Title: The Mighty Red Manicured Pimp Hand
egoisticfreak Paring: YooSu, JaeMinHo
Genre: Crack, Smut
Rating: NC-17
Chapter: 9/20
lady_shira32Summary: Pimp Yoochun went to his favorite strip club and his BFF dropped him something about a heavenly ass stripper. When he saw him dance his ass out of heaven, the pimp decided to use every power on his PIMP hand to
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Comments 31
Ooh, Min's recruited someone else for the club... hm. I don't know what I think about that at the moment. And Su's got his month's leave (and he can use it wisely by doing or being done by the pimp~ :P The Yoo+Su developement is coming along well which makes the fangirl in me squee. Can't wait for another update, but take as long as you need - I'll wait (seeming as though you waited forever for me to finish One Week lol)
<3 love yah, bb! *hugs* and thanks for my spot!!!
I forgot what chapter that it'll be, but expect another window scene... {my favorite place...}
And yeah, I'm ggonna update chapter 10 tom...if ever my beta isn't busy...
Thanks a lot, love...hugs!
It's been so long since I waited for this~!!!!
this chapter is cute ^-^
no much sex hey~
I don't think I can handle the site.. I'll definitely die from blush and nosebleed.. LOL!!!!
a month leave ey~
nyaahahahahaha!!!! why not just spent with the pimp or should I say Yoochun~!!!
A month's leave will be fun for both Chun and Su...hmmm....I'm thinking of the possibilitites...
reagrding the site, I will laugh at your monitor because of all the blood that came from your poor nose....and I'm going to see you as a tomato-faced girl! XDXDXD
Smex scenec? Hmmm....let's see....
argh!!! I'll definitely die of embarrassment if anyone sees me that way!! definitely xDDDDDDD
*blush* what ever you thought.. hehe..
i seriously need to have a YooSu icon
yoosu are so adorable ^^
You won't be missin' this anymore...I'll be updating more often this week...to compensate for my 3 week hiatus..XDXD
Taeyang~!!!! Oh snap lol Min you got a good one baby~
Little taeyang will haave to dance! EEE!!
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