowl: It won't happen if you still love him. *turns his back, so he's facing the door* Some wounds don't heal, Warpath.
Warpath: Not perfectly, maybe, but they heal. Isn't my fault you got a wrongheaded idea what love is, Prowl.
Prowl: So, what? Are you saying that, if something doesn't work out like it should, things should just be broken off? If so, that's a pretty pathetic way to look at it. You just have to keep trying, rather than giving up the when something goes wrong.
Warpath: I told you what'd happen if we KEEP TRYIN'. *there's a dangerous edge rising in his voice now...* Makes me think you're not payin' real close attention to what I'm communicatin', Prowl.
Prowl: And how do you KNOW you'll keep hurting him? Tell me something, did you come to the decision to break off your relationship alone and just tell him, or did you let HIM have any say in whether or not it was continued? Did you actually sit down and talk to him about it? Did you try to get him to understand WHY you thought it should be broken off? Or did you just tell him what worried you and that you thought it wouldn't work out?
Warpath: *sits up, his cannon twitching its aim closer to Prowl* Told him what he needed to know. Told you more'n you needed to know. Think I'm done with this.
Prowl: *has his back towards Warpath, so he doesn't even notice* You might consider thinking it over more before you go and make the decisions on your own. I could easily do the same thing with Jazz, for the same reason, you know. I'm not, though, because he has the right to have a say in the decision. *sighs and gets ready to leave, waiting to see if Warpath has anything else to say*
Warpath: See? Not listenin' at all. Said I'm done. Should leave and get those audials tuned. *and such a light, good-humored tone! Except, uh, not*
Prowl: *sighs again, opening the door* Maybe, before accusing others of not listening, you should try to listen when others want to help you. *and starts to walk out the door, but stops, turning back* And I still mean what I told you back then. If you ever need someone who will listen, I'm willing to.
Prowl: *and has left Warpath's room, not completely sure where he's headed yet*
Warpath: *stares at the door after Prowl leaves. Wouldn't you know, the copper killed his fucking buzz. He utters a few choice curses and grabs the few remaining full cubes to start remedying that*

prowl, warpath, log

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