For years after graduation from high school, my stress dream of choice was the classic “It’s the end of the year and I realize I have to take a final for a class I’d never shown up for/didn’t know I had” kind of dreams. I never had these when I was in high school, only after. Eventually, they slowly turned into dreams where I was called back to high school, after getting all my other degrees, and told that I had never finished a class I needed to graduate. I kept trying to explain to people that it doesn’t matter, they can’t take away my subsequent degrees, but apparently that doesn’t matter.
Lately, my stress dream has changed. My stress dreams now always involve being pregnant. I think the stress dreams are like my stress trying to one-up itself: what’s worse than finals? A final you didn’t know you have! What’s worse than [insert stressful, dangerous, awkward, painful, or just annoying situation here]? Having to deal with it while you’re eight months pregnant! I’ve been watching a lot of Sliders & Doctor Who & whatnot lately, so there’s always a lot of dreams where I need to run away from things, and in this last one I’d hurt my leg AND I was pregnant.
I’m pretty sure my mother in law would take it as my brain telling me I want to be pregnant, but I’m pretty sure “pregnant” would be the only word she’d hear anyway. It’s really that it’s not going to be that long before pregnancy becomes a reality (well, not long = a couple years or more), and there’s still a lot of things I would like to do. I know I can’t get the money or time to do all of them, and the biggest, most exciting ones are the most complicated and impossible, and definitely would be made impossible with pregnancy or with kids running around. I guess that’s just the dilemma of a lot of people my age: keep on rockin’ or settle down. I’ve kind of got one foot in each right now.
Doesn’t mean I want it pointed out to me!
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