Actual conversation from last night, when realizing we only had one suitcase we can take as carry on:
Me: “Well, when I go drop Chewy off at my parent’s, I can pick up a new suitcase for you. Or, if I find a really cute one, pick one up for me and you can use the one we already have.”
Paul: “Fine by me, it doesn’t really matter to me what my suitcase looks like. And you should buy yourself cute things!” (emphasis entirely his)
Me: “On that note, I bought myself a cute dress and a top from ModCloth today!”
Paul: “Well I set that right up. Wait, seriously?”
Me: “Yes. But they are cute. And one’s a dress and the other’s a pretty top. It’s not like I bought boring pants.”
Paul: *hrmph* ”Okaaaay…”
Me: “I know the way to a man’s heart is through my boobs.”
So I guess I’m that wife, and apparently Paul is becoming that husband. But hey: I didn’t get the $400 VERY CUTE shoes, so Paul got off easy. I’ve been kind of over-shopping lately, clothes-wise, but none of it is terribly expensive, and all of it is very cute. And I think I’m done. Well, done with getting summer stuff anyway.
(that’s a stereotypical 50′s housewife grin, which will look even better when I’m wearing the cute ’50s style dress I just got…ta-da!).
Also, I originally spelled the title of this post wrong, clearly bucking stereotypes, because as a girl I’m supposed to be good at English and bad at math. Instead I’m bad at both, take that society.
Originally published at
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