→ SUNSHINE_FLYING Name: Tiffany Location: Minnesota Likes: Reading, singing (even though I can't), writing, watching far too much TV and way too many movies, knitting, COFFEE (it's basically my life, and I can make a wicked cuppa) and shipping all the things! (among other various random things that pop up in day to day life) Dislikes: Being called Tiff (that's the biggest one), which leads me to, I hate the sound of the letter 'f'. I also dislike pretzels and most teas and never having enough money. What's in your journal? And do you have a friending policy? - My journal is usually fics, icons, or personal posts. A lot of the time I'll post about things happening in my life usually things I need advice on, because I don't have many people to turn to. I'm trying to fill it with more optimism though! My journal is not friend locked.
→ I AM FIRST? (I really didn't know what else to put, hah...and I'm wondering if anyone will beat me to the punch...) Fandoms: Glee, with a tad bit of Big Bang Theory and Harry Potter Favorite Characters: Sebastian Smythe, Finn Hudson, Noah Puckerman, Sam Evans, Sheldon Cooper, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbotom Favorite Ships: Mostly obscure things, to be honest, with a few more mainstream ones thrown in. Rachel/Kurt, Finn/Blaine, Sam/Puck, Sebastian/Sam, Sebastian/Puck, Severus/Hermione, Harry/Draco (Drarry was my first OTP ever!) Which fandoms are on your must-read/watch/play list? Maybe another member can tell you a little more about them. - Glee Which fandoms do you feel need more love with regards to fanworks? - I'm always in search of Big Bang Theory stuff, so I'd say BBT for sure. If you could have your own show, which fictional characters would you co-star with? - I'd love to co star with Sam Evans, Finn Hudson, and Noah Puckerman. Definitely. And what would you name your epic new series? Oh no. Titles are my weakness. (Any tips on how you choose good titles would be fantastic!) So, I'll pass on this for now. What do you do to unwind? Especially when you're working on a writing project like this. - Honestly? I dance around my room like a dork. If you had a superpower what would it be? - I'd love the chance to be able to alter/manipulate the space-time continuum. What are you wearing right now? - Pink tank top, black long sleeved shirt, and sweatpants covered in an overly tacky logo of my University (these sweats were free and they're cozy - that's about the only reason why I'm sporting team colors). Where will you be in an hour? - Probably still on this sofa. What are your writing habits? Do you start early and often end up losing your way? Do you need music to inspire you to write? - I usually try to set a soundtrack or playlist before I start writing, but that's my general rule for smaller fics. For large big bangs, I have to choose music based on the current mood of the fic. I don't plan the fic out in great detail - usually I just set the ending and let the words flow from there. I never follow plans anyway because muses pop up at the strangest times. I've also learned that I plan basic plot structure early but end up leaving the writing until the very very end. I work well under that pressure. It makes me focus. Write me a quick haiku (5, 7, 5): I can't write poems, I just don't understand them. Instead I write fics. And here's where you add a random gif/image/quote/etc.: The first thing that came to mind is this gif of Cory Monteith, saved in my pictures album as 'boeuf.gif,' as well as the short story behind it. There's a song I discovered by Flight of the Conchords, "Foux du Fafa," and I shared it with my best friend Emilie (neat fact: we met via LiveJournal), whose first language is French. We had a good laugh over the word boeuf, and one time while I was visiting her, I made this face while saying it, and ever since then, we've just kind of used this face when saying it/thought of the word when we saw this gif. So without further ado, enjoy Cory, starring in boeuf.gif.
Yeah! It usually works out well for me. If I set how I want it to end, then my muse just kind of flows along the way. I find that if I set things for each specific point in the story, I feel restricted, especially with such a large time frame for writing, I change ideas before I get to a point, so I let whatever idea is in my head that day dictate what happens next, and let the fic flow until it reaches the stopping point I set back when I started. It doesn't always work for everyone, but for me it's just enough! I'm curious as to whether anyone else does this or if it works for anyone!
And thank you! Cory is wonderful (and adorably awkward sometimes!).
Ugh, tell me about it. Mine are usually cheesy things like a word or two words that describe/summarize the fic - or when I'm really lazy, it's just one of the big words I used that made me feel impressive as I was writing =.=
Name: Tiffany
Location: Minnesota
Likes: Reading, singing (even though I can't), writing, watching far too much TV and way too many movies, knitting, COFFEE (it's basically my life, and I can make a wicked cuppa) and shipping all the things! (among other various random things that pop up in day to day life)
Dislikes: Being called Tiff (that's the biggest one), which leads me to, I hate the sound of the letter 'f'. I also dislike pretzels and most teas and never having enough money.
What's in your journal? And do you have a friending policy? - My journal is usually fics, icons, or personal posts. A lot of the time I'll post about things happening in my life usually things I need advice on, because I don't have many people to turn to. I'm trying to fill it with more optimism though! My journal is not friend locked.
→ I AM FIRST? (I really didn't know what else to put, hah...and I'm wondering if anyone will beat me to the punch...)
Fandoms: Glee, with a tad bit of Big Bang Theory and Harry Potter
Favorite Characters: Sebastian Smythe, Finn Hudson, Noah Puckerman, Sam Evans, Sheldon Cooper, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbotom
Favorite Ships: Mostly obscure things, to be honest, with a few more mainstream ones thrown in. Rachel/Kurt, Finn/Blaine, Sam/Puck, Sebastian/Sam, Sebastian/Puck, Severus/Hermione, Harry/Draco (Drarry was my first OTP ever!)
Which fandoms are on your must-read/watch/play list? Maybe another member can tell you a little more about them. - Glee
Which fandoms do you feel need more love with regards to fanworks? - I'm always in search of Big Bang Theory stuff, so I'd say BBT for sure.
If you could have your own show, which fictional characters would you co-star with? - I'd love to co star with Sam Evans, Finn Hudson, and Noah Puckerman. Definitely.
And what would you name your epic new series? Oh no. Titles are my weakness. (Any tips on how you choose good titles would be fantastic!) So, I'll pass on this for now.
What do you do to unwind? Especially when you're working on a writing project like this. - Honestly? I dance around my room like a dork.
If you had a superpower what would it be? - I'd love the chance to be able to alter/manipulate the space-time continuum.
What are you wearing right now? - Pink tank top, black long sleeved shirt, and sweatpants covered in an overly tacky logo of my University (these sweats were free and they're cozy - that's about the only reason why I'm sporting team colors).
Where will you be in an hour? - Probably still on this sofa.
What are your writing habits? Do you start early and often end up losing your way? Do you need music to inspire you to write? - I usually try to set a soundtrack or playlist before I start writing, but that's my general rule for smaller fics. For large big bangs, I have to choose music based on the current mood of the fic. I don't plan the fic out in great detail - usually I just set the ending and let the words flow from there. I never follow plans anyway because muses pop up at the strangest times. I've also learned that I plan basic plot structure early but end up leaving the writing until the very very end. I work well under that pressure. It makes me focus.
Write me a quick haiku (5, 7, 5): I can't write poems, I just don't understand them. Instead I write fics.
And here's where you add a random gif/image/quote/etc.: The first thing that came to mind is this gif of Cory Monteith, saved in my pictures album as 'boeuf.gif,' as well as the short story behind it. There's a song I discovered by Flight of the Conchords, "Foux du Fafa," and I shared it with my best friend Emilie (neat fact: we met via LiveJournal), whose first language is French. We had a good laugh over the word boeuf, and one time while I was visiting her, I made this face while saying it, and ever since then, we've just kind of used this face when saying it/thought of the word when we saw this gif. So without further ado, enjoy Cory, starring in boeuf.gif.
Wow, I never heard about this before. I should try it.
BTW, I love your gif. I love it!! :)
And thank you! Cory is wonderful (and adorably awkward sometimes!).
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