Dec 01, 2007 10:25

PART THREE! The day brightens, somewhat. I hate formating. I really do.

Danien: * is in Fantasyland - window shoppping, enjoying the -realitive - saneness thats not in the other parts of the park right now. but is also thinking and not really paying attention wher shes going to umm... she might crash into someone.? *
Sunstorm: *an incredibly hot person, red, long hair and two streaks of gold, with black pants and a white shirt, and sunglasses that had a gold/red mirror effect on it stood facing one of the stores, fascinated by the amount of glitter and shiny that the humans seemed to use. He was actually lost in thought....thinking about a certain someone in his life. Something had seemed off lately, and he was thinking about trying to find a gift for said special someone...*
Danien: Ohshi --- * SLAMS ON the breaks to the chair, but not before she crashes into the person and sends them both sprawling.* ah... i'm sorry... i didnt see you. * is upset for running into him.*
Sunstrorm: *he hit the ground, landing on his ass, and shaking his head.* Oww....damn.....quite a chair you've got there....*he was teasing of course, but he didn't see who was in it...*
Danien: Im sorry Sir... * shifts, biting back the hiss of pain. she HAD to land on one of her knees. her luck was turning out to be really shitty. * I wasnt looking wher i was going.
Sunstorm: *he stood up and brushed himself off, then offered his hand to her* Need some help? *sparklysmile!*
Danien: * nods* please... ? * adjusts her head scarf* ... I cant get back into it by myself.
Sunstorm: *he helped her up, smiling as he placed her back in her chair. He recognized the voice, but....* sound like someone I know....*he tilted his head, the light from the sun gleaming off his hair, creating the look of liquid rubies in the red part and sparkling gold in the golden part...*
Danien: * blinks at the shininess of the hair.* maybe just a ... a conisidence. * weak smile.* and thanks. I .. I did hurt you to much did i? when i crashed into you?
Sunstorm: *he laughed out loud, and shook his head* Oh, no, not at all. Just a little dazed at first. *He grinned and knelt next to her.* My name's Christan. But you can call me Storm. All my friends do. *he touched his gold-streaked hair* They say it looks like lightning. *he grinned again, his eyes still hidden by the yellow/red shades...*
Danien: *she smiled.* ok 'Storm. You can call me Dani. and i wouldnt say lightening, more like gold. * grins*
Sunstorm: *he tilted his head*....Dani, huh? I think I know someone by that name....*he stood and went behind her, and grabbed the handlebars of the wheelchair and started pushing her forward slowly.*
Danien: * nods* yup. Thats what i go by anyways,. Mama named me weird. so Dani's not short for Danielle. * looks up at him, smiling slightly. then turned back to the windows - * EEEEEEE!!! MICKEY MOUSE! * goes NUTS over a 12 inch high figure in a window*
Sunstorm: *he laughed* Nah, the friend that I spoke with a few days ago over my computer...she HATES her name. It's short for Danien. And oh, MAN does she flip! *He laughed more*
Danien: * and count it.. 1... 2... 3.. and cue outburst.* DONT CALL ME DANIEN! GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRR IF I WASNT IN THIS THING I WOULD SO KICK YOUR ASS. * insert more ranting in French. *
Sunstorm: *He jumped back and stared at her....* O.o~!!!!! *Blink* Dani!??! *He went around to the front of her, a couple feet away, and tilted his head down to get a better look at her face. He reached up and pulled his shades down, revealing the red eyes.*......*blinkblink!* that you...? *blinkstare!*
Danien: * blinkblinkblinkblink* ...... ... ..... ??? * clueless look then a scowl of suspicion then another blink before settling to confused.* ... most tend to yell back at me. * you win the prize for breaking her brain by not yelling back.*
Sunstorm: *he blinked at her, then knelt down in front of her* I....I'm sorry.....I didn't realize it was you....*he took his shades fully off, the light from the sun lighting up his red eyes like a pair of inset rubies.*...*Blink* ....I...can you forgive me, Dani? *headtilt*
Danien: ohhh... pretty eyes..... * -.- Dani, forget the prettys, jeezes woman, wtf? sigh.* ... for what? i... i dont understand... * rubs her head with wince. *
Sunstorm: I didn't mean to use your full name...I didn't realize it was you.....*worryface*
Danien: * blinks* ummm... no offense, but are you... a holo? * curious look now*
Sunstorm: *and with that he busted up laughing...and laughing hard. His eyes shut, a very happy look on his face as he laughed, his hair flying back a bit as he leaned back a bit, laughing way too hard. He found that amusing...why, he had no idea.*
Danien: Well? *gives him a Look that says answer the question: NOW!*
Sunstorm: *he laughed more, then reached over and patted her head* Calm down, or I'll use your name again. *his voice was kind and caring, with that touch of concern that he always held for his friends* As for who I am....Well, I'll put it this way and see if you can guess it. *he opened his eyes again, the light hitting him just right.* There's a reason everyone calls me 'Storm. *grin*
Danien: * Glare at the patting. is not a pet thankyouverymuch.* * then blinks and head tilts a bit*... your vice... sounds familiar... but... i dont know. i lost my laptop in t... I lost my laptop a few days ago in an accident. * is treating him like a normal human, and thus censoring her words correctly as much as she can.*
Sunstorm: *he grinned and turned his head sideways, and looked at her from the side.* In the battle? Sorry I couldn't be there..... *grin, eyeing her, tilting his head a bit.*
Danien: Dont worry about it we all --- HUH?
Sunstorm: *he turned back to her and grinned* Still haven't figured me out yet....? *headtilt*
Danien: umm....Sunstorm....? * headtilts*
Sunstorm: *he grinned* 'Bout time.
Danien: ..Smartass.
Sunstorm: *he laughed* Local smartaft at your service. *grin*
Danien: ........ ....... * GLARE*
Sunstorm: *He laughed more and shook his head* Though I must DID take you long enough. *smile*
Danien: ..Doesnt help that i'm out of pain killers. * Dropped the remain packet earlier, after.. a run with someone ... *
Sunstrom: *he smiled softly at her* Hey, it's alright. But yes, it's me. Sunstorm. *smile*
Danien: * nods, rubbing her head more. damnit, she wanted piankillers, her coping mechanism. * yea... can we go and find some painkillers, please?
Sunstrom: *he laughed gently and walked around behind her, and grabbed the handles, and started wheeling her forward.* Sure.
Danien: ^___^ * happy look, though soon distracted by -- MICKEY BALLOONS! *
Danien: stop, i wanna Mickey balloon!
Sunstrom: *he laughed and shook his head, and stopped for her.*
Danien: * buys not just one, but Two, both different. * ^_____________________^
Sunstrom: *laughs, enjoying the time there.*
Danien: * once shes happy with her stuff, she nods* i wanna see and get my photo taken with mickey, but... i dont where to find him. ;___;
Sunstrom: Hmm....why don't we ask someone? Or we could wander around, and enjoy the sights until we find him?
Danien: ^_^ that sounds like fun. Have you been to Splash mountain yet?
Sunstrom: *curious headtilt*
Danien: Then come on. Its one on the best rides. ^_^;;; and no, i havent puked yet on a ride.
Sunstrom: *he laughed at that, and headed over towards the direction of the ride*
Danien: ^___^ * is happy for once, though from time to time, she kept itching at the scars on her arms, but other than that, she was enjoying his company.*
Sunstrom: *he finally got them to the ride, and they stood waiting in was infamous for large theme parks....* Oii....lines...
Danien * grins* i can line cut thanks to being a wheelchair - you as well ... * mumbles something about an attendant for something, *
Danien: or*
Sunstrom: *he laughed* So you wish to use your chair to gain us to the front line? *he grinned*
Danien: >__> *points the disability line*
Sunstrom: *he laughed lightly and then headed over there with her.* I learn new things every day....thanks to you, of course! *smile*
Danien: Sunstrom: I know. But still. I kinda see it as a learning experience.
Danien: * shurgs, unwilling to say much more on the topic. * maybe...
Sunstrom: But hey! Lets enjoy the ride, shall we?! *Grins an heads up as they are let in*
Danien: * nods* * likes the ride very much, its her fave, ^_^*
Sunstorm: *and they ride together, poor Storm having been ttly SOAKED by the time it is done.....*
Danien: * grins - is socked as well and does car, she had fun on this. ^______^
Sunstrom: *after the ride, he stood there, dripping wet, his hair sopping wet, now dulled by the water.* Nnnn.....water. *playful growl*
Danien: Its not that bad. * is back in her chair.*
Sunstorm: *he leaned back and then flipped forward, sending a spray of water from his hair splashing at her* Oh really? *smirks*
Danien: * holds up arms to ward of the flicking of water* yea, its not that bad. * laughs*
Sunstorm: *he twisted his hair over her, and squeezed out the extra water* Well, since you like it so much...! *laughing*
Danien: OI!
Danien: * growls* thats Not nice!
Sunstorm: *he leaned back and tied his hair back into a ponytail* Alright, alright. Sheesh....*grin*
Danien: * rools her eyes and starts to rool away, heading towards food, stomache growling baddly. *
Sunstrom: *he caught up with her and grabbed the handles* Here, let me. *he wanted her to relax for once.*
Danien: ah.. ok. * lets him push the chair, relaxing a bit, but still... she was fericly indepent, and yea, this did batter at her pride. * * but takes this optertunity to pull out her sketch book and work on the pic ture of a cave and a diskish thing, cave top, disk bottom. * * humms nicklebacks saving me.
Sunstorm: *he watched her as she drew, and made a note of the song she was humming. When they got to the foodstands, he stopped.* So what are you in the mood for?
Danien: mm.. ah, just something simple, like chips and drink. * digs out her wallet and gives him a $50. *
Sunstorm: *he gave her back her money, pulling out his own* I came prepared. *he waved it and went up to get her food, and then brought it back, handing it to her.* My treat.
Danien: ok. * puts it away, and then finds a table and sits there, working on her sketch of the disk, mummbling softly to herself. *
Danien: * sighs and rests her head on her arms, pushing up the sleeves even more, she was beyound caring abouut the silvery scar lines on her arms now. they no longer bothered her.*
Random Kid: Hey, what's with the arms? *a random kid, nosing about where his nose didn't belong....*
Danien: huh? * looks up at the kid* what do you mean? * frowns*
Random Kid: They're all wierd! *POKES*
Danien: Hey. dont poke things. dont you know its rude. and for your insformation, they are NOT weird. ther scars.
Danien: they're*
Random Kid: But they're funny-lookin! How'd you get them, anyway?! *eyes them, pokes again*
Danien: * slaps the poking hands a away. * in a fight, where else, brat?
Random Kid: But they don't look normal! *pokes again*
Danien: * Growls* Your point? what do they look like then,. oh knowitall?
Random Kid: you look like you got into a fight with a big cat or something! *snickering*
Danien: * mutters* more like a big bird. * shivers and rubs her arms* ... ... Yea.. now, go away?
Random Kid: A big bird, what, like and eagle or something? Hhahahaha why did you let it attack you? You provoke it or something? Only someone stupid would do that to an eagle!!! *Laughing, having no idea the effect this had on her...*
Danien: * eyes turn dead, the kids words bring up memories and feelings that she would rather NOT have. * ... kid, stop now, and leave.
Sunstorm: Sunstorm: Kid, KNOCK it off. Now. *warningly*
Random Kid: Oh, what'er ya gonna do to me? Beat me? I can get the police called on you!!!
Danien: no... but he can get sercurity called on you. Please stop. * is minutly shivering in the chair, hands clenching on her lap, out of sight.*
Sunstorm: Sunstorm: *he glared at the kid, and pointed away from them* NOW.
Random Kid: Man, whinebabies. *the kid sulked off finally....*
Danien: * shivers and then drops her head, tears in her eyes. no, she wasnt going to crym, she wasnt weak. no matter how bad they memories wher, she was not going to cry. *
Sunstorm: *he walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.* hey....*his voice was soft....comforting*
Danien: * dosnt meant to flinch at the touch, but does. * .. s-sorry.
Sunstorm:'s alright. *he sat down next to her* Just a kid....don't listen to him.....
Danien: its not that... its the memories. i amde a mistake... * hands cletch again* do you know... what they offered me... to sell out the location of the disk? to really,,, to sell out your kind...
Danien: they offered me.. a chance to change things... to be free of this.. to be whole, to have my family alive... and it was fucking tempting as well.
Sunstrom: I'm sure it was....but do you remember what I told you over the comm that night? *he watched her*
Danien: * nods* yea... i do.
Sunstorm: you did good, Dani. You really did....*pats her shoulder gently....*
Danien: * looks at him* you really think so?
Sunstorm: *he nodded and smiled* Yes, I do.
Danien: i dont think think that i did. not at all. * looks at her hands* i... ... i should have broken under the bribes, but i didnt.
Sunstorm: And that is why you did good. You DIDN'T faulter. That just shows how strong you really are....*smiles*
Danien: If you say so... * looks down at her hands the cletches them* i know that ive decided on thing... minus the encouore eariler.. Disenyland so far has been fun.
Danien: encounter*
Sunstorm: *he laughed* Yes, it has been.
Danien: For the most part... * makes a face* well.. bar one tiny thing that happened at Splash mountion eariler.
Danien: and no, not your hair ringging,
Sunstorm: *he smiled at that* so...what happened?
Danien: * and goes very quite now. *
Sunstorm: ...I....I'm sorry...*he looked away*
Danien: its not your fauly... i was in the wrong place at the wrong time... and knowing my bad luck of late.... it going to happen again, only longer.
Sunstorm: *he nodded* you can talk of it when you wish.....
Danien: I cant. I want to. but i cant.. i tend to freeze up... because of the fear..
Sunstorm: *he spoke softly* It's just need time...

And its a fade out as we both had to go to bed. >__>


Dirge shows up

Dirge: *grumpily loitering near the gate in holoform*
Danien: * is tttly popped out and sittin thin the shade near the gats, near enough a light sorce so that she can work on a drawing of heres, not really paying any attention any more. *
Danien: in the*
Dirge: *glance. Wut? The squishy? Greeeaat. This day keeps getting better*
Danien : * ignoring, humming off key as well to Nickles back saving me. has NO idea that dirge is near. * .... mmm... stupid thing. * closes the book and then sighs.* only got the shops here. hopefull they will have some good stuff. * and starts to roll off, pushing past Dirge, not even bothering with politness now.*
Send Message Failed. Message is too long.
Danien: * ignoring, humming off key as well to Nickles back saving me. has NO idea that dirge is near. * .... mmm... stupid thing. * closes the book and then sighs.* only got the shops here. hopefull they will have some good stuff.
Danien: * and starts to roll off, pushing past Dirge, not even bothering with politness now.*
Dirge: *snags the chair, speaking in an eerily pleasent voice* It's polite to say excuse me when you bump into someone...
Danien: And it rude to just grab someone in a wheelchair, so if you dont mind.. * is rather VERY snappish. but given that her day has been ruined in the last hour or so.. shes not in a good mood.*
Danien: so, please, let go of my wheelchair. * doesnt bother to look up. she should. >3*
Dirge: Why should I....squishie?
Danien: as im not in a good mood and - ..... oh FUCK IT! not again. ....
Dirge: Heh
Dirge: I should push you down some stairs or something...
Danien: * eye twitching. temper building. * what do you want? * snapping rudely at him - not the brightest idea. *
Dirge: Wouldn't that be fun?
Dirge: Nothing
Dirge: Just surprised to see you here...
Danien: I am trying to have fun. * painpills for the win. Muching on one to ease the building headache. *
Dirge: But now I want to have fun
Danien: ..... ..... why me... * sort of a whimper - hasnt caught on to the fact that its Dirge, yet, just thinks that its a random Con or something that was told to annoy her.*
Dirge: Because you annoyed me before
Dirge: No more kicking for you, silly little human
Danien: .... * slowly, slowly looks up and 0.0. SQEAUKS*
Danien: *ohshi-*
Dirge: Yes yes...
Dirge: It's me
Dirge: Your old pal Dirge
Danien: * looks qucik back head. eyes rather wide. * this isnt my day..
Danien: * takes two more pain killers for the forming headacghe*
Dirge: No it doesn't seem to be...
Danien: ..what do you want? i'm not doing anything that should annoy you... * sinking down in her chair. hands on wheels, fidgeting.*
Dirge: You exist, my dear, you exist...
Danien: W ell, im sorry for exsiting, /your royal higness/. * snaps and then twists to bat the hands away from her chair* howabout you let go and we can go our seperate ways, or are you going to torment me like two of the others did??
Dirge: Maybe I will.
Dirge: Maybe I just want to help you into the park.
Dirge: Being handicapped is so difficult after all...
Danien: ..What if i dont want to be helped? * nervousness in voice. has a feeling that shes not going to have much choice in the mater.>3*
Dirge: Oh, but I insist!
Dirge: *pushing the chair towards the gare*
Danien: Hey hey! i'm NOT done with disney, you -- ! * hisses, hands on the wheels to try and control her own chair. * I still have a shop that i want to visit, damnit!
Dirge: Oh?
Dirge: Which shop?
Dirge: *smiles*
Danien: .... * points to one of them. *... please?
Dirge: *wheels her toward the shop, humming slightly*
Danien: * its one of the ones that sheels various stuffs, and soon, shes trying to direct the chair towards the clothes second, bypassing and even soffing at lot of the stuff that being sold. *
Dirge: *quietly puts a few items in her bag*
Dirge: *totally sneaky*
Danien: * 'accidentlly' rocks the chair back to roll over his foot when shes reaching for some of the mickey shirts- though making it like it was an accidently. Revenge for taking away her walking. >D*
Dirge: *blink*
Dirge: Was that supposed to hurt?
Dirge: I'm a hologram, remember?
Danien: huh? * innocent face*
Danien: was what ment to hurt?
Dirge: *sighs and shakes his head* Silly human.
Danien: * mutters* ... damnit, it worked on that stupid skullface when it was trying to make me cough up the location of that shiny thing in my dreams. * normal* I have a Name you know, *French* bolt head.*/french*
Dirge: *french* I can understand that language.
Danien: oopps..? sorry? * isnt sorry at all. takes another painkiller, rubbing her head irriatbly. its only a matter of time before she loses her tempre now.*
Dirge: Now, I think I'd better be going...
Danien: * nods eagerly* yea.
Dirge: YOu seem to be doing alright now...*smirks. Will laugh when she tries to leave with unpurchased items in her bag*
Danien: please leave. * mutters* you over grown tin can before i throw a rock at you.
Dirge: *turns to look at her*
Dirge: Well
Dirge: I sincerely hope that your family continues to be healthy. It would be a shame if their gas main exploded or something similarly tragic were to happen *creepy smile!*
Danien: * and goes white*
Danien: leave them out of this!
Danien: they have done NOTHING,. they're innocents.
Dirge: I don't really care. *grin*
Dirge: Ta!
Dirge: *waves and starts heading out*
Danien: Asshole. * snarls* next time i'll do what the skull face wants and let it destory your entire kind.. * and heads to the counter to pay for her stuff.
Danien: * and is notr ignoring him, rather pissed, crank and not thinking about her words again. -.-*
Dirge: *and ignores her. Really doesn't believe a word she says*
Danien: * would totally do it this time too. * and dont think that i wont do it, tin can. Becuase i will.
Danien: i'd sell your race out in a heartbeat right now. * snorts and then goes to the counter*
Dirge: *la la la. What interesting things are there further down the street. The human just wants him to react.*
Danien: * hands cletch and then she drops her head, shaking, both from fear and reliefe that hes gone. that hes NOT going to come bac and scared the fuck out of her, right? *
Danien: * pays for the stuff then heads to the exsit. just wants this day OVER with now,.*
Dirge: *gone, now. Bored with the girl*


After this, Sunstorm shows up, gets her out of an awkward situation and...

Danien: * has been arguing with security for about ten mins now, trying to tell them that NO, she DIDNT shoplift. mind you, i think that the nearby stores can hear her protests*
Sunstorm: *he's walking nearer to the store, after having gone to get a few small gifts, trinkets, really. One for Dani, one for Blaster, and a few others for those he cared about. The long red hair, two strands of gold in the front, and sunglasses with a red/gold mirroring effect to it. He looked up as he heard yelling and screaching, and then wandered over to see what was up......*
Security: -- Miss, please, you are not helping your situation.
Security: Miss, please, the evidence is against you and if you would just shut up.
Danien: * ANGRY FACE*
Sunstorm: *he rounded the corner and his eyes widened behind the glasses* ...Dani? *he held a couple bags over his shoulder as he stood there in the doorway.*
Security: * holds up the small figures and such - note that there is nothing that Dani would like in there.*
Danien: 'Storm? * twistes around, blinking at him*
Sunstorm: ....what is going on here? *he took a few steps forward*
Security: she shoplifted. And is denying the crime, thuis making it worse for herself.
Sunstorm: *he took a few more steps forward, and eyed them* Hmm...may I see those please? *he held his hand out for the items*
Security: * hands them over* do you know this cretin?
Danien: i am NOT a cretin damnit!
Security: They wher found in her bag.
Sunstorm: *he looked at the items* First off, she is NOT a cretin. *he glared at the securitu guard.* Second off...These aren't things that she would take, anyway...even if she WAS someone to do something like this. I am sorry, but I believe that she may have been set up...
Security: do you have proof that she may have been set up? Other wise, we will have to charge her.
Danien: * growls* I didnt take them damnit! what the hell would i want with a lousy duck anyways?
Sunstorm: *and enter his old 'Con ways...* Miss, she is my sister. I know for a FACT that she would never do that. Another family is HIGHLY religious...*he held the figures out at the lady* Stealing is one of the highest crimes..
Sunstorm: *he stared right at her, through is sunglasses...*
Danien: * nods going along with the story. it was trym, she was a catholic too. * yea, mama would kill us. 'Sides, like i could REACH where thoses figures where. * innocent looks*
Security: ... ... ... She could have you all decieced. I know that brats like her do. * nasty look at Dani*
Sunstorm: *he glared at her* Take a close look at where those figures are located. Honestly. *he took off his glasses and stared point blank at her, his red eyes darkened...*
Security: .. * is creeped out by the red eyes.* .. Devil spawn. * spis. refusing to be cowed. may or may not be a droidy thing like the rest of the ones so far today. *
Danien: Hey! 'Storms NOT devil spawn,. damnit, you bitch~!
Sunstorm: You think I am devilspawn? That proves it. YOU, miss, are far too judgemental. *low growl*
Security: ...... Fine, take the brat and get out of here, devil spawn. * GLAREING!*?
Sunstorm: I am NOT devilspawn. *he glared at her, but went around and grabbed Dani's chair and wheeled her out. When they were out, he took her down the street a bit and then stopped and looked down at her.* alright?
Danien: * nods* yea... just have a sore throught from the yelling match. * she smiles up at him* and thanks.. for helping me out.
Sunstorm: You're my friend...why wouldn't I help you out?
Danien: * she just shrugged. * ... ... ... Am i really? most just see me at face value, as the Idiot, the fool.
Sunstorm: *he shook his head* I see more. Which reminds me...I got this for you. *he pulled out a small bag, which she would find in there a small pendant, on a silver chain. There was a stone in there, and it was a bright orange color. It was called a firestone, and when in the light, it looked as if the stone had actually captured fire. It was wrapped in a silver coil around it, and the stone was shaped like a three dimensional teardrop, cut perfectly. There was one small black speck in the center of it, which he chose purposefully....He waited for her to open it...*
Danien: oh? * takes it and carefully opens it, eyes widening as she saw it. * ... y... you didnt have to.... * CLEARLY like it very much. * its very pretty... thank you. * gives him what has been termed one of her increasingly rare honest to god happy smiles. *
Sunstorm: Of course I did. Look closely at it. Do you see the spot in there? It shows that no matter what, everything has imperfections. But imagine that without the would seem duller without it. The spot tends to show the rest of the color more brightly. It makes it more beautiful. Flawless can be beautiful, but it is the flaws that really make something what it is. *he smiled at her, and knelt down beside her, watching it glint and glitter in the sunlight*
Danien: * nods* yea. Thats true. if everything was perfect.. who would look at it? who would really care? No one, NO ONE is perfect. and because of the imperefction in thism its brighter, it shows the good of better. But, also, ... Others eyes can just see the imperfection, and ignore the other. * holds it up on the chain, smiling, watching it glint.* its pretty, thank you.
Danien: .. It makes this day seem brighter now.
Sunstorm: *he smiled* You're welcome. Like I said...I consider you a friend. I won't let you down.
Danien: Thanks... I reall mean it. * smiles and then puts the pendent on.* thank you. and... * looks around* i think that i am done for the day. Rude attendets and then the sercurity and... the other things.... yea... i think that I'm ready to head back.
Danien: though.... * shakes her head, refraining from asking what she wants to ask. *
Sunstorm: *he tilted his head*....What is it?
Danien: ... Why am i still at the base? I should have been taken to a normal hostipal after the rescue,... but... i wasnt, why?
Sunstorm: *he blinked at her* You know....I honestly don't have an answer to that....*he stood and went behind her, and started wheeling her down the sidewalk*
Danien: ... Is it becuase... that I'm a key? because of the worthless dreams that im having of this golden disk.... the one that Skyullface was getting incressing annoyed with me for not revealing the location?
Sunstorm: *he shook his head, honestly not knowing* I really don't know.....*his voice was soft*
Danien: * looks down and then sighs* i want to go home,. but... im scared. I'm really scared...
Sunstorm: *he looked down at her*'s alright. Things will be okay. So long as you have this seeker here, I will keep you safe.
Danien: * smiles* Yea... I hope so. * looks back own and then sighs* but... what am I going to tell my mother? and... i dont have a room to call my own, not really and i dont... i dont want to annoy any more than i allready have
Sunstorm: I know you don't annoy me....*he smiled softy as he wheeled her down the street towards the exits*
Danien: * weak smile* you say that now... but.. what about in a week? in a month?
Sunstorm: If you haven't annoyed me with everything going on already, you probably won't.
Danien: So you say! but.... I am liable to do something stupid again. I act without thinking. I dont think things through.
Sunstorm: Have you tried? *asked softly, not meant to make fun of her.*
Danien: Of course i have! * hands clench* I have tried, but it never works. I go with my gut, my first reactions more than anything, I am a reacter, not a thinker most of the times.
Sunstorm: Perhaps we can work on that. Do some trial runs....? Would you like that?
Danien: * nods* yea... i tend to flip out most in ppl situtions too and say / do things that i dont mean
Sunstorm: Then I will help you. *he grinned*
Danien: Thank you. * smiles and then shifts in the chair.*
Sunstorm: *he slowly wheeled her out, and towards a secluded area where his mech form was, sitting in jet form. It was hidden well enough, out of sight until they were almost right next to it....*
Danien: * lets him, looking up at the get plane, before making a face.* ummm... i think that your gonna need LOTS of baffing bags.
Sunstorm: *his holo disapeared and then reappeared up in the cockpit, and the hatch opened and he held out a few baggies* I come prepared.
Danien: 0.o Does everyone know that i ah... react baddly to hights? * its ment to be a rhetoric question too. * * nods to him though, relief in her eyes. she diodnt wanna puke in his cockpit at all. that would be a distare, really.*
Sunstorm: I don't know. Just on trips like this, I usually come prepared just in case.
Sunstorm: *he smiled*
Danien: * mummbles* they probbly do, most at the thanks giving new my name at least... i think.. that i might have a bit of a bad rep. * Bit is an understantment. >__> Oh well.* * louder* yea. ^_^ uumm... also... do you think... that we can stop somewher.. so that i can grab a new lap top? * gotta LOVE credit cards - she got new ones though, three to be correct. >__> *
Sunstorm: *he thought a moment.* Perhaps....but it would still be rather odd to have a jet parking next Office Max is gonna look...8grin*
Danien: Trust me, if they didnt notice the mayhem that was coused here.... * and bites back a laugh, giggling* I still dont believe all that happened... thinking back on it now i'm just 0.0 and giggling.
Sunstorm: *he laughed* I think I would prefer not to think about it. *He disapated his holo and transformed in front of her, then knelt down* Want a lift?
Danien: * nods* yes please. * nons on another pain killer. then frounds* ugg.. im going to have get more of these soon.
Sunstorm: ...Why do you need them so much? *he picked her up, chair and all, and transformed around her, carefulling making sure that she made it to the cockpit with no injury*
Danien: .... Its a long story,.,, and one that i dont.. really want to talk about. * yea, its a long ass story that she hates to remember, that and shes doing her best to block it out, but she cant. *
Sunstorm: It's alright. I don't mind. When you are ready, Dani, you can talk to me about it.
Danien: ... yea... * doesnt think that she will EVER be ready to talk about it at all. ever.* * grabs a barf bag though then nods* i dont know how much you know about humans, but... we tend to make the werid gross out noises when we throw up so... just warning you.
Sunstorm: *he laughed* I understand. I'll make the ride as smooth as possible for you. You strapped in?
Danien: * nods after stragging her self in* yea, i am. * looks out the cockpit window.* this will be... the first time ive ever been flying.
Sunstorm: Really...? I will try to make it as fun for you as possible, then. *he slowly lifted upwards, keeping steady*
Danien: * and once they're up high enough, she starts to puke into the barfbag. yea, deffantly has trouble with hights. but, at least shes using the bag. * euurgg.... * looks sick* * barfs again. there there - once you get hight enough, you'll stop. AKA past 3000 feet she wontpuke any more. *
Sunstorm: *and he did make it that a matter of fact...he kept climbing.* I think the laptop can wait for now....
Danien: huh? * looks up, then gasps, eyes widening in awe. * oh God above us who art in heaven... this is magnificant. * and is now prompy glues to looking out of the cockpick, mummbling in her native french.*
Sunstorm: And we'll be flying above heaven today....*he said softly, flying higher, and higher...*
Danien: * just... she has her mouth open in utter AWE. * Great God, this is... its just... breath taking... * whispered voice. *
Sunstorm: *and higher still, flying out of the atmosphere, and over the earth now. He flew in a half orbit so that the sun was behind the earth, and he flew a bit higher in orbit, so that the sun was now rising above the earth....*
Danien: * and just GASPS, her breath being taken away at the sight. * oh my Lord... Shes so pretty... * just looks at her home planet, just starring in awe and wonder.* God created such a wonderful world for us humans, didnt He? *French* Oh my Lord who is in heavem what wonders you have given us....
Sunstorm: ...I take it you like it...? *he put himself into a stationary orbit for the moment...*
Danien: * nods* I do.... Earth.... My Homeworld ...  she's such a lovely planet,.,, * smiles slowly, a real smile moving over her face as she takes in the sight.*
Sunstorm:*he was glad to be able to get her away from all the pain and suffering for a time being. Everyone seemed to judge her constantly, and never gave her a real chance to prove herself. Mistakes were made, yes...but never did any mistake warrent the amount of punishment that she had been given....*
Sunstorm: I'm glad.....
Danien: * smiles. and wipes at her eyes, really, really glad that she was seeing this. but she didnt want to cry. she wasnt weak, she still had her firece pride. though the tears pricking at her eyes wher ones of utter joy, it didnt matter to her. crying was crying. * *French* yes... yes... so pretty... it what humans where given... our planet... the only one we have... and yet... * just shakes her head, smiling again, but sadder this time. *
Sunstorm: ...and yet...? *voice soft*
Danien: Humans... We have done a damn good job of screwing it over... making a mess of it... plundering this world carelessly,,, ceasely in our greed. * wipes at her eyes some more*
Sunstrom: ...Its a shame that only very few of you actually see that fact....*voice still soft as they floated in orbit still...*
Danien: It costs a lot of money to send ppl into space. * digs around for her cammra. * i wish... i wish that mama and Raphael could see this... though... i know that they cant... * Click - and takes a singel photo of the world.*
Danien: ..I dont know if i'll ever post this up on my blog though....
Sunstorm: Why not just keep it? Keep it to yourself, and look at it when you have had a rough day, or when you need me. If I am not around...take a look at it. *he paused, thinking. He had a few more surprises in store*
Danien: yea... i think that i'll get a frame for it... a nice on. * smiles and looks at the world some more. * 0.0 Hey! you can see it slowly spinning ever so slightly.
Sunstrom: Well, you will see more of it later. I hope you have enough film left over....*he turned, and aimed right for a large ball of grey mass, that was pocked with hundreds of craters...*
Danien: * blinks then blinks again* huh? * rather dumbly, but umm.... - wait, tha- * is that the moon? 0.0
Sunstorm: *he laughed* The one and only. *he flew closer to it..*
Danien: * eyes bug out litteraly* .... * is just gaping now.*
Sunstorm: *he chuckled* Don't forget to take pictures, cause I'm not stopping...
Danien: * and startes to take pics like WOA - its a digital cammra*
Danien: * also, Dani - if you look closely, you cant see - yea, thats Onslaughts alt mode just sitting there. Dont ask, hes gathering all info that he can before joining the mayhem on Earth. *
Sunstorm: *they passed by the moon, and headed out further. He flew by mars, then through the ort cloud...and on to Jupiter....*
Danien: * and is now taking pics like crazy, rather wide eyed and in AWE at the fact that she seeing this. *
Danien: This is... this is so... its amazing... The heavens... so pretty.

Part Four to come later tonight. Mun hates formating things...

log, sunstorm, disney

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