Log Dump :D

Dec 01, 2007 01:30

Ironhide: -wandering around tomorrowland with Ratchet and Anna, amused by all the space stuff-
Ratchet: *also slightly amused*
Ironhide: -laughs and points- Megatron blends right in.
Mary and Michelle: *Walking around, holding hands, oooohDisneyland!:D*
Ratchet: That he does...*chuckle*
Ironhide: Anna: -asleep-
Mary: *justmindingownbusiness, trying not to lose her partner in the crowd-brushes someone's shoulder, giving a quick 'sorry' and a brief look to see if they're ok*
Ratchet: *glances back as someone brushes against his holo. then blinks*
Mary: *Catches eyes - then blinks back, stopping*
Michelle: *Stops as well, looking over at Mary to see why she did?*
Ratchet: Mary? *reaches out a hand to tap Hide on the shoulder*
Ironhide: -turns around- Huh?
Mary: Arthu-ImeanRatch-Imean...Michelle, look!
Ratchet: *Wave*
Michelle: *Looks up, blinkblink - eyes widen, then grin*
MisterPrimeToYou: (Michelle) Well, here's something I didn't expect to see.
Mary: *:D!* How are you guys?
Mary: *Wave to Ironhi-!!!* Is that a baby? *Leans over to get a better look*
Ironhide: Oh, hey. -smiles-
Ratchet: Yes. It belongs to a friend. Her name's Anna.
Ratchet: How are you doing?
Anna: -ttly asleep-
Mary: *promptly starts doing what all females do at the sight of a new baby - make aaaw noises and 'isn't-she-cute while trying not to wake her up*
Michelle: We're good. A friend? *Peeks over at Anna, may or may not be resisting the urge to follow Mary because omgbaby!*
Ratchet: *nods* Yes. Another human friend of ours. *beam*
Ironhide: She and her mate wanted to go on some rides together.
Michelle: Ma-husband? *Arches eyebrow*
Michelle: They trust you with a baby? *Amused little smile - is teasing. Sort of*
Ratchet: Of course they do.
Ironhide: Er, husband, yes.
Mary: *:3cutebabyiscute*
Mary: *alsoasleepsosheshallstopfussingoveritsoitdoesn'twakeup*
Ratchet: Interesting place, this Disneyland.
Ironhide: -nods- I kind of like it.
Mary: It's a fun place! *Smiles happily* We're visiting some friends, but we're not sure where they got off to...
Michelle: *...seems to have thought of something, looks from Ironhide to Ratchet, blinking*
Ratchet: *nods* It does seem like it'd be easy to lose people in this crowd...
Ironhide: Most humans I've ever seen in one place. -looks at Michelle curiously-
Michelle: ...
Ratchet: *glances at Michelle as well.*
Michelle: *Curiously, lowering her voice* You guys can't be here for the rides, can you? *Headtilt*
Mary: *...blinks, looking from Michelle to the other two. Oh yeah, they're...not...real. Sort of*
Ratchet: I know I'm not.
Ironhide: Oh come on, at least go on one rollercoaster with me. I want to know what all the fuss is about them.
Ratchet: No.
Ironhide: -nudge-
Mary: They're not /that/ bad. *Amused smile*
Michelle: *Headtilt other way* Can you guys actually ride them? I mean...you know...
Michelle: *Kind of...gestures...not knowing how to well, say it, in front of all these people even if they're not paying attention*
Ironhide: Yeah we can. -grins-
Ratchet: We can, but I don't really want to. : (
Michelle: ...how?
Ratchet: I'm fine doting on Annabelle and enjoying the crowds.
Mary: *Giggle*
Ironhide: -grin gets wider- He had a bad experience at a similar place once.
Ratchet: Shush.
Mary: What do you mean?
Michelle: ...yeah, spill it.
Ratchet: No.
Ironhide: -laughs- I think it was...ten million years ago, by your reckoning?
Ratchet: Hide.
Ratchet: Tire chains. Public.
Ratchet: I will do it.
Mary and Michelle: Ten million years?
Ironhide: ........
Michelle: ...wait, did he say tire chains?
Ironhide: Shutting up.
Ratchet: *gets a smug look*
Mary: *Nowai*
Michelle: *omgnowai*
Ratchet: Yes, I did.
Michelle: *Is trying very, very hard not to laugh*
Ironhide: ::....I stopped.::
Mary: But they're...just...that can't be right, not thinking about that.
Mary: *Whaps side of her head lightly*
Ironhide: -growls, embarrassed-
Michelle: Moving on. *Cheerful!*
Ratchet: They make our tires more sensitive. Very interesting medical phenomonea;
Mary: .....
Mary: Thanks, guys, now I'm gonna think about that for the next few days. *Groooooooan*
Ratchet: You're welcome.
Michelle: *Snug*
Mary: *<3*
Ironhide: -elbows him- /Ratchet./
Ratchet: What?
Ratchet: It's true.
Ironhide: -glare-
Ratchet: *grin*
Mary: Well, like she said, moving on?
Ratchet: Ignore 'Hide, he's an old fuddy-duddy. *hugs him*
Ironhide: -grumble, only half returns it-
Michelle: Sorry, 'Ron. *Amused*
Ironhide: .....just call me 'Hide. Everyone else does.
Michelle: *Nod*
Ratchet: Anyway
Ratchet: We're out enjoying the day and all of that fun stuff.
Mary: Stay away from Fantasyland. I've heard there's some weird things going on there.
Ironhide: You didn't want to come at first. -teasing grin-
Ironhide: -blink- ...what kind of weird things?
Ironhide: -has a bad feeling-
Mary: *Looks up at Michelle*
Michelle: Um...I can't remember exactly, but some people are saying that there were a whole bunch of people interrupting the parade...
Ratchet: Uh oh.
Ironhide: Stupid glitches....
Michelle: *Shrug*
Mary: *Blink?*
Ratchet: There's...uh...more of us here today. We're here as a group...
Mary: ......more of us as in more giant robots?
Michelle: *Bliiiiiink*
Ratchet: Yes...
Michelle: ...oh dear.
Mary: *._.*
Ratchet: Heh.
Ironhide: It was....a mandatory vacation.
Ironhide: -turns to Ratchet- How much you wanna bet it involves Megatron?
Ratchet: I wouldn't bet against it.
Mary: *Leans back into Mary a bit, still semi-held in her arms. Half-joking, half-seriously-worried* There's still gonna be Disneyland at the end of the day, right?
Ratchet: There should be.
Mary: *relieved*
Michelle: *Also relieved. Do not want exploding theme park*
Ironhide: ...eh, most of the destructive ones have someone that can keep them in check. -chuckle-
Michelle: .....
Mary: *Nervous giggle* Well, good.
Ratchet: No one's going to get blown up.
Michelle: *lowers voice again* I heard some of security already did.
Ironhide: .......
Mary: ...
Mary: Oh, look! The band's starting! *POINT*
Ratchet: *glances over*
Ironhide: Huh. -does so as well-
Mary: *:D techno music woo!*
Michelle: *Eyes Mary. Someone's good at changing subjects*
Mary: *<3*
Ironhide: Reminds me. They should throw raves more often. -leans on Ratchet a bit-
Ratchet: *leans back*
Michelle: You guys like raves, too?
Ratchet: You should see some of the ones we have...
Ironhide: -shrugs- They're fun.
Mary: You guys don't use the...er...holos for them, do you?
Ratchet: No.
Ratchet: *grins*
Michelle: *deadpan* Those must be some big glowsicks.
Ironhide: Well, if dancing with humans, yes.
Mary: What do you guys use? *Curious*
Ironhide: -glances at Ratchet- I think only Frenzy and the humans ever use glowsticks.
Ratchet: *nods* Although I think there were some making necklaces out of them.
Ironhide: I don't remember that...
Ratchet: Really?
Ratchet: I could've sworn some of them did.
Ironhide: Wait....Jazz did.
Ironhide: I think.
Ironhide: Had 'em all over his chassis.
Mary: ...
Michelle: *...snicker*
Mary: Seriously?
Ratchet: *nods*
Ratchet: Quite a sight to see them dancing to human techno.
Ironhide: -grins-
Mary and Michelle: *Imagining Ratchet & Ironhide's bodies dancing...and crack up at the same time*
Ironhide: ....what?
Ratchet: *chuckles*
Ratchet: If it was possible I'd invite you to the next one.
Michelle: That's ok-
Mary: Really!?
Michelle: *UMNO*
Ratchet: And hey. We do a killer robot.
Ironhide: -snorts, elbows Ratchet-
Ratchet: Bad pun, I know...
Ratchet: And yes.
Ironhide: Why couldn't they come to the next one?
Ironhide: S'not like they'd be the only humans there.
Mary: *Puppy eyes*
Ironhide: Anna: -stirs, beginning to wake up-
Michelle: Guys, that's all right...
Michelle: Really, it is.
Ratchet: True.
Ratchet: We should invite them.
Michelle: ...
Michelle: ...I think the kid's waking up.
Ratchet: Hmm?
Ratchet: *looks down*
Ratchet: Annabelle?
Anna: -starts crying-
Ironhide: ........
Mary: *D8!*
Ironhide: Why's she crying? -panicked look-
Mary: OmigoshdidwewakeherupI'msorry!
Ratchet: o.o;
Ratchet: Uh...
Michelle: *Frowns a little, sniffing the air - then makes a face*
Michelle: ...I think she needs to be changed.
Ratchet: Hide gets to do it.
Ratchet: *flee*
Ironhide: ...............
Michelle: Some guy, huh? *Amused*
Ironhide: /Ratchet!/
Ratchet: *comes back grinning*
Ironhide: -glare-
Ratchet: It was a joke, Hide.
Mary: *Muffles a giggle, pulling herself free of Michelle's arms*
Mary: You guys know how, right?
Ironhide: .......no?
Mary: *Blink*
Ironhide: -frowns, searching the internet-
Michelle: You surprised, Mary?
Ironhide: Now I do. -ew face-
Ratchet: *laughs*
Anna: -still crying, face all scrunched up-
Ratchet: So...is there a...uh...restroom or something?
Mary: Yeah, they've got changing stations by them. *Looks around*
Michelle: *Point*
Ironhide: -rly didn't expect this in the job description-
Ratchet: *sighs and starts wheeling Anna towards one*
Ironhide: Human sparklings are complicated... -mutters-
Mary and Michelle: *Kind of trailing after, holding hands again*
Michelle: Babies are a handful. Glad we don't have one.
Mary: *Pout*
Ironhide: -follows Ratchet, hands shoved in pockets-
Ratchet: *finds a changing station*
Ratchet: Aha...
Anna: -squirm, cry-
Mary: ...look, Ro-ImeanHide. Do you want me to do it?
Mary: *May or may not have the barest hint of puppy-eyes-please-let-me-omg?*
Ironhide: Mightbebestforyouto.
Ratchet: I agree.
Mary: *BEAM!*
Michelle: *Facepalm*
Ironhide: Never had to do anything like this with our sparklings. -mutters-
Mary: *And with the ease of someone who's done this sort of thing before...Anna is coo'd at, changed, and diaper disposed of*
Anna: -is happy now, looking up at Mary-
Mary: *omgaren'tyouthesweetistthingwho'sacutie<3*
Mary: *And misc other noises*
Ironhide: -shakes his head, smiling-
Ratchet: *watches with a smile*
Anna: -giggles and makes the universal baby wants picked up motions-
Mary: *Picks her up <3*
Ironhide: -grabs the stroller and begins wheeling it to a table so they aren't blocking the station- I'm really glad we ran into you two now.
Ratchet: Heh
Mary: *Coos one more time before settling her in the stroller*
Ratchet: That's Hide for you.
Ironhide: .......what? We probably would have messed up somehow.
Ironhide: Internet just isn't enough in some situations. -grumps-
Ratchet: True.
Michelle: *Rubs the back of her head* Well - it's all good. *Smile*
Ironhide: Well, thank you. -sits down and looks at the band-
Ratchet: *nods*
Ratchet: Yes, thanks very much.
Mary: Welcome! *Grin*
Ironhide: -grabs Ratchet's wrist and pulls him over to sit too-
Ratchet: *sits down with Hide*
Anna: -blinks, just watching the crowd-
Mary: *Smiles, seemingly happy to watch them*
Michelle: *Looks down at her watch* We're gonna miss our reservation at Bayou if we don't hurry.
Mary: *Blink, then looks at her cellphone timer* Wow, you're right~!
Ironhide: Was nice to see you again. -grins, leaning against Ratchet-
Ratchet: Yes!
Ratchet: I look forward to seeing you again.
Michelle: *Grins* Call us sometime.
Mary: *Nodnod!* Anytime!
Ironhide: -sends a text to Mary's cell, saying, "Will do."-
Ratchet: *waves*
Mary: *Looks down, blink-wait, who's that from...then smiles at them*
Michelle: See you guys later! *And with that - they're gone*

Sarah: -digging in the small pantry for something to eat in the common room-
Starscream: *saunters in, very pleased with himself, to get a cube to drink* Hello, Sarah.
Sarah: Hi Starscream! -pulls out a bag of chips and starts munching on them-
Sarah: -ttly forgotten about the talk at Disneyland-
Skyfire: *follows in behind Starscream, all little bit worn out from all that work they've been doing, but grinning*
Skyfire: Sarah. Hello. Almost missed you down there. *grins at her, going around to the energon stash*
Sarah: ^____^
Starscream: *snagging a cube for both himself and Skyfire, pleased* How are you?
Sarah: Great! I had so much fun at Disney.
Skyfire: *takes the offered cube, sips* Glad to hear it. I assume you finally managed to track down your husband, then?
Sarah: Yeah. He'd wandered to the Buzz Lightyear ride, and was shooting things.
Sarah: -laughs-
Starscream: ...there was a ride where you could /shoot/ things? I'm sorry I missed that one.
Sarah: He was like a kid in a candy store.
Skyfire: Heh. That would have been something fun to do... *wry smile*
Sarah: I'm a horrible shot, but I went on it once with him, since he loved it so much. -giggle-
Sarah: I can count on one hand how many points I got.
Sarah: -munchmunch-
Skyfire: Starscream probably would have won on that one...*fond smile*
Starscream: It's just a matter of practice. *smug anyway*
Skyfire: *takes a sip of his cube* So...Sarah. Have you thought anymore about those questions we asked you? *innocent smile*
Sarah: Questio- oh. -face turns reeeeeed-
Sarah: Um...well, we should...discuss this somewhere more private...
Skyfire: *blinks in mild confusion but nods* If that what you're most comfortable with...
Skyfire: Would you prefer our room or back in yours...?
Sarah: Yours. No chance of anyone coming in and overhearing. -quickly-
Starscream: ...however you prefer; we're the ones asking what I think are extremely awkward questions.
Skyfire: Alright then. *eyes the food she's carrying* You're welcome to bring all that back with you, as well. We don't want to keep you from your meal.
Sarah: Alright. Let's get this over with. -omg she's giving sex advice to aliens!-
Skyfire: ...? *lead the way back to their room, nursing his cube* ...You don't sound very enthused. You don't have to answer any questions if you would prefer not to...
Skyfire: *exceedingly curious, but honestly doesn't want to put the small human in a situation she is uncomfortable with...*
Sarah: No, no, it's just...never thought I'd talk about things of this nature with anyone that wasn't...human. Or, hell, female!
Starscream: Wouldn't the males of your species also have something of an interest in the subject? *curious*
Sarah: ....it's...complicated with us.
Skyfire: *nods understandingly* Yes, it does seem that...'sex' is a rather taboo subject in your culture.
Skyfire: Thats what I've gathered, from the 'internet' at least....
Sarah: -face is still red, but not as much as earlier-
Starscream: It's an interesting sociological quirk, if you don't mind my being clinical about it.
Skyfire: Of course, it is rather confusing to decipher, as the majority of your 'internet' is MADE up of data dealing with things that seem to be 'sexual' in nature.
Skyfire: So I have concluded that 'sex', while rather taboo, is also somewhat emerging from that realm and becoming more... open and acceptable? I think?
Sarah: ....you'd be right. Two hundred years ago, no one ever discussed it. At all.
Starscream: But reproduction is such a strong drive in humanity... *blinks optics*
Sarah: Society. Religious beliefs. We're very strange.
Skyfire: ...It IS a rather odd thing to repress... *curious face is curious* I can't help but wonder as to the circumstances behind it... *keys in the code for their room - they have arrived!*
Sarah: -yay, she'll feel better where no one can stumble in on their conversation!-
Starscream: No, it actually makes sense - strong biological imperatives frequently get societally controlled, in order to keep them in check...
Skyfire: *door opens, enters! Goes and gets that blanket Sarah and Annabelle used the last time they were here so the human can be comfortable and lays it out for her*
Sarah: -sits down, feeling a little awkward- So....
Starscream: The second attempt /did/ go much better, you have to admit, Skyfire.
Starscream: There's very good reason for the removal of clothing. *down to Sarah*
Sarah: .......you didn't take off your clothes the first time?
Skyfire: *oooh, thats a rather secret, pervy grin on those facial plates!* Mmm... Yes it did.
Skyfire: *shakes his head, smoothering that grin* Umm... not really. Not completely, anyway... *looks toward starscream in askance*
Starscream: Not really, no. That was something of a large factor in the improvement of the second...
Skyfire: Indeed there was. Of course, there was the whole... *waves hands vaguely* /Internal/ aspect of the second one, as well...
Starscream: /Also/ much improved, but still far less reliable than I would like. *cocks head at Sarah* Do you have any advice?
Sarah: Uh.......well...how did you...? -trails off-
Skyfire: ...How did we...? *confused look*
Starscream: Against the wall again. Only the second time, nudity and actual penetration were involved. The experience was /much/ improved for them.
Sarah: Well, yeah...that's how it's...usually done.
Sarah: -in a much higher than normal voice- ........lookup'clitoris'.
Starscream: It was still somewhat more problematic; probably because of the wider range of possible sensations... oh, the anatomy I found! That wasn't difficult.
Skyfire: Oh yes. THAT. *wry look* If THATS how its normally done, its a wonder the male half of the human gender can even SURVIVE the experience.
Skyfire: The amount of work involved just to ensure an equal experience for both involved is just-! *huffs only slightly bitterly**
Starscream: The difficulty arose in the types of stimulation that were and were not actually pleasurable, and to what degrees. Certain angles of pressure weren't; others initially were and then /ceased/ to be.
Starscream: There /must/ be some sort of system.
Sarah: Actually....not really.
Sarah: It's just....finding what works for your partner.
Skyfire: ...Yes, well, the 'finding' was exceedingly /difficult/ and the 'found' status was /hard to maintain/. *frown*
Starscream: There's no overarching schematic?
Sarah: No.
Starscream: ...forgive me, but. ...that is an /unacceptable/ design flaw.
Sarah: ...can't help how we evolved.
Skyfire: *mutters* you'retellingme...
Skyfire: *sigh* Unfortunately. Such things cannot readily be changed in organics... I hope it is easier for one who is born into the experience, at least. *wry grin to Sarah*
Starscream: ...true. Sorry, Sarah, I didn't mean to insult your species' capacity to reliably induce pleasure in each other. I'm certain it's at least somewhat easier for those to whom the form is actually /natural./ *wry*
Sarah: Eheh...not really. We just hope that we get lucky enough to find a partner that isn't... -pauses- selfish.
Skyfire: ...Selfish? *makes a face* ...You mean someone who doesn't care to take the time to...work with this natural 'difficulty'? *sounds vaguely appalled*
Sarah: -nod- Exactly.
Starscream: ...how odd. The internet doesn't /mention/ a high frequency of smacking males upside the head during intercourse if they don't perform adequately. Maybe the statistic is offline.
Sarah: -laughs at that- Well, it's not as uncommon as I initially made it sound, but it does happen on occasion.
Skyfire: Thats... Thats just... BAH. *just can't articulate anything else on the subject, FROWNING*
Starscream: Ah, good. That would explain why the statistic isn't so readily available.
Sarah: -shrugs- Like I said, we're a strange species.
Starscream: *clicks* Not that strange at all...
Sarah: So, um...now that I've answered your questions...it's only fair you answer mine, right?
Skyfire: *grins* Of course. What would you like to know?
Starscream: Ask anything. *waves a hand in invitation*
Sarah: Well...I kind of know how your version works, but the...spark part is what confuses me.
Skyfire: *blinks* Our version? And what about the spark do wish to know about?
Sarah: -frowns, thinking- ....../everything/, really.
Starscream: ...it's... ...similar to the 'soul,' really. Blackout and the others are in human bodies because their sparks are implanted there; it's the dominant source of personality.
Sarah: So...it's like...your very core?
Starscream: *nods* Anything else in a mech's body can be replaced; some things can /impact/ personality mental processes - memory and the like - but the spark is the essence.
Skyfire: *nods* Essentually it IS us. A spark defines who we are. We can pretty much survive most other damages to our bodies. Even mechs that lose their heads, so to speak, can survive. But take a shot to the spark, and well...
Sarah: Oh... -nods- I think I understand it better now.
Sarah: And...then, with...sparking, how does that work?
Skyfire: You mean during interfacing? *small grin*
Sarah: -another nod, face going red again-
Starscream: What you do is you expose both sparks and bring the outer layers - the structure is somewhat similar to that of a star, as is the appearance - into contact with each other.
Starscream: Bringing the actual /cores/ of the sparks into contact will cause a bond to form between the two participants, which is permanent. I'm given to understand it feels that much better, than just the outer layers, though.
Starscream: *ttly in lecture mode*
Skyfire: *eyes Sarah's red face with a grin* There is no reason to be embarrassed. Stereotypically, we flyers are a bit more...uninhibited, you might say.
Sarah: -small laugh- Design feature?
Skyfire: Not that we have such a stringent social taboo on such things. It really comes down to the indivial mechs or femmes involved.
Starscream: More the tendency to have intercourse in high visibility areas. *cheerful* Such as mid-air.
Skyfire: *smirks* Indeed. Interfacing several miles up where anyone from twenty miles around or more can see you tends to leave you with little worry about such things.
Sarah: So sparking is like...giving yourself up completely, putting absolute trust in the other? And...Ratchet mentioned something about being able to send...emotions? Through the bond?
Starscream: It's an act of intimacy. *nods* A certain amount of emotional content is sent while the outer layers are in contact; with an actual bonded pair (or group),
Starscream: a level of that emotional content is always transmitted. Nobody really knows how.
Skyfire: *nods* Yes. That's it exactly. When you bond, anway. You must be willing to share yourself completely
Starscream: It /should/ be a well-thought-out decision between the relevant parties, not that /this/ base is showing a lot of that. *grimaces* I suppose it just makes the interfactional ties harder to break...
Sarah: ....it's like soulmates. Two halves of one whole. -slightly awed-
Skyfire: *side long glance at Starscream* True, it should be thought out and not demoted to a mere.../accident/. Though there IS such as thing as taking too much time in waiting before hand. *gently teasing*
Starscream: I think the term 'soulmates' implies... ...some deity's intention that the two be together, or are somehow 'meant' for each other? So not precisely that.
Starscream: And there is also ample room for full consideration of the ramifications of the action. *mock indignant back at Skyfire*
Sarah: Similar to teenage marriages, I suppose. They think they'll be together forever, but end up divorcing a year or two later. Except for you, it's permanent. -thoughtful-
Skyfire: *nods at Sarah* Hmm.. somewhat, yes. Usually. In disagreeable circumstances, the bond can be broken, though I have heard it is one of the more painful experiences one can endure.
Skyfire: And so it does, Starscream. But there is little else to be considered here, other than that one last issue. *kind smile, optics warm*
Sarah: I would think so, if you've got a part of another embedded in you, and then it gets ripped out.
Starscream: It's a /big/ issue, though! ...but. ...yes. But it /does/ mean that the ability of this odd little alliance to rip itself apart is considerably lessened.
Skyfire: So it generally does... *steps closer to Starscream and gives him a gentle nudge, hand resting down between his wings* It's not going to get any smaller the longer we wait, love...
Sarah: ...I wish humans could have that level of intimacy. It would have made dealing with Will's deployments so much easier to handle...
Sarah: Being able to constantly feel him there, to not have to worry if he's been killed and I just haven't gotten the news yet...
Skyfire: Mm.. yes. I imagine it would be of a great comfort...
Starscream: But there's also the possibility, always, of a - a mistake being made. With a bond, there is no such - uncertainty.
Sarah: I can't help but feel a little jealous now. It's silly of me, I know, but still. It sounds so wonderful. -wry smile-
Skyfire: *looks at Starscream significantly* ...Starscream... *sighs and lightly wraps an arm around his shoulders* ::...you doubt yourself too much in this...::
Starscream: There's probably drawbacks and benefits to both approaches. I wouldn't be too jealous; it's... a /very/ significant step, and can go wrong in a /vast/ multitude of ways.
Starscream: *leans a little against Skyfire* ::On the contrary, Skyfire - I /know/ myself all too well.::
Sarah: You're probably right. -shakes her head, then smiles brightly- Thank you for answering my questions.
Skyfire: *Looks back down to Sarah* Mmm, yes. That is one thing our race can be endlessly thankful for. Its something that we have really yet to really see in any other races we've encountered.
Skyfire: There are a few others that have something similar, through raw mental connections and such, but... It is a bit of a sorrow that other races are not able to experience something similar... *genuinely sad smile*
Skyfire: ::..*sighes*...And I want to know you just was well, if you'll let me someday... :: *the hand around his shoulders brushes gently against an audio, body nudging against his slightly*
Starscream: Is there anything else at all we can help you with? You've been extremely patient, and I know we've been pushing the boundaries of cultural acceptability.
Sarah: No, that's everything I wanted to know. ^___^
Sarah: And it's okay, really.
Skyfire: *grins down at her, though it is a smidgen forced at the moment* We're glad to be of help. And thank you very much for yours - its been most.. *rueful laugh*..informative.
Starscream: ::And that's what worries me, Skyfire...:: *leans a little more* If anything else comes up, please let us know.
Sarah: I should head back now. -stands up and stretches-
Skyfire: ::...I know you have bigger...reasons to be worried about this, but you aren't the only one that's worried about the other's reaction in this...*smiles wryly*::
Skyfire: Of course, Sarah. I suppose it would be best if we walked you back, then..?
Sarah: I think I'll be fine, actually. The Vok haven't really expressed an interest in snatching me...something about Dani being handful enough. -laughs-
Sarah: And if they do snatch me, I'll make their life a living hell. >|
Skyfire: *makes a face* Hrm. Either way, we probably should. Large mechs with careless feet around here, at any rate...
Sarah: I've learned to stick to the wall. -grins- But if you want to.
Starscream: It'd be /just/ the moment anyone dropped their guard that they'd strike, I imagine. Anyway, it's on the way back to the Nemesis.
Sarah: Alright, then. Shall we go?
Skyfire: *nods, reluctantly stepping away from Starscream, though he snags a hand on his way to the door* Of course.
Starscream: If you're ready. *stands back up, squeezing Skyfire's fingers lightly* ::Skyfire, /nothing/ I know of your spark could make me regret bonding with you, no matter how secret or how little you liked it.::
Sarah: ...can I hitch a ride?
Skyfire: *opens the door and looks down in surprise, grinning faintly* ...Of course.
Skyfire: Any preference? *laughs*
Sarah: Um...shoulder? So you don't have to worry about dropping me?
Skyfire: I meant either of us but no matter... *grins and stoops down with his free hand, laying a massive palm out for her to step into, thumb up from grasping if she needs to steady herself*
Sarah: -clambers up, she's had a little bit of practice with this-
Starscream: *makes an indignant sound* We'd never. *lets Skyfire, figuring that while he /definitely/ has the control to not hurt a hair on Sarah's head, she might not like the sharp and pointy nature of his hand*
Sarah: -wow, Skyfire is big-
Skyfire: ::...I'm flattered you think so, Starscream. ...But if you can say that for /me/, I wish you'd let me decide the same for myself about /you/...::
Skyfire: *lifts Sarah up carefully and brings her to his shoulder, where their are lots of convient air intake slots to grasp onto* ...Make sure you get a good hold on those up there...
Skyfire: *slightly worried - his size is the reason he offered a choice, after all.*
Sarah: -gets herself seated where she won't fall and grins- I've had a little bit of prior experience; I've gotten good at holding on.
Skyfire: *grins and rumbles from right next to her, even though his voice is lowered in consideration for her* Good. Just make sure you let me know if you start to lose your grip or get uncomfortable...
Starscream: ::I /am./ Just not the irrevocable way...:: *follows close enough that even if Sarah /does/ slip, he can catch her*
Sarah: I will. :3
Skyfire: *head off to the room, stepping lightly*
Skyfire: ::..you know what I mean, love. *soft sigh* ...Share those details with me once you're ready, then. The verbal way, if you must. *wry and..slightly tired. It's vaguely painful to have to bring this up again and again.
Skyfire: He wants to give Starscream his time, but..well, he wants what he wants. Not to mention, the endless caution surrounding the issue is making him slightly more worried about what to expect then he would like...
Skyfire: not that he'd ever say any such thing to Starscream*::
Well then Sarah, if you ever have anymore questions, just let us know, alright? We'll be glad to try and answer them for you.
Sarah: Alright!
Sarah: -yawns-
Skyfire: ...Here we are, then. *raises a hand to Sarah to step down into*
Sarah: -does so, after giving the side of his head a hug the best she can-
Skyfire: *is rather touched by the gesture, and presses against her ever so slightly with his thumb in return, slightly saddened he can do no more, and lowers her to the ground*
Skyfire: Well then, have a good night, Sarah. It was nice speaking with you once again. *nods down at her*
Sarah: -pats Starscream's foot and smiles at both of them before going over to the human-level keypad and punching in the code-
Sarah: Goodnight!
Starscream: *twitches a toe, startled* Good night, Sarah. Re - /sleep/ - well.

Sarah: -knock on Megatron and Prime's door, she's carrying a bag half her size with the Disney logo on it-
Megatron: *Bleary optic'd, he opens the door, peers out, then down*
Megatron: ....
Megatron: The human Sarah....what are you doing here?
Sarah: Hi! -waves up at him- I...uh, got you something at Disneyland.
Sarah: -shy smile-
Megatron: *blinks*
Megatron: Me?
Megatron: *blinks again*
Sarah: -nods- Yes. To...make up for the Submarine ride.
Megatron: The sub...*steps aside to let her in*
Sarah: -comes in- You didn't have to ride it, but you did.
Sarah: -reaches into the bag and pulls out.....a two-foot plush sea turtle- Your very own turtle!
Megatron: ...
Megatron: ..........
Megatron: Is that...*eyes it*
Megatron: ...for me?
Sarah: Yes, for you. -holds it up, smiling brightly-
Megatron: *Isn't sure what to say*
Megatron: *stares at her, then at the adorableturtle*
Megatron: ....you...you didn't have to do this.
Sarah: I know, but I wanted to!
Megatron: .....
Megatron: *takes the turtle. It's so small, but...he smiles at it, then at her.*
Megatron: ....thank you. This is...
Megatron: ...You're very kind.
Sarah: -beams-
Megatron: *Eyes the turtle some more, then looks down at her*
Megatron: Did you have a good time at Disneyland?
Sarah: Mmhmm! The best vacation I've ever been on!
Sarah: Thank you so much for inviting us!
Megatron: *nods slightly*
Megatron: I'm glad you could make it.
Megatron: It was a far bigger success that I imagined.
Sarah: -giggles- Everyone I saw was having fun.
Megatron: *nods again*
Megatron: Hopefully....the next vacation will go just as well.
Sarah: ^____^
Megatron: *smiles again*
Megatron: Perhaps you'll be able to join us then too.
Sarah: Really?
Sarah: I would love to!
Megatron: You will be invited, naturally. *Looks at the turtle once more, blinking slowly*
Sarah: It was the biggest one I could find.
Megatron: ...thank you. Turtles are.... *smile turns a bit lopsided*
Megatron: I like them...
Sarah: -beams again- I'm glad you like it.
Megatron: ....
Megatron: I do. Very much. *Looks away, embarrased.*
Sarah: -pats his foot/leg, whatever she can reach, fondly-
Megatron: *That surprises him*
Megatron: *Instinctively jerks away, startled*
Sarah: -blinks-
Megatron: ....ah...
Megatron: ...I'm...I'm sorry.
Sarah: No no, it's okay. You're just not used to it, probably. ^___^
Megatron: *Nods apologetically, then stoops down to offer Sarah his pinky finger*
Megatron: I'm not. But still, to be so rude...
Megatron: Thank you Sarah Lennox.
Sarah: -hugs it- You're welcome.
Megatron: *doesn't pull away this time, but is startled by the hug*
Megatron: *Blinks, then smiles again*
Sarah: I need to go now, I'm starving... -smiles again, then heads for the door-
Megatron: *Sees her out, hoving in the doorway*
Megatron: ...you're welcome to visit again. *comes out a bit rushed*
Sarah: You too! -turns back with a grin, then continues off-
Megatron: *and watches her go until he can't see her any longer. Gives the turtle a look and a smile, then turns back into his quarters.*

starscream, megatron, log, skyfire, disney, annabelle, ironhide, sarah, ratchet

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