Aug 05, 2004 17:15
So i got employee of the month,a£20voucher for various shops and a 10p pay rise from work...go me!!!
Max has told me her and woody have put their leeds tickets on ebay...damn them they wana see how much money they could get for them if they sell them,which means they probebly will!!
Amys coming round in a bit we r gonna watch movies and stuff but im supposed to be going out with chris tonight and i rather see her,ive seen him enough this week and i havnt seen amy for a few weeks.
Got my Art project thing thru the post last week of what we have to do before we start this course in september....ive kinda got an idea but no motivation and i dont know how im going to do it yet.I think the topics something along the lines of change,we have to study/paint/draw/sculpt/write poetry etc about something we can watch change over a period of6weeks,so i was thinking the farm near me which i can see out of my window but im not sure how exciting that will be:s