implying I haven't already talked to everybody who cares about my opinions on homestuck

Oct 27, 2011 20:12

hey guys I have some pictures for you but I am too lazy to upload them right now

regardless I feel like I should make an entry because it's been ages and I've only been able to check my f-list recently (what's new with you guys?)

but I don't really have anything to post about

well last weekend I did karaoke for like five solid hours and got drunk and went to bed at five in the morning

jidai matsuri was sadly a bit underwhelming and I didn't have a very good vantage point so I didn't even get many good pictures but the clothing was cool

aaaaand other than that the biggest news is that I bought a portable wireless plan and I have named my router kotetsu as per mumumugen's suggestion because it is from softbank and will occasionally blink out at inconvenient moments (thankfully not too occasionally because I am paying way too much for it to be shitty service)

still debating on whether or not I'm sad enough to bring it to uni with me for when I get bored in class

I have not made much progress in clash of kings the past week and I am going to watch the thundercats relaunch


so how about that eoa5

fabulous japan adventures

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