saturday, september 4, 2010 - rpf

Sep 04, 2010 21:37

Coffee Fix Series by therumjournals (Chris/Zach, ranges G to NC17, 32K)
Summary: Chris and Zach struggle with their relationship while raising two sons.
Notes: This series of kid!ficlets jumps to and fro in the timeline of their relationship, taking you on an emotional roller coaster of the heartwarming, schmoop-inducing good times and the aching, oh-god-my-heart-can't-take-it bad times. Plus, their kids are as quirky and awesome as you'd expect children raised by Zach Quinto and Chris Pine to be.

Dr. and Mrs. Princess Whitelaw by leupagus & screamlet (Chris/Zach, Mature, 46k)
Summary: Inspired by screamlet's First Date, after which leupagus hypothesized that Chris Pine was thisclose to giving it all up and going back to Berkeley to teach English literary theory.
Notes: One of the funniest stories in the Pinto fandom. For real, it's hilarious. It's filled with witty dialogue, an occasional bit of angst, and the boys living their lives, domesticity and all. You will never regret reading this story.


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