I thought I did very well with the jet lag. Thailand is 15 hours ahead of Seattle. We arrived home in the middle of the day, but managed to stay up until midnight and then pass out in a heap. Sunday night I got optimistically 2 hours of sleep, I was just not tired and even when I was tired I felt rather unwell. But yesterday I was reasonably energetic, got a lot done, and went to sleep at a reasonable hour.
Today I’m can’t-keep-my-head-up tired. I had a diet coke, but 2 weeks of absolutely no caffeine and it doesn’t energize me, just makes me feel shaky and uncomfortable (so more caffeine isn’t a good option). After almost three hours of work, I remembered that I work from home, so my “lunch break” could just be a nap. I went to bed, only just to sit there thinking “I sure am tired!” until my alarm went off (I’m not a good napper, and my boss might notice if my im status was “idle” for 4+ hours). I reset the alarm, tried again, dozed a little, but now I’m just more tired.
I have choir rehearsal tonight. If this was last year, I would have just skipped it, because I only missed like 1 rehearsal last year so I had absences to spare (we can only miss 3 rehearsals/concert). But I just found out that, between rehearsals I’ve missed and my impending work-related travel schedule for the next little bit, I might not be able to perform anyway. It’s not a sure enough thing, however, that I should just skip this rehearsal and say “whatever, I’m out, peace!”
And the stuff I have to do for work today is pretty monotonous. Awesome.
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