Sitting in a Tree

Nov 29, 2007 01:42

Bombshell is helplessly ensnared by Moonracer's siren song. There is no hope for alternative resolution now; only cuddles.

Moonracer: * //Incoming Message from user: Moonracer. Accept? Y/N *
Bombshell: YYYYYYYYY :3
Moonracer: ::Hey! I have something for you! Are you available?!::
Bombshell: ::...something for me? Yes, err, available enough.::
Bombshell: ::Should I meet you somewhere?::
Moonracer: ::Oh! Well, I mean if you're busy, I don't want to bother you! I can wait if you like...::
Bombshell: ::I'm always busy, that's the joy of employing my own talents rather than waiting to be assigned janitorial work.::
Bombshell: ::...really, I'd like the company.::
Moonracer: ::Great! Um, do you want me to meet you, or...? Up to you!::
Bombshell: ::Let's just say my usual quarters are cluttered at the moment. Yes. Where are you?::
Moonracer: ::Well, I'm in -my- quarters, at the moment. *little giggle *::
Bombshell: ::If you don't object, then...?::
Moonracer: ::Of course not! I can't wait to see you!::
Bombshell: ::That would be a first.:: *scuttles through the corridors, rather less confidently when he leaves the mauve passageways of the Nemesis for the brighter Autobot interior*
Moonracer: ::Huh? A first?:: *confusion is evident.*
Bombshell: ::Nevermind. *stops short of her quarters, thinks a moment, and scampers back around the corner* ::Err, I've not certainly not been familiarizing myself with Autobot personnel files, so... where are you located, exactly?::
Moonracer: *giggles over the comm * ::Here. I'll send you the specefic coordinates within the base, okay? :: *sends them, thengrins to herself * ::That should help. Sorry, I didn't think about it!::
Bombshell: ::Excellent.:: *and hurries forward to her door, arriving rather suspiciously quickly to transform to robot again and start rapping on her door*
Moonracer: *the door is flung open and she's in his arms, hughughug!* Hi! How are you? Did you have fun at Disney after our ride?
Bombshell: *is taken a bit aback at her enthusiasm, for a moment not quite putting her robot form together with the holo and scent he'd been attracted to... but he snugs back, with a little chitter of amusement* Err. Not so much as on the ride, I'm afraid, until I met with Kickback again.
Moonracer: *nods, admitting him further into her room, beaming happily at him * I met up with him later too!
Bombshell: *glances around at the room, rather unaccustomed to someone willingly granting him access that wasn't also a bug* ...teacups, right?
Moonracer: *nods with a huge smile * Yeah! They were great...would have been better if you had been around!
Bombshell: ...I would have liked to. I only left... abruptly... *coughs and clears his vocalizer raspily* ...that fragrance is still on my mind.
Moonracer: Oh! About that! I finished it for you! It took me all day. *looks shy *
Bombshell: Finished? I'm sorry? *takes a half-step closer, watching her face carefully*
Moonracer: *beams and nods with a happy look on her face, optics shining with happiness * But you know, like I Said, you've always been so nice to me, then at Disney. *shy again * You were -really- nice and I wanted to do something nice for you!
Bombshell: ...always nice. Of... course. *glances sideways with the slightest hint of a shamefaced look* That's not necessary, really, but - you spent all day on...?
Moonracer: *ponders, then flops down and concentrates, producing her holo, and something extra special she made just for him * This! It's really, really nice, and it smells quite lovely, but it seems to smell the best on my holo. *shrugs helplessly and points.* See?
Bombshell: *lets out a burst of clicking sounds from inside him as he hungrily activates some of his finest sensors. It takes a moment for him to restrain himself to merely walking closer to the holo, leaning in to take a scent sample*
Moonracer: *she beamed and leaned closer to him, allowing him to get the full effect * You like? It's kind of fruity, and I used what you suggested, plus a few things here and there that I've found before and Oh! *beams to herself, quite proud * And something really special from that planet I Was telling you about! *has quite a collection from there, yes she does!*
Bombshell: *Goes absolutely silent and presses his weevilform's proboscis closer to soak it in, his beetle legs giving a spasm as the first wave of it comes through. He presses his sensor along the holo's neck, ruffling its tip through her hair for a moment*
Moonracer: *she just grinned up at him as he fluffed her hair, crossing her arms lightly and waiting. She paused as he didn't speak, worrying for a moment * like it? *hopeful squeak *
Bombshell: YES. *shivers as he bursts out with it, turning to fix one eye on the real Moonracer but not taking those sensors an inch away from that holo and its marvelous perfume* You made this in a day, you're... an artist.
Moonracer: *looks absolutely thrilled * Yeah! I started working on it when I told you I was going to, and kept at it til I comm'd you! I mean, the stuff smells just as nice on me...*ponders for a moment * I dunno.
Moonracer: *adds * But I'm really glad you like it! *looks absolutely thrilled with his reaction *
Bombshell: *the weevil proboscis's matter sampler starts biting into the holo's hair, apparently completely independently of Bombshell's attention* I love it. You should have told me sooner you could do this, I wouldn't have been nearly so brusque.
Moonracer: *she just smiled and tilted her holo's head away from the nomming * Well..I didn't really know I could do it until yesterday...*shrugs a bit, then looks hopeful * So, now that I can, does that mean you'll be even nicer to me? *looks like someone just gave her a million bucks- or the robot equivalent at least *
Bombshell: NICE!? *is starting to get a faintly demented look in his optics, his beetle legs clacking against each other with excitement* I'll be nice, yesss. I'll be whatever you want me to be for this. I'm still trying to break down the exact mixture, but it's the combination that, that, wafts it...
Moonracer: *she just grinned at him, the holo dropping her arms and reaching out to poke at him.* Hey. Are you okay?
Bombshell: ...
Bombshell: Primus, are you thick? I am tuned for these senses, NO, I'm not OKAY, I'm perfect in the sense that this is possibly the most satisfying sensation I have ever experienced, and it's not something I can CONTROL!?
Moonracer: *blink.* Want a hug?
Bombshell: *whimper* Please?
Moonracer: *worriedly stands up and moves over to him, both her and holo giving him a hug.*
Bombshell: *throws his arms around the robot Moonracer, not wanting to crush the holo with his grip... he lets out a squeeeeee of satisfaction as the fragrance finally overwhelms him, a ridiculous smile etching itself on his face* Heavenly. You're heavenly.
Moonracer: *she giggled happily at his reactions, and his words * It was just for you! *is so happy that he likes it!*
Bombshell: Honored, my quee-AHEM. *snugs in a little tighter, shaking his head to try to shake that insectoid thought loose* That is generous beyond words.
Bombshell: I'd return the favor, but between the menial jobs that Megatron's decided to assign me, I haven't finished working on... your. Thing.
Moonracer: *she happily returned the tightening of his hug * Oh, it's okay! You don't have to worry about returning any favors, really! *she giggled and pressed a finger to his chest * It was just for you! Because I wanted to do something for you. I like you! *smile!*
Bombshell: IdobecauseI'vebeenreplayingeverysingleinsultIsaidinmyheadandI'mdesperatetoproveI'mnotascreepyaseveryoneelseSAYS. *winces after he lets the words splurge out, hiding his face in her shoulder*
Moonracer: *pushes him back and stare sat him for a moment, trying to seperate his words and make out what he said. She blinked at him before speaking * Hey. HEY. I don't think you're creepy. I never have. *smiles at him.* And insults? *she shrugged.* You've never insulted me. *rehug, plants a little kiss to the side of his head *
Bombshell: *stares in confusion and squirms a bit as he's held out, rather unused to being the one reprimanded. He opens his mouth to protest when she's done, but settles for smooching her neck gently: a pretty unusual sensation amongst Transformers thanks to the hard texture of the matter-processing incisors that jut in underneath the kiss*
Moonracer: *oOo and it wasn't at all unpleasant, at least, it wasn't in her mind anyway. She happily nuzzled against him, giving him a squeeze. She didn't say anything else, not yet anyway. She was perfectly content with giving him hugs, he was her favorite one to hug, after all!*
Bombshell: *lets out a cricket-like cheeping of contentment as he nestles up against her. He'd normally be chattering away, if only out of nervousness, but somehow the ambience of the smell combined with the physical closeness saps away his tension, and the urge to talk with it*
Moonracer: *she giggled at his cheep, nuzzling against him with a little grin, the holo fickering away, but the scent still remaining in the air, just as strong as before. Okay, so maybe she was wrong about it smelling different on the holo! Whatever, right? Either way, it was still in the air, just as strong, just for him!*
Bombshell: *is still basking in it, his wings giving an uneven flutter as he takes another deep inhalation. After a peaceful minute, he slides his beetle legs forward to wrap themselves around her in place of his robot arms, which he shifts to rub along the line of her shoulders. His optics still have a foggy, enraptured look about them*
Moonracer: *she snuggled in his grasp, thrilled he was hugging her back. She beamed at the look on his face, leaning forward to simply smile at him. She was thrilled that something she made had such an effect, and it was a nice feeling.* Thanks...
Bombshell: *cuddles her closer again, pressing his chompers flat down on her throat for a moment without actually trying to take a bite in a strange kind of affectionate gesture. His hands keep drifting from her shoulder until they've moved up along her neck to cradle her face. Bombshell gazes at her thoughtfully, tilting his head a few degrees to the side* For what?
Moonracer: *she shivered lightly at the sensation on her throat, another smile creeping across her face. She met his gaze, then dropped it before speaking * This, I think. Your reaction...the way you treat me...
Bombshell: *mulls that one over for a long moment, admiring the way that smile comes over her and trying to hide the way his spark feels like it's trilling inside him, before giving a slow nod* ...then thank you too. For this, and everything, and... and make sure to ask me this again when I'm not intoxicated by that smell, because I... *lets out a small chit of frustration and just pulls her head closer for the kiss he's been aching to attempt since he took the first sniff*
Moonracer: *she was was quiet as she listened to him speak, her smile still in place, always genuine.* I'll keep... *she started to say something, but was distracted by his movements. Her optics widened only slightly as he pulled on her head, and she didn't resist him. In fact, he didn't really have to pull on her much at all *

Bombshell: *gives her a tight, tight squeeze as he draws it out, for once in his life feeling a whole lot less fragile, but that just might be the spell that fruity fragrance has him under... finally he pulls back again, and his beetle legs quiver against her* ...I want to treat you how you deserve.
Moonracer: *she pulled back as he did, albeit a tad reluctantly, tilting her head at him with his last statement * would that be? *watches him, bracing herself for his response *
Bombshell: Like a queen. *strokes one finger out over her cheek, moving it in slow, even circles. He keeps watching her, but his optics are wandering now, from her face down over her body, flitting for a moment to the room and back to her eyes*
Moonracer: *his response baffled her, no one had -ever- said anything remotely close to her before, and she had no idea how to take it. She had to admit it made her feel...nice. Morese than her general cheerfulness, this was something entirely different, though more than likely just brought on by the perfume. She watched him closely, shifting a bit under his stare, not uncomfortably, but simply more along the lines of quiet contentment.*
Bombshell: *takes a long, careful sniff, his optics visibly glazing over into a lack of focus for a few seconds as another layer of intoxication settles in over his processors. He shudders for a moment and buzzes his wings to work through it, trying to pay attention rather than just succumb* ...and, and you've been treating me, like.. more than I... Two days.
Moonracer: *she tilted her head lightly, still watching him * Two days...? What do you mean? *she watched him in concer, pulling him back into a hug * You okay...?
Bombshell: *stares at her with a fierce intensity, as he rallies himself through the delirious haze of aroma* Two days from now so I can prepare, and then I take you out properly. A night alone. If that works for you.
Moonracer: *she nodded with a little smile * Of course it does! It sounds wonderful.
Bombshell: *lets out a sharp sigh of relief, still not entirely confident about this "Other person actually willing to go along with him" thing. He squeezes himself up a little closer against her, murmuring* Man, Kickback is a genius.
Moonracer: *she nuzzled agaisnt him a bit, feeling a tad flustered, though quite content in her current position. She looked at him, tilting her head at his next words* Why's he a genius?
Bombshell: Because he told me to just ASK you, instead of... *glances to the side for a moment, recalling that whole "kill her and hatch babies in her carcass" option* ...just driving myself crazy keeping you at a distance.
Moonracer: ...*she paused, processing this* Ask me instead of what? *she had no idea what he was talking about, therefore dissolving into quite a bit of confusion at his words and brief explanation* Keeping me at a distance? *she stared at him, a little sorrowful look on her face* What would you want to do that?
Bombshell: *droops his beetle legs a bit, not minding her a little flustered but now with a RAGING guilt for bringing on that sadness* I wouldn't! I mean, I wouldn't now!'s like I said in the Tiki Bar, I still thought you were just trying to mock me, and, well... I apologize.
Moonracer: Oh, don't be sorry. It's okay, really. I'm sorry I gave you the impression that I was trying to mock you! I would never do that intentionally, and I'm really sorry that I made you think I was! *wilts a little bit* I hope you forgive me! *shifts her stance a little bit, feeling bad now* I'll leave you alone, if you really want me too.
Bombshell: *darts a hand over to clasp over her mouth as soon as he hears that last part, and lets out a few clicking sounds of aggravation.* If I wanted that, I wouldn't be here, I'd be hiding in the ventilation again. I don't want you in Nemesis medbay, because it would ruin the surprise.
Bombshell: But the more I'm here with you... *sniff sniff, shudder of ecstasy as the fruit scent renews its hold on him* ...the more I really don't want to leave.
Moonracer: *she blinked in surprise at him, closing her mouth with a snap. She hadn't -meant- to irritate him, but she had a feeling any further speaking on her part might further annoy him. Though at his words, she had to say -something-, it was just in her nature to do so!* S-surprise? *she grinned lightly at that, rocking gently, her smile broadening at his next words* R-really? Well, you don't have to leave, right? I mean, you don't have to go right away, you can stay for a bit, if you want too. *she nodded at him.* I love your company!
Bombshell: *rocks with her, enough of his weight leaning against her that he couldn't really help it even if he wanted to* Really, indeed. And not right away, no. But, if I'm going to stay, there IS something I've been meaning to do.
Moonracer: Oh? What's that? *she grinned to him, bright smile never fading*
Bombshell: *transforms with a delighted SQUEE, squirming every leg around and against her in a manner that's downright tentacular while his weevil snout rubs up against the side of her helmet*
Moonracer: *she squealed with a little giggle, clasping her arms around him happily, and she nuzzled him right back, absolutely delighted* You're so cute!
Bombshell: Onlyforyounoonelsegetstosaythatever. *playfully flutters his beetle wings a bit against her grip for a moment, then shifts against her frame to nibble at the horn of her shoulder ridge*
Moonracer: *she beamed and hugged him tightly, patting his head lightly with a smile on her face, giggling happily at his nibbles* I'm honored!
Bombshell: The honor's mine, I assure you. *tries to hide his nervous surprise at his nibbles not being objectionable, but he can't hide the twitching of his proboscis, and he can't resist the urge to chew a little more firmly* You taste as good as you smell, y'know.
Moonracer: *she gave his head a pat at that, giving him a little nuzzle and a squeeze, and she shifted him a little to hopefully make him a little more cozy* *she was totally baffled at that*
Bombshell: *snugs right in, cozy to begin with* It's something in the alloy, a delectable heavy metal pairing combined with the composition of the finis-this doesn't mean anything to you, does it. *tilts a bit to peer one of his beetle eyes at her* Most other mechs don't taste.
Moonracer: *she shook her head, looking sad* No. It doesn't. Remember the tiki room? I couldn't taste that either. I bet it's a onderful thing though. *she nodded* It's interesting though. What you're saying I mean.
Bombshell: Believe me, it has its unpleasant moments when someone's trying to grind my face into the ground. *clacks one of his beetle legs against her back with a remembered annoyance, then stops his toothing in mid-nibble* ...would you like to?
Moonracer: *her face took on a dark look at his first statement* Why would someone do that to you? *she paused as he tapped her back, quieting until he questioned her* Can you...can you do that?
Bombshell: Dinobots, war, old story, not very fun to talk about. *shudders a bit to recall, but perks up again at the question* You're not built to process matter, so it wouldn't do you much good as a mech. But it's not difficult to build a chemical analyzer that would work for your holo to synthesize tastes... with a little work, a fairly rich bouquet.
Moonracer: *she looked absolutely enthralled* Really? You' that for me?
Bombshell: *lets out a little chitter of pride, feeling rather good about his talents being genuinely useful to someone* Of course. I'd enjoy it far more than the tedium of maintaining the medbay inventory.
Moonracer: *she gave him a huge hug, squealing with excitement* That....that would be wonderful!! there anything I could do for you in return? *she was anxious to repay the favor*
Bombshell: Ah! *suddenly falls back into nervousness at that offer* You could - I mean, I would do it as a gift, I don't expect - but if you - just your company would be - maybe - maybe you should wait until I have it done and working! Yes?
Moonracer: *she shook her head fiercely* It's just the thought that counts. *she tapped his head lightly* Even you just mentioning it means everything to me! Please tell me what I can do! *she was smiling at him again, eyes bright*
Bombshell: *eases up on his grip as he listens, trying to seem a little less pushy even though he's still clinging right up against her in her arms. He angles himself a little, moving that weevil snout of his a little closer to her face* Give my proboscis a little rub?
Moonracer: *she just giggled at him, resting her hand on it and giving it a vigorous little rub* Aw, anytime!
Bombshell: *moans softly at the touch, quickly slipping past embarassment to open delight. One of his beetle legs twitches and kicks like a dog thumping the carpet during an ear-scritch*
Moonracer: *delighted with his reaction, she didn't stop* Aw...
Moonracer: *she couldn't get over how adorable he was, and how nice he was being!*
Bombshell: *scrabbles at her bit, so distracted he almost lost his hold on her, but quickly regains it and repositions himself to push his proboscis up a bit into her hand* That. Is. Perfect.
Moonracer: *she clung to him, not wanting to let him fall* You okay..? *she grinned at his actions, scritching lightly, apparently he was just fine!* Why you like this so much? *She asked with a teeny smile, his reactions warming her*
Bombshell: I'm fine, I'm fine! It's... a very sensitive instrument. Mmnnnnnn, that hits the spot. *flares the sensors at its tip, taking in another deep gush of fragrance. He murmurs unintelligibly, a deep peace settling over him except for the way that the attention makes his processors tingle*
Moonracer: *she tickled him teasingly* That's so sweet! *she grinned, pulling him closer into a hug again, pressing a happy little kiss to the top of his head* At least you aren't all squirmy like you were before!
Bombshell: ...squirmy? *deflates a bit and sounds slightly uncertain* Squirmy's not a good thing?
Moonracer: *She laughed* Thats not what I meant. It's cute that you're squirmy. *she blinked* I just meant squirmy like...trying to get away squirmy.
Bombshell: know, if it wasn't for the psychoactive effect you're having on me, that would sound slightly disturbing. *gives her throat a cheerful little nuzzle to show that he's unperturbed*
Moonracer: *she burst into giggles* That's not what I mean...*continues to pat him affectionately, grinning to herself*
Bombshell: I know! *giggles himself, getting rather caught up in her good moodd. He jerks a beetle leg down to her side to start tickling ferociously, conducting a highly scientific experiment to confirm his hypothesis*
Moonracer: *she squealed in laughter as he tickled her, trying to squirm away but utterly failing in her attempt.*
Bombshell: *only sinks his grip deeper, holding the writhing femme in his nefarious clutches! Insert mustache twirl here. He lunges in with another beetle leg towards the other side to tickle both at once*
Moonracer: *she was squirming wildly, giggling and laughing hysterically, intakes whirring rapidly to keep her poor systems cool as he tickled her* What are you dooooing? *she was squealing but she couldn't help it, then again she was prone to squealing anyway *
Bombshell: *abruptly pushes his weight forward in an effort to knock her back onto the floor, his limbs scuttling about to try and pin her under the ticklish assault. Despite the wildness in the flail of motion, he takes careful record of the noise of her intakes, having been hunting for that reaction*
Moonracer: *aaand down she went, flailing and laughing the whole way as she's pinned, happily submitting to the tickling, systems beeping internally at her, intakes still clicking and whirring quietly, attempting to cool her down* Quuuiiiit! *she wheezed, still full of laughter. She squirmed against him, trying to reach back and do the same to him*
Bombshell: *rather enjoyed the feel of her struggling; he keeps up the pressure for a few more moments after her protest, chuckling, and rather then pulls back to sit on top of her, while squirming a little himself to try to evade and protect against the counter-tickle attack*
Moonracer: *she stopped her assault for a moment, letting herself cool and calm down* What was that all about? *grinning up at him, panting lightly*
Bombshell: *slides a hand back down along her left side, rubbing along too slow to provoke her again. He watches her grin with an affectionate smile of his own* Just testing my suspicion that you were ticklish.
Moonracer: *she gave a little sigh, smile ever present on her face* You definitely guessed right!
Bombshell: It was a hypothesis, not a guess. It was carefully derived from the observations at hand. *can almost keep a straight face, but it cracks into an expression of goofy satisfaction*
Moonracer: *she just grinned at him, throwing her arms around him in a hug!*
Bombshell: *squeezes back, then lets out a sigh of frustration as an alarm subroutine dings him into awareness of the time* ...I still have work to get done today.
Moonracer: *nods at him and releases him, though looking mildly disappointed* Okay.
Moonracer: *okay, so it wasn't mildly disappointed, it was thoroughly disappointed*
Bombshell: *takes a glance at the door and then back at her face, sitting as still as a statue in lieu of moving towards the exit* ...I can try to make it quick?
Moonracer: *she brightened at that, a smile on her face* You don't have to. If you have things to do, you have to do them. I understand. *she pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on them, grinning at him* But you know, if you happen to finish fast...
Bombshell: THENI'LLBEBACK. *swoops in to peck her cheek, then makes a sound of scraped metal as he transforms and scrambles wildly for the door, pushing outside and scampering as fast as he can back to the Nemesis!*
Moonracer: *she beamed happily after him, leaning back and watching him scurry away, the door creaking nearly closed behind him*

bombshell, log, moonracer

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