Friday, January 8, 2010 - Het

Jan 08, 2010 20:34


a ceremony of ashes by medie (Kirk/Uhura, PG-13, 1011 words)
Summary: It breaks her heart to see him like this and she pulls herself up to sit beside him.
Notes: An intriguing AU- a sort of what if story that is just beautifully written, with an interesting take on the characters present. A great read.


Are You Gonna Be My Girl? (Or Three Birthdays to Remember) by vaingirlfic (Kirk/Uhura, various combinations of Kirk/Uhura/Gaila, R-NC-17, N/A)
Summary: Bizarre alien peace rituals, drunken debacles, Jim Kirk's pornography, the phrase 'bet your sweet ass' taken way too literally, bar fights, everyone's favorite Orion and super advanced sex toys of the future you wish you had now. A love story.
Notes: An amazing story very much with the happy making. Brilliant and possessing fantastic characterization, this is very much so a must read!

three(or more)some, !het, kirk/uhura

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