Startlingly Productive

Dec 01, 2010 11:26

It’s been one of those weeks where stuff gets done before it’s even hit my to-do list. I think the fact that Thanksgiving is over helps: now it’s officially Christmastime, which means it’s time to start preparations for Thailand, which leads to other bits of efficiency. Bought new luggage for the trip, but one of the suitcases, the one intended for Paul because it wasn’t so girly, turned out to not be the green I’d anticipated, but this really bright pink-purple color. I clearly am not gardening-inclined, as the color was called “azalea” and I thought “well, maybe that’s one of them green flowers.” Always look at the picture with the color guide, not just the default image. Paul was actually ok with it, on the basis that it would be easy to find in a sea of black suitcases, but it was a bit too much for me, so I returned it. But I also took advantage of cyber Monday and got two bigger & better suitcases for basically the same price as the one I returned. I also ordered sunglasses, as my old shades have such an out-of-date prescription I’d wind up squinting anyway. I made a doctor’s appt, to update a prescription before I leave. I got Paul a new phone, I tried to get me a new phone too but apparently I’m not eligible for an upgrade until February. Got new t-shirts for Paul. Contacted a cooking school in Phuket.

I really want to start packing now, like that will make the vacation come sooner. But I know I’d just pack the stuff I’m not going to use, but then forget what I’d done so it would just take twice as long. Although really, we’re so busy between now & Christmas the time should fly anyway. The last week before Christmas we have nothing going on, but until then the calendar is absolutely solid.

Originally published at The Riddle of.... Please leave any comments there.


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