Dec 07, 2003 01:00
Okay so i went to a "movie night" last night ive never been 2 one but it was kool. no one could drive so my dad picked us worked out well i supose.
Today i Worked and when i got up my arm hurt SOOO BAD i could hardly move it. i didnt have to vaccum at work so HAHA it works for me. well by like 1:00 it was feeling better so i just didnt say anything.
Snow is GREAT i love it. i came home after work and my dad didnt want me to go out bc he doesnt want me out in sum 1's car in the snow. he said it was a good day for us to talk and bond...w/e? so i came home and took a shower and stuff and he let me go on my quad. i guess he didnt realize i went to wawa on my ATV cuz he woulda killed me...idk how he didnt notice but im happy he didnt. i wasnt gone for like 10 minutes at the most bc i went like 35 there and back. i get there and the hot chocolate thing doesnt work so i had to get some other stuff i think it was french vanilla or something idk. it was good. i came home and i was riding in the front for about 10 minutes when my dad came out. i didnt realize he was there and i was doing tricks and stuff and i did a wheely and i almost fell off and he was cracking up bc idk u had to be there it was funny. then he put the saucer on the back and he pulled me and i told him to take a fast turn and he did and i flew off...slippery much? that wasnt as bad as when he told me not to stand up and i did anyway and i hit a bump slipped and i was being dragged. my neighbor saw us and he came out and talked to my dad for a little. so i rode again for about an hour then around 11:30 me and my dad went for coffee at wawa and then went with his friend frank on a few tow calls. i got home around 1:00 and here i am...
Cant wait to sell christmas trees tomorrow and ride my quad more. riding in the snow is so much better than riding regular. maybe bc in the snow its more dangerous? HA its great.
That Is All...