Main Characters or Pairings: multiple pairings and friendships
Length: ~3,800 words, each ficlet ~150 words
Author on LJ/Author Website:
gleeful_beat Why this must be read:
Because herein everyone can find something they like - twenty-eight different unconnected but wonderful stories of around 150 words, each one with a different relationship in it, be it straight, gay or plain old friendship (and a foresome and an all-encompasing orgy; almost forgot those). I'm breaking 'em all down here for ya, so there's no surprises if some are not your cup of tea:
actual pairings: Rachel/Finn, Brittany/Mike, Matt/Mercedes, Will/Emma, Will/Terri, Finn/OMC (with Finn/Kurt UST), Finn/Will, Brittany/Santana, Kurt/Artie, Puck/Finn, Mike/Matt, Will/Sue, Finn/Brittany, Santana/Rachel, Brittany/Santana/Rachel/Quinn, and the whole Glee club (plus Will) in an orgy
unrequited and UST: Rachel/Puck, Puck/Kurt, Rachel/Will, Finn/Kurt (with established Finn/OMC)
pre-pairing: Quinn/Finn, Artie/Tina, Kurt/Mike
friendship: Quinn/Will, Quinn/Rachel, Brittany/Rachel, Brittany/Quinn
The ficlets are marked by "pairing", so it's easy to pick and choose if you're, well, picky. All the twenty-eight well written one of them. And if that isn't enough to tickle your fancy, you're one tough customer.
"21 Things" plus a comment ficlet &
6 More Things