Hug Me, Squeeze Me, Call Me George

May 19, 2007 16:50

I posted the icons as well because they're Georgey-tasic!

joyful_molly started to talk about George buying the complete Royal Navy for his purposes, marines and all.


Well, I refuse to believe anybody could be so cruel as to call a child "Cutler" (though that would be a good explanation for the nature of his character), so I call him Lord George Cutler-Beckett in my own personal faniverse. :)

For a year we had an exchange student from Britain called George - he was a short, smug guy who talked all day.

Coincidence? O.O

Yes, most probably.:3

All the Georges I met so far were short, smug and talkative. It must be in their genes. A special Smugogene that hasn't been discovered yet. Ah, to be a scientist...

I know a "Georg" who is tall, smug and talkative. So the shortness-gene must lie in the last "e".

Hah, that's science for you! Where's my Nobel Prize?


That calls for celebration. First names all around!
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