Good Shit

May 27, 2004 12:49 the ball was amazing and PA was the best thing i have ever done. me and tom are becomming close and its wierd...we hung out the other night and it was kool. tonight hes stoppin by to see pictures and hang out for a bit. i have all these pictures of him and in every one hes sooo happy. hes hot and anyone that says he isnt is def. not sayin the truth.

My drug test came back negative and im glad of course and i am no longer going to do drugs bc seriously its not worth it. i came real close to losing my license and my parkin permit. so ill watch everyone else try to be kool and fuck up their lies bc most likey they are a waste of life right now anyway why not continue? me on the other hand are going to be something important and not end up not knowing what im doing in life. im done with drugs...cept drinkin of course but only on ocasion.

Mom let me stay home on monday bc she said i looked tired...and today im home bc lst night i was pukin my guts up but hey...i cant control it. i wish i wasnt sick bc right now im missing the child care graduation and it sux. i love those kids.

im gunna go...Later
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