CupcakeCamp Seattle

Mar 15, 2010 18:41

Nooooo idea what to make for CupcakeCamp Seattle. Well, I have some ideas. I have an idea for healthiest, although I’d like to try a different frosting recipe. No real idea for Seattle-y, everything keeps coming up coffee, which is a little pedestrian. And unique ingredients…not sure.

For the final class project, we got pretty good feedback on it. Now to just motivate myself to act on it. I could really stand to fast forward through this week. Also, I just realized how completely crazy things are going to be for a while. Right after this class ends and I start the next class, it’s time to get ready for Cupcakecamp. When the next class ends, choir rehearsals start getting crazy, then GoPlay (which I’m making all the desserts for), and then the choir concerts. In fact, the run out for the next concert is the Sunday of GoPlay. But then I get to chill for a month before GenCon & people visiting from out of town.

Originally published at The Riddle of.... Please leave any comments there.

home sweet home, schoolin', class, cookin'

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