You know, one of those times when you actually understand the following equation:
1+1= anything but 2.
I wish things were just as easy as believing that
Unfortunately, that's not the case. I have a whole ball of thread inside me to untangle. Yesterday I sat at the computer for 10 hours trying to figure out stuff and everything going on in my very simple life (or maybe not) but ended up with more knots left for me to untangle. And this really sucks.
And so yesterday I surfed my way to a website describing the various zodiac signs and decided to check out my own. It said this.
They may dwell too much on the past and over complicate things and this may limit their ability to move forward and confuse themselves. A person who is able to read deep into another person will notice when Virgo is not well but if they confront them about it, they would rather retreat then talk about it. They are very prone of living in denial. They will say the feel okay or everything is alright even when it's not. This is an easy way out, the one thing that Virgo does not like to analyze is their feelings so pretending everything is okay is a good defense mechanism for not having to take a closer look at their feelings.They need to be organized in their mind, sometimes all their energy is taken from organizing their mind that they have a difficult time organizing their surroundings. Deep inside, Virgo is very sensitive and they need to be appreciated for all the things they do. When is Virgo is offended or hurt, they may never show it.
All I'm gonna say is, what I copied and pasted here is quite descriptive of what I am and who I am.
If only the right people could read it.
On a sidenote, I feel completely horrible now, what with a headache and a cold.