Sally Mann... I am obsessed. Also, Emmet Gowin.

Sep 09, 2008 11:46

[image by Sally Mann]

Things I have been doing lately...
 The End of August

Going swimming in Watauga Lake with Kathleen, Jane, Eric, Jordanna and Derek. There were a few pups of someone else's there and they were terribly cute! It was probably the best time swimming I've had in quite a while despite the water and surrounding air being a tad chilly. Oh, and I think we parked the car beside an old barf bag, but that was only a temporary bummer. It was nice spending time with Kathleen since she's gone, Jane since I hardly see her outside of class, and Jordanna since she doesn't live here. I would really like to go there more often. Too bad summer is fizzling out here in the mountains.
Becoming an AIGA officer of committees. This is the first responsibility I've taken on with any kind of school club since early high school. I'm excited about this though! I'll be spearheading committees for fund raisers, events, and that sort of thing. Sounds official, doesn't it?

The Beginning of September

Swimming in Watauga River (a different place) with Ilene, Torres, Kasey, Nasir and Derek. It was a tad more challenging to reach the water here, but far more gorgeous a location than the first. The water was moving, and pretty shallow in the safe parts so it didn't allow for much swimming. But we sat on the rocks, waded around and enjoyed the view for an hour or so and it was beautifully serene. After they left I hung out with Derek and then we had a doughnut and game night with Kevin, Kristen, Mika & some other folks I didn't know too well. My raspberry-filled doughnut tasted like Robitussin-filled, but playing Apples to Apples was fun!
Dressing up & going to the Nth Gallery to see Will's exhibit. I know Kevin said something about this being probably the best exhibit he'd seen there and I agree wholeheartedly-- Will's photos were beautiful and I definitely enjoyed it more than any other Nth Gallery experience I've had to date.
Success in vegetarianism. I think I began this quest August 20th (by LJ's records) and I've only had one accidental mishap that I know of... ate some vegetable soup and didn't realize until after that it was largely made of chicken broth. Whoops. I figure that is likely to happen especially at a restaurant since you can't be sure what they cook your food with, but I haven't begun to miss any meats-- so yay on 20 days of probably like 95% vegetarianism. I plan to continue.

Also, I've been thinking that I would like to live on my own for once. My roommate has been great, but it's been 3 years and since I'm graduating in the next year and a half-ish I think it would be good to get my own place. I'm comfortable in this town so I don't think it would be scary, and I think I'd really like having somewhere of my own to maintain especially if I want to have a cat, which my current roommate & landlord are both opposed to. I just hope this will work out so I can still live really close to campus and pay a reasonable rent...

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