hmm this last week was pretty sweet.
tuesday i went with kyle to see chicago, it was amazzzzzzing.
i randomly got sick on wednesday, so i didnt go to school.
thursday night i went with kyle&co. to the starting line.
it was fun, kinda, but what are ya gona do.
today-friday i had school. nick called me to talk and we did, he was at "walmart with his mom" then hes like "OH NO IM NOT AT WAL MART, YOUR CAR IS FUCKED" so i go outside and my car is full of shaving cream and it says "broke back" and "payback" so they paid for me to get a car wash. then we went over brents, chilled. got "married" to nick, had some laughs with the deaf people phone thing. then came home.
1.) The age you will be on your next birthday.
2.) Your favorite color.
3.) Your middle name.
4.) The place you lost your virginity or would like to lose your virginity if you haven't.
5.) A bad habit of yours.
6.) Your favorite fruit or vegetable.
7.) Your favorite animal.
8.) The last name of your favorite teacher.
9.) The name of a pet.
10.) Your best friend's nickname.
11.) Your first name.
12.) Your last name.
ok i typed in karas and got like 43854 pictures of fish. i dont get it
13.) The one you love.
if your not in there, sorry and get over it, if you dont likethe picture of you in there, deal with it,