Log: the Sunstorm incident, part 2.

Dec 16, 2007 17:42

Awkward cutting, I know. :3

Loyal Raiu: *oh HELL no*
Loyal Raiu: *is Beserker Blaster*
The Vok: -- FLING the attackers off. ---
Loyal Raiu: *ATTACK*
Optimus Prime: *Blasts at the tentacles with surprisingly good aim - but then, had some experience with the Quintessons'. Grabs another one, wrapping it around his hand once as he jumps off*
Barricade: *he was not letting go of any cables, and he continued to slice through anything vok-related he could*
Barricade : *could get his hands on*
The Vok: -- Snarling-hissing-attacking. ---
Sunstorm: *his systems weren't even trying to reboot at this point*
Hook: :: Cmon, Sunstorm.. I don't want to explain to people why you aren't here anymore. I don't want to take on the wheelchair thing as a charge. I'll kill her. ::
The Vok: --Stabing cables now.---
Ratchet: *Workwork! Save him!*
Fireflight: *shooting again*
Onslaught: * 0.0 OH FUCK! DOGDE ROLL the stabbing thingys!*
Barricade: *he growled, flinging from one side to another, hitting the Vok with the blades, nearly getting hit a few times*
Loyal Raiu: *SNAG, to stabby Tentacle*
Loyal Raiu: *STABSTAB to Vok*
Optimus Prime: *Gets smacked by quite a few tentacles, one stabbing through the side of his leg armor - fires that one off, then fires towards the main body again, using his other hand to rip as much as he can away/off*
Hook: *continues to talk as he fixes now working on getting him enough energy to boot up*
Barricade: *he didn't care, he was going to slag the vok for what they did*
The Vok: --- STAB!---
Bumblebee: *cannon to the skull, point blank bitch*
Loyal Raiu: *He's already gotten impact damage from being flung so much, but he doesn't care anymore- he's just trying to inflict as much damage as he can to the Vok*
The Vok: -- SNARLING HISS---
Loyal Raiu: *He's pretty much beyond reason at this point*
Optimus Prime: *Continues shooting/pulling, ignoring any and all damage being inflicted. He's not uberfast, nor uberdefensive, and as such is getting quite a few tears and such*
Optimus Prime: *However, he's fighting his way to the main body, focusing his attacks on there*
Barricade: *he is NOT losing his own second to this slagging shithead. He barreled through, heading for the Vol's head*
Onslaught: ** ok, now hes just pissess off! THAT WAS HIS LEG YOU MOTHER FUCKER. *
Barricade: *Vok, even...
Fireflight: *still desperately working*
The Vok: --- Has taken considerable damage, yet it's bearly even scratching with energy weapons. Organic based attacks do more. ---
Sunstorm: *his spark isn't creating enough energy to restart systems....His core is still jumping, but it is steadied a bit...*
Hook: *begins feeding him energy slowly - not to overload him*
Loyal Raiu: *He switches out Guns*
Loyal Raiu: *Pulse-rifle*
Loyal Raiu: *BAMBAMBAM*
Loyal Raiu: *He hasn't said much of anything, is just feeding him energon*
Optimus Prime: *Narrows optics at registering the difference in damage levels...then holsters the blaster, using both hands to fight/tear/swim/climb his way through*
Optimus Prime: *Finally grabs the base of a tentacle, using it as a grip to just SLAM his fist into the skull, over and over, relentless*
Onslaught: * LUNGE! weapons not work eh? then met the kicks and punches and yes even biting, *
Loyal Raiu: *He hasn't moved from this spot*
Sunstorm: *Spark: Has enough energy to keep his memory banks going, and very basic systems even in offline status....but the energy helped, and it slowly began to rise...VERY slowly*
Fireflight: *missiles FTW*
Bumblebee: *digs fingers in at the base of a tentacle, gripping and pulling*
Ratchet: *still patching and working*
The Vok: --Missiles are not organic. ---
Barricade: *he joined in the fun, attacking Vok's face with his spinning blades*
Onslaught: * grabs one of the tentical things and uses that as a weapon. *
The Vok: --- Blades do a lot of damage.---
Hook: *fiddles and sighs* Cmon, Sunstorm..
The Vok: ---Cable flick to throw then off. ---
Optimus Prime: *Grits his dental plating, and, in an open comm, broadcasted to all in the area - says it out loud as well-*
Optimus Prime: Surrender this fight, or we will kill you!
Barricade: *and he continues hacking and slicing at it, determined to offline it for GOOD.*
Optimus Prime: *Not stopping punching, though, fyi <3*
Hook: :: Kill them anyway.. make it easier on all of us. ::
Bumblebee: ::I'LL KILL IT ANYWAY::
Bumblebee: *in that Vok's face*
Barricade: *is currently in a rage*
Bumblebee: *punching, clawing, kicking*
Hook2): *workwork!*
Fireflight: *dives back in*
Fireflight: *kickpunch*
Optimus Prime: \\I know we can.\\
Sunstorm: *-SLIGHT- systems whine for a second, then drops back down to nothing*
The Vok: :: You can not win against us. ::
Optimus Prime: *Hn - should call Bonecrusher and/or Blackout and/or some more Decepticons. They could have some fun with this*
Hook: ... Osiris?
Optimus Prime: \\We can, and we will.\\
Ratchet: *workinnnnnng!*
Hook: *pauses and looks up* You're.. kidding right?
Optimus Prime: \\Together, our strength is unstoppable.\\
Onslaught: * WANTS his team mates YES PLEASE!*
Optimus Prime: *PUNCH*
Hook: *drenched in energon* Seriously?
Hook: Osiris?
Hook: Dude. You could of come up with something better.
Hook: Like Superman.
Fireflight: *fightingfightingfighting*
Hook: *goes back to work*
Fireflight: *kickpuncbitteargrab*
The Vok: --- Cables stabing, flinging, snaring, squeezing.--
Barricade: *he attacked more, hacking at the Vok's FACE....RIPPING INTO IT....DAMAGE, BITCH!*
Hook: *sighs and fiddles*
Fireflight: *Damage bitch, do you take it?*
Bumblebee: *ripclawkickbiteeven*
Sunstorm: *Complete bodywide shudder as he lays there in jet form still. His systems are starting to try to come online, and failing constantly*
The Vok: --- Some more damage is taken, Organic is best. ---
Fireflight: Come one, come on!
Loyal Raiu: *He pulls off the damaged piece of his cassette deck, ripping it off*
Ratchet: *patching his spark chamber again*
Loyal Raiu: *The metal makes a jagged javelin*
Fireflight: Good Primus...Come ON!
Hook: He's doing good.. he's doing good..
Loyal Raiu: *...and STAB*
Loyal Raiu: *Into the VOK*
Barricade: *Oh, he;s still slicing and dicing, bitch!*
Hook: He's beginning to come online.. or try..
Fireflight: *kickpunchtear*
Bumblebee: *reaches out to latch hands into the one of skull's eye sockets* >|
Optimus Prime: *SLAM, SLAM, SLAM, over and over, like a piston - his punches is actually starting to crack the skull. Crack straight through it*
Barricade: *hack, slice, cutting into it*
Hook: *begins feeding him a bit more energy*
Loyal Raiu: *STABSTABSTAB with part of himself*
The Vok: --- Slowly, cracks start to appear. ---
Loyal Raiu: You want I should switch from med-grade?
Onslaught: * fightfightfight - pretty much just keeps going and going and goings.. *
Barricade: *he shoved his blades right into the middle of the face and turned his blades on high, internals from the Vok now spraying out as a liquid form as he cut into it, pressing hard against the face*
Hook: SOmething a bit stronger.. keep it easy though.
Hook: Too muck will set him off.
Sunstorm: *the slight whine is back, this time staying for the moment, but wavering*
Optimus Prime: *PUNCH PUNCH through skull - and he works on making that hole bigger. May or may not actually be trying to get inside*
Loyal Raiu: *He switches to mid-grade*
Hook: :: Cmon, Sunstorm.. cmon.. ::
Sunstorm: >//sys---m er--or
Ratchet: *keeps working*
Hook: :: I know.. I know.. you can do it.. cmon, big mech.. ::
Loyal Raiu: *He isin't giving up*
Loyal Raiu: *He's still stabbing*
Ratchet: Almost...got it...
The Vok: ---SNARL---
Loyal Raiu: *wedging his fingers into crack and prying*
Barricade: *digging in more and more* SLAGGING DIE ALREADY!!
Onslaught: * IS punhces and kicks and yep - hey, look, combaticon leader is not to be -- AHH!!! PUCVHE! wweee? is that cracks and he gotten threw?
Sunstorm: >//At--mt sy---em ---art....
Hook: >//pause
Hook: *begins feeding more before Sunstorm can boot up*
Optimus Prime: *Can get some of his upper body in, and does so - wow it's dusty in here or that may just be dust from the shattering bone and whatnot - and takes a quick look around*
The Vok: --- SNARL. Cables attack with fury, snaring all that attack and squeezing to kill. ---
Sunstorm: >// re----rt pa---ed
Optimus Prime: *...oh, hell, something just grabbed his leg*
Optimus Prime: *KICK to tentacle there*
Loyal Raiu: *Doesn't care, is ripping*
Loyal Raiu: *Digging his hand into Skull*
Loyal Raiu: *and snarling as he tries to squeeze and maim*
Barricade: *he's slicing through, making a huge mess everywhere, he is covered in grime by now...*
The Vok: --- FLING Onslaught into Blaster, retch Prime out and throw into Fireflight.---
Onslaught: * sorry Blaster. Onlsaught heavy btw. *
Barricade: *still attached to Vok's face, SLICE AND DICE, BITCH! TAKE THAT AND TAKE IT NOW~!*
Optimus Prime: *GRAB to tentacle, trying to at least shorten his flying distance if not swing back around to another part does not want to hit Fireflight kthx*
Sunstorm: *The slight whine of his systems fade again, failing again*
Hook: >//unpause
The Vok (08:51:07): --- Cables rush to Barricade now, attempting to rend him into pieces.---
Fireflight: *groan*
Fireflight: *Prime is heavy*
Optimus Prime: *Mutter* Sorry, Fireflight.
Sunstorm: *It took a few minutes, and as energon was added, his systems tried again.*
Sunstorm: >//---tem restar-: y/-...?
Hook: Y
The Vok: --- Cables slide towards the medics.---
Bumblebee: *grabs cable*
Barricade: Oh, no you dont! *he leaped off and grabbed at the cables*
The Vok: --- Cables attempt to stab at them. ---
Sunstorm: >//warn-ng. Majo- sy-tem malfu--ion....
Loyal Raiu: *Flings a piece of broken metal at them*
Loyal Raiu: *like a javlin'*
Loyal Raiu: *straight into Eyesocket*
Hook: >// abort
Onslaught: * rools off Blaster and lunges at the cables, ignoring his own wounds, graphing with on of the stabby cables. *
Sunstorm: >//Atte-pt abor--d
Optimus Prime: *And looks forwards, back at Vok* \\This isn't working enough. Blaster, Bumblebee, Fireflight, Onslaught - keep those tentacles occupied and away from the medics!\\
The Vok: ---SNARL. -- :: YOU ARE FOOLS. ::
Barricade: *he flung around, grabbing at any cables he could, keeping the medics save*
Optimus Prime: \\Barricade - you're with me. Find a hole and tear it up!\\
Onslaught: :: On it Sir. ::
Optimus Prime: *With that - promptly lunges forwards again*
Loyal Raiu: *Goes for the tentacles, slicing and dicing*
Onslaught: * is graphlings and tear and biting and cable he sees now, using his gun like a club,. he is nothing but brutal. *
Barricade: ::Gotcha! And glad to!:: *he lept for the face and went right for the forehead, grinding in with his dicer,and pressing SOVERYHARD down into it, pissed off, pissed off!*
Bumblebee: *going after tentacles. Diediedie stupid things*
Hook: *continues to feed energon*
The Vok: ---Cables attemp to stop Prime and Barricade. ---
Optimus Prime: *Evading the tentacles as best he can, pratically bull-rushing forwards - grabs another by the base, and starts slamming into the skull again*
The Vok: --- SNARLS! ---
The Vok: --Damage is lots. cracks, pieces missing..---
Loyal Raiu: *has a great idea*
Optimus Prime: *Wraps his hand around - even if one gets a grip on him, it's not getting him off without tearing off the tentacle he's currently attached himself to*
Loyal Raiu: *Fire, Y/N?*
Onslaught: *Y!!!*
Barricade *he jumped to the side, and silced again*
Barricade: *y*
The Vok: -- Cable aims to stab Blaster in the chest. ---
The Vok: -- Cable stabs Bee in leg, hacking away. --
Barricade: *he pulled back his blades and then slammed them down into the forehead again, like punching him, only with 2 foot long whirling blades*
The Vok: --- Blades do lots of damage.---
Bumblebee: *winces but holds on gamely*
Bumblebee: *killkill*
Barricade: *Damage? FUCKINGDIEALREADY!! Grind, punch, grind, punch!*
Optimus Prime: *It's a good thing he's a robot, because with the strength behind he's punching, he might have broken his hand by now if he was an organic*
Optimus Prime: *But instead he's breaking through the skull, smashing and tearing pieces off, trying to make a big enough hole to get through*
Sunstorm: *his systems whined again, and managed to send a jarred systems report, indicating that all levels were low, numerous system malfuctions, core at 28 percent stability, Spark at 19 percent, and managing to indicate several areas ...
Loyal Raiu: *It gets him in the chest, but it misses the spark*
Sunstorm: that needed major repair...*
Loyal Raiu: *And he snarls at that- but he cuts off the cable*&
Loyal Raiu: *And uses his blade to chop more*
Loyal Raiu: *ripping it free of his body*
Loyal Raiu: *still continuing to chop and stab the cables*
Optimus Prime: *TEAR, SMASH - alright. Tries this again, forcing his body through the hole he's made*
Onslaught: * tackes more cables aimed for Blasterm, taking one right in his midsection, but still fighting, battle lucst haven taken over. *
Optimus Prime: *Hard outer shell, chewy melty center, anyone?*
Barricade: *he continues, hacking, punching, and making a sizable hole in the forehead*
The Vok: -- Yes. --
Barricade: *Oh, look, he can get his blades through now! SHOVE!into soft core! Blades STILL whirlling*
The Vok: -- Blood like substance on the inside. --
Barricade: *DIEDIEDIEIDIE~!!*
Optimus Prime: *Good. Is going to be tearing through what he can of the soft core, moving through the 'blood', searching for one thing - the brain*
Barricade: *Blades still going as he reaches further, him and Prime BOTH going for the same thing*
Hook: *sighs and works - to stabilize!8
Optimus Prime: *Of all the organics he knows of - on this planet, at least - the greater majority have the skull to protect the brain, aka their CPU. So, if he can find and disable that - this is a good thing*
Optimus Prime: *Not that he's being gentle in his search*
The Vok: --- You will find five 'brains' inside. ---
Barricade: *he breaks more of the skull, ripping with one hand, and reaching in to slice more with the other(
Optimus Prime: *...*
Barricade: *OH, LOOK HE FOUND ONE*
Optimus Prime: *Eeny, meeny, miney, WHAM with fist*
The Vok: --Each controls a different function of the Vok. ---
Barricade: *Oh, wait, there's 4 left...no, make that three...*
Barricade: *thanks to Prime*
Optimus Prime: *Is going to make sure 'his' brain is gone - smashing it into a literal pulp if needed - before moving on to get the next*
Sunstorm: *and the repairs were working, slowly, but they were*
The Vok: --- SHRIEKING. Cable flailing. ---
Barricade: *pulp? How about BLENDER!!!!! Blends the next one...*
Optimus Prime: \\How's it going out there?\\
Hook: :: It's going... ::
Barricade: *ripping his way into the the head still*
Onslaught: :: * just a grunt of pain and a battle lusted growl * :: * as Onslaught takes on more cables. Combaticon ftw?*
Loyal Raiu: *He's just intent on Sunstorm*
Sunstorm: >//attemp sys-em resta-t y/n?
Optimus Prime: \\Good. I think we're wrapping things up here.\\
The Vok: --- Cables whizz towards the medics now. ---
Optimus Prime: *Starts punching another brain into submission*
Hook: >// N
The Vok: ---Cable spazm. ---
Barricade: *he reached the last one as Prime hit another*
Hook: :: I'll need your trailer to transport him, Prime.. ::
Barricade: *AND BLEND FTW*
Ratchet: *totally working*
Optimus Prime: \\Roller will have it here soon.\\
Barricade: *snarling and growling, his optics a dark red...he was COVERED in grime*
Optimus Prime: *Doesn't know which brain is controlling the cables - could have already killed it by now for all he knows - just knows that there's five brains to kill, and he's on his second. So - working on ending the second*
The Vok: ---..... ....... .........---
Hook: :: Good.. ::
Sunstorm: >//System restar- failed.
Loyal Raiu: ::Hook, orders?::
Fireflight: *kicking on the Vok*
Barricade: *and he finishes off his third one*
Hook: :: Continue until Roller gets here... keep it up.. ::
The Vok: ---- Death knellhissingshriekingsnarling. ---
Sunstorm: *he was slowly stablizing, but he wasn;t out of the woods yet*
Ratchet: *fixfixfix*
Hook: Cmon, Kiddo.. cmon..
Barricade: *sTILL slicing and blades going, in a complete rage*
Onslaught: * still atacking a mostly dead? vok. *
Optimus Prime: *Once they're done with the brains, looks up, optics narrowed, gauging the state of the inside-skull*
The Vok: --- Is mostly dead. ---
Optimus Prime: (Roller) *Coming from HQ, bringing the trailer with him*
Hook: :: Leave some for us.
Bumblebee: *kicking and stomping the Vok still*
Bumblebee: *a lot*
Optimus Prime: *Doesn't care for 'mostly'. Wants it all dead*
Barricade: *He's attacking the inside of the skull, hacking towards the outside from the inside, intent on making holes*
Bumblebee: *doesn't care*
Bumblebee: *Wants it hurt*
Loyal Raiu : *He's still working quietly, he hasn't moved since he sat here*
Optimus Prime: \\ If you want to play with the corpse, you're welcome to do so. I'm going to find out what's left alive in here, and kill it.\\
The Vok: --- Dieing fast. ---
Optimus Prime: *And does so, letting Barricade slicing through organics. He himself is looking for anything pulsing with life, and smashing it until it's dead*
Sunstorm: *another slight whine of his systems trying to restart, and another report flows through, indicating a 5 percent raise in all stats*
Ratchet: *must...save...patient!*
Hook: :: Good boy good boy... ::
Bumblebee: *private to Vok* ::I hope you're in pain, you pathetic excuse of a God.::
Ratchet: *must...talk...in...dramatic tone...like...william...shatner...*
Hook: Think we can move him, Ratchet?
Hook: *thwacks!*
Onslaught: * is in battle rage, hacking up the cables that he can, ignoring his own damage, its' not much. *
Ratchet: I think so.
Ratchet: Get him the trailer.
Optimus Prime: (Roller) :D?
Fireflight: *HURT THE VOK*
The Vok: --Dead. --
Hook: Hey, Roller! ^^ You're so damn helpful.
Optimus Prime: (Roller) <3
Hook: ^^ <33 Who's my favorite Roller? :D <33
Hook: All right guys... NEED SOME HELP HERE
Optimus Prime: (Roller) <33333
Ratchet: Prime, can you help us left him?
Optimus Prime: *Pokes head out of the dead!Vok*
Optimus Prime: Sorry?
Ratchet: Can you help us lift Sunstorm?
Barricade: *he growled, and Finally stops and looks out, covered*
Bumblebee: *still kicking the corpse*
Optimus Prime: *Covered with Vok!Guts like it's perfectly normal. Blinks optics once, then nods, jumping down and out from it*
Optimus Prime: Barricade. Can you clean up here?
Bumblebee: *bright yellow armor splattered with the stuff that serves the Vok as guts and blood*
Loyal Raiu: *Is finally, finally moving up away*
Loyal Raiu: *Slightly shaky, and very quiet*
Bumblebee: *kicking, punching*
Barricade: *He smirked darkly* I got it covered, Prime.
Optimus Prime: *Nod, then heads for Sunstorm*
Loyal Raiu: *Isin't in the greatest shape, but staggers towards his mate*
Onslaught: * is covers from head to toe in vok guts and blood. *
Optimus Prime: Move him into the trailer, or do you have that covered?
Hook: Trailer...
Barricade: *And went back to the ded!vok, proceeded to "clean up".*
Hook: Be careful.
Optimus Prime: (Roller) *Opens doors* :D!
Bumblebee: *ripping pieces off and throwing them*
Ratchet: On three...
Ratchet: One...
Ratchet: two...
Optimus Prime: *Nod, and kneels down*
Ratchet: Three!
Ratchet: *lift!*
Loyal Raiu: *helps lift*
Optimus Prime: *On Ratchet's cue, carefully lifts Sunstorm*
Hook: *liift!*
Hook: *is a bit short to*
Sunstorm: *the initial lift when fine....it was when they were carrying him that internal systems started flaring again*
Optimus Prime: *Trailer isn't that high - they could get him in easily if it wasn't for that flare*
Optimus Prime: (Roller) O_o;
Hook: Shit.. hurry..
Sunstorm: *if hurried, it could be done without losing him*
Ratchet: *shove into trailer!*
Optimus Prime: I hope at least one of you are planning to ride with him.
Hook: *zoomzoomfast!*
Hook: I was
Bumblebee: *kickkickkick*
Onslaught: * makes his way to help barricade with the clean up of the ded!Vok. *
Hook: *climbs in! - and begins stabilization work* Cmon, Ratchet.
Optimus Prime: *Sets him down, then backs away, wiping a bit of guts off him before transforming. ick, is going to need a car wash like nobody's business after this*
Fireflight: *slumps, shaking his head*
Barricade: *slicing and diceing*
Bumblebee: *still whaling on the Vok corpse, actually*
Ratchet: *jumps in with Hook and Sunstorm*
Ratchet: *whee, makeshift ambulance*
Loyal Raiu: ::Bee, stop::
Onslaught: * kicking, stoping and tearsing at the remains. *
Fireflight: *wearily walks over to Bee and puts a hand on his shoulder*
Optimus Prime: (Roller) *Helps make the connection between Semi!Prime & Trailer*
Fireflight: It's dead, Bee...
Optimus Prime: (Roller) b(o_o)
Fireflight: You can stop.
Hook: *feeds energy!* Stabilize dammit!
Loyal Raiu: *He comes up to the truck, peering in at his mate*
Optimus Prime: \\Ready, Hook? Ratchet?\\
Hook: Cmon in, Blaster..
Loyal Raiu: *Wondering if he can come in, swaying on feet slightly*
Barricade: *he's still hacking away*
Loyal Raiu: *and staggers in, curling next to Sunstorm*
Hook: :: Ready. ::
Optimus Prime: *VRM goes engine - woah that sounded kind of wet there for a moment holy crap did vok-guts just fly out one of his exhaust stacks? Nevermind they're off!*
Sunstorm: *Yeah, he;s still in jetform...*
Loyal Raiu: *Watches the truck zoom off*
Optimus Prime: (Roller) *Staying behind, milling by Barricade*
Ratchet: *bumpbump*
Optimus Prime: (Roller) >_>
Ratchet: *working on Sunstorm*
Loyal Raiu: *Covered from elbows to feet in Sunstorm's energon*
Onslaught: * is staying behind with Barricade as well as clean up crew. *
Barricade: *He's at the vok, growling, hissing, and attacking what was left of the vok, taking his anger out on the remains(*
Optimus Prime: *He's drivin' a truck, drivin' a big ol' truck, pedal to the metal hope he don't run outta luck-wait, wrong song*
Hook: *rubs his face, getting energon on it - looks tired*
Fireflight: Primus...
Fireflight: Just...just burn it.
Fireflight: Oh Primus...
Loyal Raiu: *And...he just feels very numb....everything's sorta detached*
Barricade: AFTER I AM DONE WITH IT! *Slagging pissed the hell off*
Fireflight: We should have been there.
Loyal Raiu: *Staring blankly after the retreating dust cloud*
Onslaught: *KICK to the ded!Vok. mm... vok guts dont fly well. *
Loyal Raiu: Bee! *tone sharp, cutting- to get through that bloodlust*
Hook: I'm glad.. I made energon goodies.
Optimus Prime: (Roller) >___>
Optimus Prime: (Roller) :B!
Optimus Prime: (Roller) D:
Bumblebee: *pauses in his pounding of Vokbits into smaller Vokbits* What?
Loyal Raiu: Lets go home.
Fireflight: Stop.
Optimus Prime: (Roller) /o\!!!
Bumblebee: I....
Ratchet: *still working*
Loyal Raiu: There's nothing left out here for us.
Fireflight: It's dead Bee. Hitting it won't make it more dead.
Bumblebee: *looks down at the Vok, then slowly stands*
Bumblebee: Y-yeah...let's get out of here...
Barricade: *he's STILL going at it, angry*
Loyal Raiu : *He doesn't turn around, he transforms*
Loyal Raiu: *And hits the sky in jet-form*
Onslaught: * DItto here Cade. Onslaught is mauling his half up rather good. *
Bumblebee: *transforms and begins the drive home*
Optimus Prime: (Roller) ....
Optimus Prime: (Roller) ........
Optimus Prime: (Roller) ..................
Optimus Prime: (Roller) >_>
Optimus Prime: (Roller) Optimus Prime: (Roller) *zoom*
Barricade: *finally stops, huffing, and angry, staring at the slush before him*
Optimus Prime: (Roller) *nudgenudgeBarricade*
Optimus Prime: (Roller) >________>?
Onslaught: * stops soon after and collapses with a pained snarle, but pushes himself up,. *
Barricade: *he looked over at Roller, and sighed, collapsing to his aft*
Barricade: Hi, Roller.....
Optimus Prime: (Roller) \o/?
Optimus Prime: (Roller) \o/?
Onslaught: ...The fraggers... * stars then falls on hios own aft. *
Barricade: *he smiled just a bit, and started cleaning off his blades* Yes....
Barricade: *he leaned against Roller, and draped an arm over him* Thanks.....
Optimus Prime: (Roller) <33
Onslaught: .... By the looks of it.. i fell into battlelust, yes? * looking over at barricade and roller. *
Optimus Prime: (Roller) *Nudgenuzzle*
Barricade: <333
Optimus Prime: (Roller) *is awesome go-kart*
Barricade: *grins at that, and pats him*
Optimus Prime: (Roller) ^_^
Optimus Prime: (Roller) *Chirp at Onslaught*
Optimus Prime: (Roller) \o/?
Onslaught: * nods back then shifts to give the drone a pet. *
Barricade: *he grinned and finished cleaning his blades, and then retracted them. *Set it on fire, Onslaught, and lets get out of here.
Optimus Prime: (Roller) ^_____________^
Onslaught: * nods, stands and does just that. *
Onslaught: * then transforms.. and doent look that flash, but he can still drive. *
Barricade: *he shook off most of the grime, and transformed* Roller, you coming with us...?
Optimus Prime: (Roller) b(^_^)
Barricade: Alright.....lets go. *his voice sounded tired and detatched...*
Onslaught: * and starts to drive off back to the base. *
Optimus Prime: (Roller) *Follows!*
Barricade: *he took off, taking up the rear*

Hook: *Hook begins silent work repairing the core - his music blaring in his head - not much will get through to him - zoning in on his work*
Ratchet: *also zoning in on his work*
Ratchet: *do not bother medics kthx*
Loyal Raiu: *Pads in silently*
Loyal Raiu: *Walking immediately to help Ratchet as he can*
Sunstorm: *systems were stabilizing again*
Optimus Prime: *Would ask how he can help, but knows this is out of his league. So, once he's sure the medics have it under control - turns. Pauses once he sees TC, and tilts head slightly*
Optimus Prime: \\Are you all right?\\
Ratchet: *working away - gonna be another all-nighter*
Ironhide: -wanders in, looking around the room- ...what the slag happened?
Loyal Raiu: ::yeah::
Optimus Prime: *Regards TC for a moment longer, then turns to Ironhide*
Optimus Prime: The Vok.
Optimus Prime: *Rubs his shoulder*
Loyal Raiu: ::Just tired...just... I'll be fine::
Optimus Prime: \\You're sure?\\
Sunstorm: *he's not gonna be transforming anytime soon...*
Ratchet: *blinks and looks at Sunstorm then at Prime*
Ratchet: Wait...weren't his wounds caused by energy weapons? *looks at TC*
Ironhide: Vok. -narrows his optics- Let me guess, they got away like they always do too, huh?
Optimus Prime: No. We killed it.
Optimus Prime: *Very bland*
Ironhide: Good.
Optimus Prime: *Nod. And heads for the door. Has quite a bit of damage on him, but more Vok-guts, so one could assume where he's going*
Optimus Prime: *They would, however, be assuming wrong*
Sunstorm: >//Attempt Syste- restart y/n? *his systems were getting slightly better...*
Ratchet: Y?
Ratchet: *fixfix*
Sunstorm: >//System restart -n progre-s ..............................................
Ratchet: Come on.
Ratchet: *little bit of love*
Sunstorm: *there was still a lot of damage to him, and who knew if his systems would restart....*
Sunstorm: >//System restart -n progre-s ..................................
Sunstorm: *He better be shutting off pain processors...with his thrusters, wing and half his cockpit gone......*
Ratchet: *he totally is*
Sunstorm: >//System Restart -uccessful. Warning. Numerou- internal -rrors found....
Fireflight: *is working on fixing said errors*
Sunstorm: ::.......*Static* ......::
Onslaught: * and thanks a time warp, Onslaught arrives back, Barricade behind him.*
Barricade: *and don't forget Roller...*
Optimus Prime: (Roller) *<3*
Onslaught: * stubles in, mostly clean - he DROVE the guts and stuff off. *
Barricade: *he walked into the medbay, still a mess, but he was more worried about Sunstorm than anything else*
Onslaught: * finds a corner and starts to work on his own injurys to patch them up. if he could do basic feild stuff for his team, he'd beable to do it for himself. *
Sunstorm: *he was coming online, but slowly. Still a lot of internal injuries and external*
Ratchet: *still fixing*
Ironhide: -watches for a few minutes, then turns to leave- ::To Ratchet: See you in the morning, then?::
Ratchet: :: Yeah. ::
Ratchet: :: Love you. ::
Sunstorm: *he was numb, all the pain receptors turned off. All his processors were slow, and he was confused as all slag.* ....nn....?
Ironhide: ::You too.::
Barricade: *he looked at Sunstorm and walked over to him, not having heard him at all.* .........Primus........*he took in the damage, now lighted well by all the light in the medbay*
Optimus Prime: (Roller) *Rolling about, may or may not be assisting the medics by bringing items they need*
Ratchet: You're awake...good...
Ratchet: *shakes his head*
Sunstorm: *he could barely talk, so...* ::..sktt - at happe--nd?::
Ratchet: You got jumped...we think it was the Vok.
Ratchet: Killed him.
Barricade (10:02:18): *He stood back, arms crossed*
Sunstorm: ::..-as fly-ng...::
Ratchet: I know.
Ratchet: *just looks sad*
Ratchet: Gonna have to build you another new, wing I'm afraid...
Sunstorm: ::....I- sorr-....::
Ratchet: Not your fault.
Ratchet: I'm just glad you're alive.
Sunstorm: *his entire frame shuddered, as he was still in a sort of shock* ::I didn- mean- kzzt:: *he felt bad somehow for all this*
Ratchet: Rest. Don't try to talk right now. Hook and I will have you good as new soon enough.
Ratchet: *smiles*
Ratchet: I'll have you out of the medbay in a day or two or die trying.
Sunstorm: ::Blaster....?::
Ratchet: No one puts one of my patients back in right after I just got done with them...
Swindle: *May or may not have poked his head in to watch for a couple moments*
Ratchet: He's alright...a bit banged up.
Swindle *But - is gone rather quickly*
Ratchet: *points to the sleeping Blaster in one of the berths and helpfully directs his sensors that way*
Onslaught: * .. ;___; *
Ratchet: *looks at Onslaught curiously*
Onslaught): * saw Swindle poke his head in then leave. is a bit sad. *
Optimus Prime: (Roller) :|a
Sunstorm: *slight frame shudder, and slight sagging as he realized he seemed okay. He can go into recharge a bit better now, but he just keeps his sensors trained on Blaster for the time being*
Optimus Prime: (Roller) *Picks up a few things using his gun, loads them up, then rolls out. A few wipes, and what looks like some cleaner*
Ratchet: *and keeps fixing*
Barricade: *he found a chair and sat down, deciding to just stay there with him, to watch over Sunstorm*
Sunstorm: *after a few minutes, he put himself into a System Recharge, and offlined all unnecessary systems*
Ratchet: *and will be working long into the night*
Ratchet: *sort of announces to the room* He's going to live...but we're gonna be here all night.
Barricade: *He nodded and continued to sit there silently*
Onslaught: * nods and keeps fixing himself up as best he can. *
Sunstorm: *in recharge.*
Sunstorm: *will be for a long time*
Ratchet: *and working for a while*

blast off, fireflight, log, sunstorm, optimus prime, vok, hook, blaster, barricade, ratchet, onslaught, thundercracker

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