Gilmore Girls - Luke/Lorelai

May 14, 2005 23:34

I was feeling nostalgic, and so I decided to make a Luke/Lorelai mood theme. Most of the images are of Luke and Lorelai together, although some are of one or the other.

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gilmore girls

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Comments 35

gigglynell May 29 2005, 15:26:29 UTC
I am so snagging this!! It looks fantastic. I will credit you in my user profile when I use it.


krystal_klear May 29 2005, 19:31:21 UTC
I have been wanting a Luke/Lorelai mood theme! saving and will credit in my user info.


anonymous June 28 2005, 01:37:01 UTC
Hey I'm Going to use your mood theme on my Greatestjournal! I will credit in my userinfo, Sheilaelizabeth is my username. Your work is totally wicked by the way:)


courtney42 July 1 2005, 16:46:39 UTC
yay!! took the LL mood theme. will credit in user info. thanks so much. it's lovely!


sourish July 13 2005, 01:11:16 UTC
I grabbed these a few days ago, but I forgot to comment! Sorry! =\
Anyway, credit is given in my userinfo!


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