Title: Tommy was like "Whoa" and Mike was like "Yeah"
vampirebites13Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Mike/Tom, Jared/Jensen/Mike/Tom
Rating: R
Genre: First-time
Word count: 4144
Summary: 4 guys at a bar, 2 bottles of tequila and 1 worm that wasn't eaten.
Disclaimer: I don't know them, or own them, and no harm is intended.
Warnings: I have no idea... Um, my insanity???
A/N: This is ALL
ellydee27's fault!!! She is an enabler, but she also a very good friend and going through a hard time right now, so this was written for her in hopes that it would just make her smile. *sends you love and cracky fic*
"Nobody's sucking on anything at this table tonight, except for maybe my worm... Wait, that didn't sound right did it?"