Filled request for honeyelle - Other TV - Sailor Moon

Dec 22, 2005 14:46

All caps thanks to kurogane.

Sailor Moon

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requests, other tv

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Comments 116

lepapillon December 22 2005, 20:07:11 UTC
I'm taking! Yay, a new Sailor Moon mood theme. Thanks!


cleodora December 22 2005, 20:09:48 UTC
Using it and credited you in my userinfo! Thanks :]


tallisen December 22 2005, 20:35:16 UTC
OMG Sailor Moon!! So pretty!! I love them so much! I'll take and credit if I use! :)


luna_scout December 22 2005, 20:53:00 UTC
THANK YOU! and I certainly will credit. ^__^


tskinoo December 22 2005, 21:14:12 UTC
OMG! So pretty, love it. Good work :b


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