Log: Mirage, agony aunt for the masses, or at least Tracks

Dec 31, 2007 21:07

Tracks: ::Mirage, are you by chance busy at the moment?::
Mirage: ::Not right now; are you quite all right?::
Tracks: ::I'm... It's complicated. *ruefully* If you don't mind, I could use some company.::
Mirage: ::Any time. I assume the common room is, as always, too common. I'll come by your room?::
Tracks: ::That would be fine, yes. And ...Thank you, really.::
Mirage: ::It's no trouble at all.:*doesn't take long to arrive, from wherever he was in the base*
Tracks: *Tracks meets him at the door and holds it open as Mirage enters. The Corvette's quarters aren't much different from anyone else's, save the shelves stocked with more car polish and wax than is probably decent and the human furniture grouped somewhat out of the way.* Welcome, get comfortable, please. *Smiles* How are you feeling, by the way?
Mirage: Reasonably well, given; it seems we live in interesting times, as always. *smiles back, and takes a seat and a listening posture in that order* *does look - reasonably well, if in definite need of some recharge* And yourself?
Tracks: Were you involved in the battle then? *Takes a seat as well, noting Mirage's state with some relief before he continues, maybe a tinge sheepish* As I said, it's rather complicated. And, I suppose, when weighed against what apparently happened, it's not very important...
Mirage: But life goes on, even in wartime. Even if the wartime is theoretically over. *dryly, still in that listening, expectant posture*
Tracks: True enough. And I'd probably feel as much of an aft in wartime or not. *shakes his head* ...Essentially, up until recently I found myself in a relationship. It's... over now, but I just feel very conflicted. *shakes his head, frustrated with himself at his inadequate phrasing*
Mirage: Who with? *patiently* And for how long? I don't recall your being attached to any particular mech on the base when I was last here...
Tracks: ...That would be where it's most complicated. *glances down at the floor* Do you know Bonecrusher?
Mirage: *opens mouth as if he's going to say something* *closes it again* ...Possibly I've misconstrued the situation, but last I heard, he attempted to rip your face off and put you in the medbay?
Tracks: *Tracks nods, looking miserable for a moment* I don't know what's wrong with me! But after that... It was odd. We got along much better. *Shrugs helplessly* He was interesting to talk to, and actually listened to me in return.
Mirage: Well, it'd be hard to get along much /worse/ - but that's beside the point. I believe you about there being more to him than is readily apparent; I owe him that much at the very least.
Tracks: It was definitely not what I would have expected from him at all, and probably wouldn't have bothered, before all this. But it just got to be... *frustrated, gesturing with his hands* Somehow he was irritating in a way that made me want to kiss him or shoot him, and I couldn't quite decide which.
Mirage: Apparently you came to a decision at /some/ point, though. Yes? *leaning forward, listening*
Tracks: Not so much that -I- did. He was overcharged one night and I'm not even sure why, but he was... testing me? Challenging me? *shakes his head slightly* He got very close and I didn't move and then we were -kissing- and then he left because he was with Blackout then... *he pauses, cycling cooler air as he gets agitated, trying to calm down physically*
Mirage: ...and all in all, it's a fairly unpleasant situation, as nothing was - official, but nonetheless it's apparently over? *sympathetic*
Tracks: Yes, mostly. *grimaces* I was the one who ended it, whatever it was. And I -would- like to remain friends, if nothing else, but he pointed out that it might be rather difficult.
Mirage: How so?
Tracks: ...Neither of us really wanted to stop. *Looks down at the floor, venting air in a drawn out sigh* But I won't be his aside while he's involved and in love with Blackout.
Mirage: You shouldn't; you deserve better. *absolutely sincere, and also putting a certain amount of effort into /not/ sounding as though he's making an overture*
Tracks: ... *Tracks glances up, looking unconvinced, either because he doesn't believe it or because he doesn't want "better", he's note entirely sure* Thank you. I know it might seem rather obvious, but it's good to hear some things from another, sometimes.
Tracks: *nods, then half-smiles rather wryly* ...And I'm not entirely sure how -over- is "over".
Mirage: Really? I can't see you playing second vibrason for any significant length of time...
Tracks: No, that would be the sticking point. It's... *He absently runs one finger at the side-seam of his faceplate, optics darkened slightly* I don't love him; I know that much. But. Not being able to touch him any longer...
Mirage: He's certainly not the only mech on the base, Tracks...
Tracks: Well, no.
Tracks: I'd like to claim some standards, but at this point I'm not sure I can without some irony. *Sighs*
Mirage: Oh, you can; thinking of the opportunities on base is somewhat... depressing, I admit. With the arrival rate, however, perhaps they will improve.
Tracks: I'm not exactly... looking for anyone, at the moment. *smiles again, faintly* I've not ever been a one 'bot mech, as you probably remember.
Mirage: I do, as it so happens; there's little point in being possessive, I've always thought.
Tracks: *nods, smirking* Unless they're really worth it - but in any case, it's not a matter of just finding someone else. *He glances down, his voice lowering so that he's half talking to himself* None of the options I would consider are even available to me, really.
Mirage: Certainly not if you think that way. *his voice is considerably gentler than his words, and it's a good thing, too*
Tracks: *Tracks doesn't really seem to think anything of his wording, chuckling humorlessly* Hoping doesn't make things so.
Mirage: But seeing as I couldn't name any mech aside from the obvious that you /would/ be considering, I would say that trying in order to make sure hasn't been much on your agenda, either. *and now Mirage has fallen back onto that dry, somewhat black sense of humor* I certainly wouldn't advocate that you leap immediately back into the game, but this is unusually defeatist of you, Tracks.
Tracks: ...I normally would agree with you, Mirage, but besides the one obvious, the other is... even less accessible. Available, possibly, but it's-- it's complicated. *He finishes lamely, giving the other Autobot a rueful look*
Mirage: So you'd better tell me. *firmly* A new set of audios will do the situation good, no matter what it is.
Tracks: *Tracks looks long suffering for a moment, glancing briefly at the human-sized couch in the corner* I don't think you've met him, yet. His name is Raoul - technically he's my employee, but I like to think that we're at least friends now, as well.
Mirage: ...I beg your pardon? *has been completely thrown for a loop in /oh/ so many ways*
Tracks: *Gives Mirage an "I told you so" look then, tempered with resignation* Raoul. A human.
Mirage: ...ah, yes. I, ah, gathered... *it is few things that will totally flummox Mirage. This is, alas, one of them*
Tracks: *Spreads his hands* You see? It's complicated.
Mirage: ...that certainly counts as 'complicated.' Ah. ...Tracks, if I may ask /why?/ *is attempting to regain some sort of handle on the situation*
Tracks: Do you think I meant to? *exasperated* I assure you, it was as much a surprise to me... I'm not even entirely sure why, just that I feel... Comfortable, happy even, when I'm around him.
Mirage: *bites back a comment that would, at this point, merely be hurtful and boorish besides* I suppose that does make up for a great deal. I believe I would like to make his acquaintance at some point; I have not been unduly impressed with those members of humanity I have encountered. Perhaps this is an unfortunate bias on my part; I beg your forgiveness.
Tracks: *Tracks snorts lightly* I've not met all that many and most I don't care much for... But it seems he's different.
Mirage: In which case, I'd like to meet him even more.
Tracks: He wanders around the base - I'm sure you'll see him at some point. *pausing, he shakes his head* ...The more I say anything about all this, the sillier it sounds to me.
Mirage: It's certainly no more ridiculous than this entire planet as a whole, though.
Tracks: Mm, I rather like it... the cities, at any rate, when I can leave base to enjoy them at my leisure. *shrugs slightly and gives Mirage a faint, rueful smile* ...I think I've probably complained to you about inconsequentials long enough. You've been remarkably patient.
Mirage: Oh, I assure you, it's nothing at all. I enjoy your company no matter the subject matter. Though I should likely see how much of my quarters remain intact. *slightly strained smile*
Tracks: ...Intact? And you haven't yet looked at them? You've been awake for several days now... *Curious and more than a little concerned*
Mirage: Mm, well; I had a few urgent matters to take care of before I took thorough stock of the place. Preparing a detailed report for Prime and so forth. *just a fraction more strained, rising to his feet* I do appreciate your having me over.
Tracks: *stands as well* Nonsense, you've done quite a lot for me... If there's anything I can do, I'd be happy to.
Mirage: Thank you. *relaxes a little, both in posture and smile* I'll remember that.
Tracks: *nods, not wanting to push too much* And thank you - it's been a pleasure talking with you. I can only hope the subject matter is more cheerful next time.
Mirage: So do I. Don't hesitate to comm, though. Take care, Tracks.

mirage, log, tracks

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