I thought things would slow down a bit when the summer ended, but while the social calendar is decidedly less full, time is still passing by really quickly. I kind of blinked and then it was October, and now my party’s in a few days and I haven’t made our costumes, decorated anything, or taken a knife to a single pumpkin. I might actually carve pumpkins during gaming tomorrow…that’s actually quite a good idea, I’ve carved so many it’s kind of like knitting for me at this point, as long as I can manage to not stab myself it’s a win. But a lot of the baking & whatnot will be pretty easy, and I’m thinking of taking Friday off, but that’s also just because I want a day off.
I’ve started week 5 (out of 9) in the Couch to 5k. I’m pretty sure this one will, in fact, kill me. I shouldn’t have looked at what the plan was for this week, because preciously it’s been the same thing every day of a given week, but this week it gets harder throughout the week. And so far I’d been lucky weather-wise, it had always been at least nice enough out that I didn’t have to wear a jacket, but yesterday I had to sport my jacket for the first time. It was really windy & rainy, and by the beach it was so windy that, when I was coming back, when I got out into the open after being behind houses for a while, I almost fell over because I was not anticipating how hard the wind was blowing. That, and Chewy has uncanny abilities to be underfoot at the worst possible times. I will keep my eyes glued to the sidewalk in front of me the whole jogging period, but if I look up for half a second Chewy will choose that exact moment to cut directly in front of me, so I nearly wipe-out. I haven’t fallen yet, but I have run into things (Chewy, trees, and recycle bins included), and I’ve tripped but saved myself just in time.
For choir this quarter, I signed up to be a SiS (Sister in Song), which is the buddy system for choir. There are so many people in choir, it’s really easy for new people to get lost in the shuffle. Last night was the new member orientation, where I met my sis. She seems cool, all the new girls do! It should be a fun season, I’m excited for the first rehearsal tonight!
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