Battlestar Galactica - Full Series

Dec 10, 2005 00:09

Why didn't I start watching this show sooner? Damn.

The theme includes images from the mini series, season 1, and season 2. Spoilers for all aired episodes. All images (except for mini-series caps, which are mostly by me) are from

Battlestar Galactica Full Series

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euterpeslullaby December 10 2005, 19:54:07 UTC
Well, not at the moment, but if I ever go through all the episode caps again (So many caps! Ahhhh!), I'll definitely think about making one.


unclesully October 2 2006, 20:56:54 UTC
or an Apollo one :)

This rules, thanks!


handlet December 10 2005, 20:30:07 UTC
Yay! I already have the one you made earlier, but I think I'll be taking this one, too. Thank you!

(And it is an utterly awesome show, isn't it?)


handlet February 20 2006, 18:30:51 UTC
And since this theme is just so cool, we're also using it at bsgfans. Thanks again!


jesus_freak1234 December 11 2005, 18:20:04 UTC
Aah! Now you're forcing me to choose between BSG gen and Kara/Lee.



indigo419 December 12 2005, 17:17:17 UTC
thanks for sharing, been looking for one of these for a while! now to get a paid account...


luke2 December 14 2005, 18:21:07 UTC
I have the earlier one you did, but I had to save this one as well because I just love this show! :D I'll credit when I use, and I'm off to save the others as well.


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