Thursday, February 18, 2010 - Classics

Feb 18, 2010 19:27

For the First Time by Shasheer (Kirk-Spock friendship/preslash, unrated SFW, 23717 words)
Summary: Post 'This Side of Paradise,' Kirk is determined to ensure Spock is happy which complicates a computer seminar Spock is attending
Notes: A sweet and satisfying look into Kirk and Spock's developing friendship.

De Profundis by rhaegal @ DW (Kirk/Spock, NC-17, ~14k)
Summary: Written for the ksvalentine comm, prompt from spookyfbi:Ok, so Kirk basically spent, like, the entire series wooing Spock, to no avail because Spock broke his heart and left for Gol. Now that Spock is back, Kirk has given up on him because he doesn't know where he stands any more, and he doesn't want to get hurt again. That's ok though, because after his ZOMGFEELINGSAREOK revelation in sickbay, Spock is more than willing to woo Kirk this time :D The wooing could happen on Valentine's day because... it's Valentine's day!
Notes: Everyone's voices are just spot-on perfect, and Kirk's wariness around Spock is totally believable. This may just be my new favorite post-TMP story.

A Case of You by snarkypants (Spock/Chapel, PG-13, 1,800 w)
Summary: What new could be said about Spock dying in TWOK? Eh, probably nothing, but I'm new to this fandom.
Notes: This fic packs a powerful punch, with Christine suffering from Achilles fever at the worst possible time and not quite able to distinguish reality from dreams.

five things: a doctor's oath by quasiradiant (Crusher/Picard, unrated SFW, 332 words)
Summary: Five emergencies during which Beverly Crusher never kissed Jean-Luc Picard.
Notes: Heartbreaking, intense, and lovely.

Home Cooked by trascendenza (Sisko/Bashir, Teen, 2048 words)
Summary: Of misunderstandings, slight neuroticism, what one wears to an ambiguously defined dinner with the Captain, and delicious food.
Notes: The character voices in this are superb, and Bashir's oblivious, neurotic energy is beautifully conveyed. A wonderful fic!

tos, het other, ds9, tng, slash other, !classics, kirk/spock

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