LOG: Megs wakes up while Crusher babysits...er...spark sits...

Dec 16, 2007 11:47

So, Prime takes a few minutes to get the Vok goop off. Crusher is nice enough to watch over Megs. Hell, what could happen in a few minutes anyway, right?

Megatron: *Is in a sort of stasis lock, with no internal or external activity, other than the faint flickering of the spark inside the spark chamber*

Bonecrusher: *is... well, "watching" might be a bit of an overstatement, since it's more like casting a casual glance every few moments while playing Tetris. Hey, what do you expect? He trusts Megatron to make a lot of noise before going boom*

Megatron: *The spark flickers wildly momentarily, then FLARES bight. It crackles with energy, arcs of bluish sparks jumping across the casing and though the chest cavity. It's done this before, but not quite so intensely. Where there was once just a small kindle of energy, there is suddenly a fully developed spark.*

Bonecrusher: *he blinks a bit, something catching his optics from beyond his game of Tetris - he looks over Megatron and then frowns, focusing himself completely on the other. This is either very good, or very bad, and he's not sure which :\*

Megatron: *The arcs of energy continue, intensifying as they rush through downed systems. The processor is forced online, shorting at the base of his neck. Minor programs start up, followed by major functions. The armor of his chamber seals itself, then his chest armor slides shut, hiding the slowly darkening spark inside*

Megatron: *For the first time in two days, he makes a noise--a quiet groan*

Bonecrusher: ......MEGATRON?

Megatron: *Optic flicker and a slight twitch of claws against the berth*

Bonecrusher: *frowns* ....MEGATRON. *adds after a split-second* SIR?

Megatron: *Optics online, dim and unfocused. He blinks slowly at the ceiling, orientating himself. After a very long pause, he lifts a shaky hand above his face and gazes at it, claws flexing*

Megatron: *Then he laughs*

Bonecrusher: .......*well, crap.*

Bonecrusher: *tenses* NOT MEGATRON, THEN.

Megatron: *His head turns and optics flicker again as they land on Bonecrusher. There's a moment of recognition. He starts to rise, watching the other mech* It's not finished...

Megatron: *His voice is ragged and deep, as if his vocal processor isn't functioning correctly yet*

Bonecrusher: ....WHAT'S NOT FINISHED? *okay, so, maybe he's wrong. you know, thanks prime, for telling him nothing about anything useful. nice guy.*

Megatron: *He stands, steadying himself with one hand on the berth. The other goes to his helm as he shakes his head.* The Allspark shard...I need it.

Bonecrusher: FOR WHAT? *watches the other warily, still tense* Y'KNOW, IT'D BE NICE T'KNOW WHICH SIDE OF MEGATRON 'M WORKIN' WITH HERE.

Megatron: *Growls low in his chest as he straightens, gaining strength and confidence. He takes a step for the door* To tear him from this body...then kill him for good.

Bonecrusher: MEGATRON. *sidesteps so that he's half in Megatron's way - definitely can't be ignored, at least* Y'NEED T'SIT BACK DOWN AN' WAIT FER PRIME T'COME BACK.

Megatron: *Stops, looking down at Bonecrusher* Megatron isn't here. Now get out of my way.

Bonecrusher: *oh - oh! Oh.* ...SLAGGIN' HELL -- *backs up a bit, but steps more fully between the door and the other, taking an offensive stance* SORRY, NO.

Megatron: *Visibly bristles, dull red optics flashing* No?

Megatron: *Advances on the other mech*


Megatron: *Doesn't stop moving, and for the most part, doesn't show any signs of an attack. At least not until he's almost upon Bonecrusher, then, as he takes that final step to close the distance his shoulder arcs, arm going back and SLAMS the other mech in the face with a full body punch*

Bonecrusher: *something in his skull makes a horrible crunching noise, the force of the punch sending him reeling backwards - he slams up against the door and grabs at the frame with both hands, using the grip to keep himself up and blocking the door, even throwing in a glare. And of course, now that he actually thinks he should comm someone, his comm systems are all slagged! Nice shot.*

Megatron: *Doesn't seem phased that the other mech is still standing. He has a destination in mind and pressing matters to attend to, as much as he'd enjoy tearing this defiant mech to pieces. Sizes up his opponent, then the door behind him. A smile graces his face and he transforms a claw into one of the smaller guns* Move. Don't make me say please. I hate that word.

Bonecrusher: *growls, the sound hitching a bit, and tilts his head to the side* ......NO.

Megatron: *Shrugs, aims, and fires.*

Bonecrusher: *OW.* ......... *grunts and digs his claws in as he pretty much slumps against the door, error messages popping up that won't go away no matter how hard he tries to send them away - actually, at this current point? He's not quite sure if he's upside-down, left-side up, or much more than online.*

Megatron: *Undoes the transformation of his claw and heads for the door. Gives Crusher a disinterested glance as he pulls his foot back and squarely kicks the other in the chest as hard as he can. Really, his focus is on getting the door open, Bonecrusher just happens to be in the way.*

Bonecrusher: *both of his hands release their hold on the doorframe, one arm with a rather nice popping noise as wires in his shoulder snap from the momentum... And that crunch? That would be the sound of Bonecrusher's 22-tons crashing through the door -- well. partially. He's kind of still trying to take up as much of the now busted door up*

Megatron: *No hesitation here. Kicks him again, just as hard*

Bonecrusher: *another crunch, and Bonecrusher finds that he's never really appreciated the architecture of the ceiling, lying flat on his back. You know, no one really does. Nice polka-dot color scheme.* ..............

Megatron: *Freedom! Chuckles to himself as he steps through the door, possibly stepping on Bonecrusher as well, but he's not paying attention. What he's looking for is close by...very close by. Starts down the hall...*

Bonecrusher: *offlines in the midst of mentally berating himself for, you know, not comming anyone sooner. slag, this is going to end badly...*

*Galvi will begin his rampage today around 1pm PST for those interested*

megatron, log, galvatron, bonecrusher

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