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Dec 05, 2007 07:06

Wildrider: *shrugs, grabs another cube.* Depends on your view of harm.

Dead End: *bland look*

Dead End: You were there, I think you know what I mean.

Wildrider: *shrugs again * She didn't harm me. *smirks a bit.*

Dead End: *cocks optic ridge*

Wildrider: *toasts him with a full cube.*

Dead End: To you and your kinks. *clinks his cube against the other, and empties it*

Wildrider: To me and my kinks. *grins and drains his cube *

Dead End: *leans back, giving the room an uninterested gaze* Have you spoken to Breakdown?

Wildrider: Of course I have. *slow smirk *

Wildrider: *gives Wildrider a half-curious stare*

Dead End: His hysterics seem to have gotten worse.

Wildrider: Yeah. Then again he's always been real sketchy. Easily excitable.

Dead End: That is true. *light smirk*

Wildrider: *snags another cube to sip, then shrugs *

Wildrider: He'll never change..

Wheelie: *scrambles to sit on the cube's place, to be hauled right up to Wildrider's face*

Wildrider: *screams *

Wheelie: *a sonic attack! :o screams right back!*

Wildrider: *THROWS him away, cube and all *

Nightbird: *and she jumps down from the vents* HELLO!!

Wildrider: What the SLAG?!

Dead End: *winces as his audio receptors has to suffer through that screeching*

Dead End: *winces more as he spots Nightbird*

Wheelie: *was prepared for just this sort of thing, and kicks off to Dead End's shoulder with a spring*

Wildrider: It just gets better and better...

Dead End: *stares at the imp on his shoulder*

Wildrider: *staring in horror at Wheelie on Deadend's shoulder *

Wheelie: *stares right back with a cheery smile, eyeing Nightbird in the meanwhile*

Nightbird: *notices Dead End and Wildrider and walks over to them* Rider! Deady!

Wheelie: So this is the way to meet? Me Wheelie's just here to greet!

Wildrider: *croaks * Hey, Nightbird...

Wildrider: *still starring in terror at Wheelie, what was this abomination?*

Dead End: *mouth turns down in an unhappy curve*

Nightbird: *blinks at Dead End* You got something on your shoulder.

Wheelie: ...and now that Wheelie's shared his name, maybe all you three can do the same!

Dead End: *flat stare at Nightbird, before shifting it to the cretin on his shoulderplate*

Dead End: I noticed. *dry as the desert*

Nightbird: *blinks* Did it just rhymed?

Nightbird: Or is it me?

Wildrider: Yeah. Yeah it did.

Nightbird: *peers at it* Is it broken?

Wheelie: ...what's so strange? Wheelie rhymes. I just happen to do it all the time.

Wildrider: It has to be. There is no other explanation.

Dead End: *is not appreciating that voice so close to his audials, lifts a hand to flick him away*

Nightbird: *ignoring Wheelie* Can it be fixed?

Wildrider: *is just relieved Wheelie is gone. From his FACE.*

Wildrider: No. Irreperable. Lets go. *Standing and snagging Nightbirds hand and attempting to drag her out *

Wheelie: *grabs it first and gives it a shake, with enthusiasm that can't be faked*

Dead End: *stare* I'm Dead End.

Nightbird: *is dragged*But we can't leave Deady with it!!!

Dead End: *a bit fascinated by this little creature*

Wildrider: ....He is dead to us.

Nightbird: Can't we kill it?

Wheelie: Really? "Dead End?" Why so sad? That kind of name seems downright bad!

Wildrider: No. We can't kill it.

Dead End: *shrugs, bobbing the other up and down* It is fitting.

Wildrider: Yes, it really is...*mumbles *

Nightbird: Why not? He's broken. Broken things get thrown away

Wheelie: *still thinks the same sounds flat and dead, as he pops up to sit on Dead End's head*

Wildrider: ....Then you go throw him away.

Wheelie:If it fits, you need a cheer! It's a good thing that Wheelie's here!

Dead End: *shifts to give Wildrider a look, raising his hand to pick Wheelie off his helm*

Wildrider: *is too busy trying to escape with Nightbird to notice the look *

Dead End: *to Wildrider* :: Are you fleeing? :: *blandly*

Wheelie: *intercepts his hand again, pointing it at the fleeing friends*

Wheelie: Why are they moving off away? They haven't shared their names today!

Wildrider: ......

Dead End: *shakes it loose, grabbing the orange menace and removing it from his head.*

Nightbird: Oh, come on...

Nightbird: Rider, just shoot it or something

Nightbird: *hands him his gun*

Wildrider: I'm not shooting it. It might be a plot of Megatrons. *snags his gun back and subspaces it *

Nightbird: *tilts head* Plot for what?

Wildrider: To get someone in trouble.

Nightbird: With a rhyming thingamajig? *points to Wheelie*

Wheelie: *is so very small and spry that it's hard to keep a grip, he squirms out and swings back to the shoulder with a flip*

Wildrider: When did you find my gun again...?

Wheelie: If you want me to move, you can say, it's so much more polite that way.

Wildrider: *eyes the rhyming cretin *

Dead End: *long stare at Wheelie* Do not place your aft on my helm.

Nightbird: Remember when I dragged you off with Deady to do more... uh fun things after he bitched us into not going to the carousel?

Wildrider: You took it? *optics narrow, thats his gun!*

Wheelie: If you want, then I'll have to quit. But where instead should Wheelie sit?

Nightbird: Nope! *grin* You dropped it again.

Wildrider: *pleasedontanswerthatpleasedontansewrthatpleasedontanserthat *

Nightbird: *imsmallpleasedontsitonme*

Dead End: *dryly* There are seats designed for the purpose. I suggest you use them.

Wildrider: *relief *

Wheelie: The seats are built for someone tall! I need a perch for someone small.

Dead End: That is not my problem.

Wheelie: That's not so very kind. I'll sit here, if you don't mind?

Dead End: I have no interest in acting as a lookout point.

Wildrider:*snorts *

Wheelie: You don't seem to have interest in much! So if you're not busy, you work fine as such!

Dead End: Wildrider, are you leaving? *pointed look*

Wildrider: *halts in his creeping to the door * Ehem.

Wheelie: So Wildrider is his name! Wheelie didn't want a guessing game.

Wildrider: *blinks *

Dead End: *another pointed look, this time at Wheelie*

Wheelie: *looks back with a happy smile, content to stay for quite a while*

Wildrider: *creeps back to the door again *

Nigtbird: *and might be hiding somewhere behind Wildrider*

Dead End: *annoyed by Wildrider leaving and the shrill voice next to his audials*

Nightbird: *please don't move so much or they'll see me*

Wheelie: ...hey, does Wildrider have a greater height? Could Wheelie sit on him, if that's all right?

Wildrider: No.

Wildrider: Wildrighter does not have a greater height. Stay away from him, and everything will be all right. *bolts.*

Dead End: *smirks* Yes, Wildrider is taller than me.

Nightbird: *and is now in plain view* Damn you Rider

Wheelie: Wheelie think it's funny that you disagree, but even funnier that he's trying to flee!

Nightbird: *runs and tackles Rider* YOU CAN'T LEAVE!

Dead End: *stands up suddenly, not caring whether or not the rhyming one manages to hang on, and starts walking towards where Nightbird tackled Wildrider*

Wheelie: *blinks, but what does he know? He'll just sit and watch the show!*

Wildrider: *grunts, OOFS as he hits the floor *

Nightbird: *is so on top of him XP*

Wheelie: *doesn't have much trouble keeping his groove, holding Dead End's head while he moves*

Nightbird: YOU *hit* CAN'T *hit* LEAVE *hit* DEADY *hit* ALONE!!

Dead End: *looks down on the two, quirking an optic ridge as the femme starts to hit 'Rider*

Wildrider: *rage, flips and pins her to the floor easily *

Wheelie: ...why are Wheelie's friends trying to fight!? Dead End, how can we help to put this right?

Dead End: *shrugs, watching them with a dispassionate look* They can solve it themselves.

Nightbird: *damn her freaking size or not really* Yes? *smile*

Wildrider: *pins her, growling.* Don't hit me.

Wheelie: But what if we can solve it first? We don't want things to turn for the worse!

Nightbird: *growls do not exactly intimidate her* Don't make me hit you then.

Dead End: You could try to stop them . *another shrug*

Wildrider: *gets low, until he's right next to her audials, rumbling *

Wheelie: *takes the suggestion right to heart! and whips out his slingshot for a start*


Wheelie: *stretches it as he loads with a single stone, then zings the rock off Wildrider's chrome*

Nightbird: *blinks* When was what?

Wildrider: *jerks back from her, turning....slowly * What was that.

Wheelie: *already's tucked his slingshot away, hidden and ready for another day! :3*

Dead End: *eyes the mini-bot* That was unnecessary.

Wheelie: Me Wheelie doesn't have a clue! But no point in fighting, if you're through!

Wildrider: *seething in anger * What. was. that.

Wheelie: Channel that energy to better places! Maybe take the time to hit the races?

Dead End: This is where you get off my shoulderplate. *shoves Wheelie roughly with his hand*

Wildrider: *staring at Wheelie in suspicion *

Nightbird: *hits* Kill him!

Nightbird: *well not really hit, more like pushed*

Wheelie: *is pushed off the shoulder plate with a little yelp, but still grabs onto Dead End's side without any help*

Wildrider: *what is with people hitting him to night?! He has to resist the urge to pick her up and throw her *

Wheelie: That wasn't nice at all! Wheelie could have had a fall!

Nightbird: grins innocently at him and vaguely wondered where she left her facemask*

Dead End: *has no desire to scrape up his paintjob should Wildrider suddenly do something rash. Grabs the cretin with his hand, squeezing it tight so that he can't escape and holds him an arm's length away from his chassis*

Wildrider: *is contemplating rash.*

Wildrider: *is losing his temper, it's a miracle he still HAS it *

Nightbird: *and suddenly brakes down in giggles*

Wheelie: *stares at Dead End in surprise, peering with those glinting eyes*

Dead End: *ignores the little one, opting to give Wildrider a look. If the Stunticon tackled him he'd slag the bit-for-brains.*

Wheelie: All you have to say is please, and Wheelie can depart with ease.

Wildrider: *and would slag him right back D: D: D: *

Dead End: *tightens grip on Wheelie*

Wheelie: ...maybe you want to give me a hug, but your grip is getting kind of snug.

Nightbird: *has decided to simply grab a cube, sit back and watch the show*

Wildrider: What're you laughing at? *glares at Nightbird *

Nightbird: You.

Nightbird: And Deady and Rhymie

Dead End: *flickers his gaze to the minibot* Snug? *tightens it more, metal bending from the pressure*

Wildrider: *glare to her *

Nightbird: *shrugs* What? You're all cute

Wheelie: *glares and again whips out ammunition and his trusty sling, this time aiming for Dead End's optic with a high-speed fling*

Nightbird: *pats the couch* Come her and lets all snuggle together. That'll make you feel better.

Dead End: *yells as his optic cracks from the missile shot by the slingshot, grip tightening to an almost unbearable level before letting the autobot go*

Wheelie: *transforms the moment he hits the ground, revving with a whiny electric motor sound*

Nightbird: O_O Deady?

Dead End: *snarls, looking down at the little glitchmouse, lifting his foot to step on the scrap metal trying to get away*

Wheelie: *zooms and zags with fantastic acceleration, enough to provoke some serious irritation*

Wildrider: *staring at the pit spawn with a newfound respect *

Dead End: *unsubspaces his gun, face an ugly grimace as he aims and fires*

Nightbird: *eyes the gun, damn she wished she had one*

Wheelie: *narrowly swerves himself out of the way, throttling his engine in the universal "Make my day"*

Wheelie: Tee hee! For a mech with a nasty gun, you seem like you're pretty fun!

Dead End: *curses as his usually good aim is thrown off by the cracks in his optic, not that he stops trying to shoot the little fragger, not by a long way*

Wildrider: You know...I think it would be wise to underestimate that thing.

Wildrider: *to Nightbird.*

Wheelie: *squeals as he dodges and rides up the wall, before motoring off down the entry hall*

Dead End: *moves after the cretin, continuing to fire at him until the minibot disappears from optic range*

Nightbird: *shrugs* Maybe... it's still weird

Wheelie: *flees to pester another day, giggling as he makes his getaway*

Wildrider: A bit.

Wildrider: *stares off after him *

Nightbird: *sips from her cube*

Dead End: *sneers as the pest gets away, there is no use chasing after him and wreaking havoc in the base's hallways - the little glitch has more maneuverability than him in the rather cramped space. *

Dead End: *Returns to the common room, scowling at Wildrider and Nightbird.*

This happened the night Nightbird destroyed the Autobot's Communications Room. It's just another normal night in the common room.

log, wildrider, nightbird, wheelie, dead end

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