Good Stuff

Aug 10, 2003 12:03

Sooo lots of stuff happened....i was goin out with scott warren from the 22nd till the 7th idk i didnt feel like it was a great thing so i broke up with him but thats a whole other story...however, we r still good friends actually today is his birthday hes 21 now! lol...

So i went to brooklyn the other day my mom went to the doctor and i went to visit some people and see my grandma. anyway heres the good and my mom have been tryin to get the little turtles (red-eared sliders) so my mom sent my dad in this deli to get a kinish (most of u prolly have no idea what im talkin about but thats ok u dont have to) so we were in a place where there was no parking so one of us had to stay in the car so my mom sent me across the street to the pet store to ask them if they have the sliders and the lady told me that they are illegal to sell in pet stores but actually they are illegal in the united states bc they carry salmonella and some little brat drank the turtle water and died WHO THE FUCK WOULD DO THAT!!!!! sheesh eggs have salmonella and so do regular turtles and other reptiles but anyway shes like see that chink sittin out there hes got them in his tank for 5 bucks each...we bought 6 and when i went to my grandmas my dads friend chrissy (the guy i was named after) was like i have one of those turtles i was gunna feed it to my lizard or flush it and hes like ill be right back and he brought it over so needless to say i have 7 now...I LOVE THEM!

Well work is great and stuff...i went to AC last night with my parents and this guy michael and his gf and this guy cousin is a comedien u would prolly know him from the mask with jim carey...jims a cool guy in person my cousins friends with him but anyway it was kool after the show we went back stage and chilled with him and a few other people from my family for a little bit then we went to cafe roma and got some food then it was time to gamble and im not allowed to but my dad let me hit the button WHAT A REBEL lol well we put 2 bucks in and right off the bat we won $278 from 2 bucks cha ching! lol then 2 more bucks and $100 it was good lol by then it was like 2 something and we went home and didnt get home till 3:30 am but it was a lot of fun and im beat

i got work at 2 so im gunna go see if i can sleep for a little bit...LaTeR - Chris
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