Other TV - The Office (US)

Feb 19, 2006 23:37

Caps thanks to bellanut and peopleareshapes. I'd really like to make a UK one as well, but I can't find caps, so I'd love it if anyone could link me to some caps of the UK series.

The Office (US)

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Comments 122

aliyaskie February 20 2006, 05:20:35 UTC
*so excited*! will credit when used, thanks so much!


chickabimbo February 20 2006, 05:23:41 UTC
ooh! I'm definitely taking and will credit! thanks :)


boardwalkjoes February 20 2006, 05:34:18 UTC
too bad I dont write journal entries or else I'd be all over this :)


melindameow February 20 2006, 05:34:40 UTC
I just have one question. Do I have to upload each individual image or the entire zip file?


tivojunkie08 February 20 2006, 06:21:35 UTC
These are so awesome! Memming this entry so I can d/l them when I'm on my usual computer (I'm on my brother's now). Thanks! :)


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