(no subject)

Nov 30, 2007 18:52

Set Directly after the Rescue.

The Vok: ... How did they track us? :: --- Seething.---
Thunderblast: ....::I don't know. Probably that little rats laptop.:: *grumbling to herself* ::You're damn lucky I got you away from there.::
The Vok: :: ... Perhaps. Natives are such troublesome beings. There was a time when should we have appeared, they would have fallen to their knees in worship.::
But yes, Thank you. But, all is not lost, I have one of the disks. Nexus Zero can be...partially restored.::
Thunderblast: *grunts a bit, she doesn't give a damn one way or another about the humans, but ooo- fall to their knees due to power? That she liked, thus her continued service to the Vok.* ::Partially? What do we need to do to accomplish that?::
The Vok: :: With the Time disk, I can pull half Nexus Zero from the past, along with roughly a quarter of my race. I am unwilling to do it here on this land. For the Disks where not forged here, but over the point known as Aegyptika ten thousand years ago when the Great Point was newly built and the natives worshiped us as their gods.::
Thunderblast: ...::Okay, so we gotta travel to this...Aegyptika place, then?::
The Vok: :: Yes. Past the ocean it lays dormant, awaiting us to reclaim it as a seat of power.::
Thunderblast: ::Okay. Well, aren't you lucky I joined your side, then.:: *self satisfied little smirk* ::Water transport is my specialty.::
The Vok: :: You shall be well reward for your efforts, Thunderblast. We do value are allies. Whatever you wish, is yours, for it is within our power to grant such a wish.::
Thunderblast: ...*precisely what she liked to hear* ::When would you like to leave?::
The Vok (1:03:22 PM): :: Soon as possible. I wish to be at my glory again.::
Thunderblast: ::Glory. Right. I'm ready when you are.::
The Vok: :: You shall have your glory as well. I am ready, Let us depart.::
Thunderblast: ::You got it.:: *shifts into the large submersible, door rising for the Vok to climb into* ::What about the ones who got away?::
The Vok: --- Climbs in. -- :: They do not matter, for now. ... There is a...surpirze instore for them though.:: -- Amusement.---
Thunderblast: ....::What kinda surprise?:: *skeptical and slams the door shut, edging out into the water, submersing herself easily*
The Vok (1:11:01 PM): :: One of their own... Shall soon not be theirs, but our spy. ::
Thunderblast: ....::Hmm. Which one?::
The Vok: :: Steeljaw. A drone. ::
Thunderblast: ::Ah, that other one that was with us before then.:: *deeper and deeper they go* ::I'm going to need corrdinates for this place, by the way.::
Thunderblast: *coordinates
The Vok: :: Here. It is the most recent image of it that I have.::
Thunderblast: ::Got it. Pyramids of Giza, comin' up. We're on the Pacific side of the America's so I'm going to have to navigate through some mildly hostile waters. I can't go too far south, it's too cold for me, and there's iceburgs.::
The Vok: ::I understand. Is it far?::
Thunderblast: ::Yeah. It's across the world.:: *accessing her world map* ::Literally.::
The Vok: :: Hmmm... I may be able to help with cutting time. :: --- Looing at the Time Disk.---
Thunderblast: ...::That would be helpful. I can only go so fast. I can't port, like Skywarp.::
The Vok: ::Hold still. This shall leave me Very much drained, but It should roughly cut travel by half to three quaters.:: ----- the Disk starts to glow, before time its-self is broken to make way for them. It only roughly takes 20 seconds. ---
Thunderblast: ::Eep.:: *well, that was creepy*
The Vok: :: ... This form is limited, we are only halfway to the goal.:: anger.---
Thunderblast: ::It's alright. You've cut out quite a bit of time for me. I wont have to stop and rest.::
The Vok: :: Take as long as you need. I have drained myself.::
Thunderblast: *rumbles as she navigates through the waters* ::Rest, then.::
The Vok: :: I will. ::
The Vok: -- Enters into a resting state.---
Thunderblast: *navigates through the hostile waters of southern China*
The Vok: -- Sleeping. ---


Three days later....

The Vok: --Is now awake, rested after the last use of the Time disk, that is clutched in its hands. -- :: I gather that we have arrived near to the Great Point in Aegyptika?::
Thunderblast: *she didn't respond immediately, she was busy navigating the waters and attempting to remain off of radar* Yes. Arabian Sea.
The Vok: :: Of course.::
The Vok: :: Alert me when we are due to arrive, shall you?::
Thunderblast: ::This is difficult. I must go through a rather narrow pass to get close to this place, unless you want me to unload you somewhere off the coast of Somalia or Ethiopia.::
The Vok: :: Mmmm... The pass should not be a problem... However, if you feel it is, we shall have to travel overland.::
Thunderblast: ::I can do it. It might be a bit...bumpy.::
Thunderblast: ::I can get you quite close to Giza.::
The Vok: ::I understand. I shall gain more rest for the task that is to come.::
Thunderblast: Mmm. We aren't far now. *pulling up her navigational maps* Not long.
The Vok: --Nods.-- :: Of course. Thank you Thunderblast.::
Thunderblast: *time psases, and she finally is drifting not far away from the coast of Egypt, near the port of Cairo.* ::We'll have to take back roads if you want me to go with you.::
The Vok: :: That is acceptable.::
The Vok: -- Climbs out, stretching. Notes that there are no natives around, good. ---
Thunderblast: ::Alright.:: *she deposits him on the abandoned coast line of Egypt, letting him out, and transforming behind him, eyeing the surroundings. Her weapons were online, she didn't save this slagger just to let him die* ::Lead the way.:
The Vok: --Leads the way, keeping to the back roads. Does not wish to be seen at all. They arrive awhile latter at the base of the Great Pyramid.--- :: We must climb to the top. ---
Thunderblast: *she followed after him, silent unless he spoke to her, taking in her surroundings. They were very far from what she had considered home up until a few weeks ago.* Shouldn't be a problem. If you can hold on to me, I can get you up
Thunderblast: there pretty quick.
The Vok: --Nods and climbs up. --- :: I hope that we do not bring the wrath of the Time Guardian down on us. But, I am confident that we shall not.::
Thunderblast: ...::The who?:: *this would have been nice information, yesyesyes. She started to climb to the top, hand over hand, reaching it rather quickly, clinging to the side.*
The Vok: :: The Time Guardian. We are far more powerful overall, but.... He is stronger than us in the ways of the Timestream.:: --- Words are chosen carefully, distorting the truth that the Vok are perhaps weaker than Vector.---
Thunderblast: ::....Hmm.:: *lets him off* Do what you gotta do.
The Vok: --Nods. -- :: ......:: --- Places the Disk on the ground, focasing his will on it, making it rising and spin, crackling with raw power. It spins, faster and faster, rising more, time starting to distort around it, encompassing [c]
The Vok: them in a bubble effect, before it rises higher, no longer crackling, but glowing gold now. It is tearing apart time and space now to bring forth hat was lost weeks back. First, it shall call back 15 of its creator race, then it[c]
The Vok: shall bring forth Nexus Zero. A tear in the time stream opens, and Vok after Vok rush past, in their native forms. 15 in all, the tear growing larger by the second now.--
Vector Prime: *And it's about that time that a large spaceship barrels through the tear, the air around it practically screaming*
The Vok: --Hissing of Vok, several snarl-hissing in anger.--- :: ... You dare.... ::
Vector Prime: *Zooming /past/ both Thunderplast and the Vok, transforming in mid-air - the form of Vector Prime lands behind them, facing the rip in spacetime, and unsheathing his swords with a flourish*
The Vok: :: You dare to interupt us, Guardian?::
The Vok: -- They shift, circling the Time Driver. Protecting it.---
Vector Prime: *Doesn't respond, doesn't even acknowledge the others, whipping his blades in a criss-cross fashion. Two lances of enercy snap towards the tear with an indescribable noise*
The Vok: -- They shift again, Hing. The Disk spins faster, forcing the tear open more.---
The Vok: -- Unholy noise more distortions as slowly Nexus Zero starts to appear.---
Vector Prime: *Unfortunately for them - Vector has done this sort of thing before. Still ignoring them, he leaps forwards, bringing both swords down*
Vector Prime: * This time, the energy is wrapped around the blades themselves as he literally tears through the tear - and the appearing Nexus Zero with a howl*
Thunderblast: *her gaze shifted from the Vok to the new figure, the scene playing out before her not one she had really anticipated*
The Vok: ---Hissing, snarling, the Vok howl as the appearing place is torn in half. They snarl, communicating in rapid numbers. They will bring their home forth. --- :: Guard the Disk and its controler!::
The Vok: :: At Once. We can not lose it.::
The Vok: --They shift, circling the straining disk. ---
Vector Prime: *Lands on the ground, and raises his head - optics locking on the source of the disturbance. The disk - and the Vok around it*
Vector Prime: I warned thee.
Vector Prime: *Gets up, shooting forwards so fast he's more of a streak than a blur. His focus is only the disk, twin swords whirling, dancing before him as he makes to cut down anything and everything in his path*
The Vok: -- The disk whines under the strain, not over heating, but close.-- :: We do not have the stablizer. :: :: It is going to break?:: :: No, But...:: :: BRING WHAT YOU CAN FORTH!:: :: Of course...:: :: !!!!!!::
The Vok: :: NO!:: --- Panic, something they have not felt, as the Disk is attacked. ---
Vector Prime: *Not so much attacked, really...as cut loose. Vector makes to drag the powerful artifact from its casing, and from one point of view? Pull it into him*
Vector Prime: *Not completely, but as he reaches a hand for it and closes his fingers around it before PULLING, the Spacetime around it seems to warp and twist. The result is a sort of shimmer, not unlike a heat-mirage*
Vector Prime: /FOOLS/! Hast thou no idea what thou hast DONE!?
Thunderblast: *she watched in fascinated horror, red optics flashing and narrowing in on what was going on, taking in what the other figure was doing and saying*
The Vok: :: We have wrought our home back to us. :: -- Indeed, part of Nexus Zero has gotten through.---
Vector Prime: *Whips back around, still crouched, twisting his wrist holding the Disk - it dissapears. Vanishing. Subspacing, though it's more than that*
Vector Prime: Thou hast nearly destroyed this very reality.
Vector Prime: And thou will not have another chance to do so.
Vector Prime: *Narrows optics to slits*
Thunderblast: *creeping towards the Vok* ::Okay, time to go now? We did what we needed?::
The Vok: :: Take the Controller of the Disk to Nexus Zero. Thunderblast as well, if she is willing. ::
Vector Prime: *Promptly lunges forwards again, at the nearest Vok - swords still out, and whirling. His entire movement is still somehow graceful, like a dance - but it's got one purpose. To kill.*
The Vok: -- SNARING-HISS of pain as it does not move fast enough, its skull-form cracking, but not yet being destroyed. Vectors power is one of few that can harm is that is not physical or organic attacks. ---
Vector Prime: *Isn't intending to not destroy it - another slash of the twin blades. However, then he's moving onto the next one, and then the next*
Vector Prime: *His speed is to the point where it's almost as if he's using the power that is his birthright, the manipulation of time, to assist him. Which...he is. But no rips or tears to be seen, unlike some*
The Vok: :: *Private: Thunderblast.* Yes, we have. I do not wish to leave you here, Thunderblast. My brethern shall transport you to Nexus Zero for safety.::
Thunderblast: ::...This is not good you need to get out of here.::
Vector Prime: *Considering he's nearing the 'head' Vok? yeah that guy might want to move now*
The Vok: --More hissing snarling, several of the Vok vanishing, one taking thunderblast with it, and the Head Vok as well. ---
The Vok: -- Few now remain.-- :: Give us what is ours. ::
The Vok: :: Give us the Disk. ::
Vector Prime: Tch.
The Vok: :: It is not yours. It is ours. It belongs to us. ::
Vector Prime: *Turns, making another slash - another tear of energy comes out. This one isn't cutting through time, so much as space itself, a precise cut through reality*
Vector Prime: Thou wouldst end this stream in thy foolish measure.
Vector Prime: Consider thy disk confinscated.
The Vok: :: IT IS OURS! WE MADE IT!::
Vector Prime: *And that cut through space? Unless the Vok still near Vector react quickly...they will promptly be pulled through it, and 'dropped' into a Timestorm*
Vector Prime: *One of the many bad results that could result from Time's disruption*
The Vok: --- They shift, then vanish in a snarling rage - all but one. ---
The Vok: --- An older Vok, and Elder. ---
The Vok: :: Meddle some Guardian. ::
Vector Prime: *Closes the seam as easily as he opened it*
Vector Prime: *Gazes down at the Elder, optics narrowed again*
Vector Prime: I trust my message hath been understood.
Vector Prime: Or need I removeth the entirety of thy race from this reality.
The Vok: :: ....... Negative.::
Vector Prime: Then /go/.
The Vok: -- Leaves with a snarl. ---
Vector Prime: And meddle not in aspects that are beyond thy comprehension.
Vector Prime: *With them gone - focuses on repairing the damage in this area before it can spread*
The Vok: -- It shall be a while. The damage is great. ---
Vector Prime: *Knows. Sheaths his swords, cracks his knuckles, and gets to work. As some would say - it's going to be a long night*

thunderblast, log, vector prime, vok

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