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Apr 06, 2009 21:18

After Ostara we had a lot happen. First we had Ryan's Great-Grandmother's funeral. That weekend we went out to JD's welcome home party. It was GREAT to see him again! I missed him a lot. Tuesday we headed out to Nashville to hang out with some friends. It's always good to see people I haven't seen in years. Wednesday we went on a tour of the Jack Daniels distillery, which was gorgeous. Thursday we were SUPPOSED to be coming home, but as I was standing in line at the ticket counter to get our security documents they started herding people into the tornado shelter...aka the restrooms. We high tailed it back to the hotel to watch the storm and play board games. We finally got on a flight Friday morning, but all the flights into Philly were severely delayed, so I got home 15 minutes after my start time, freaked out, and was told to calm down and go home, that my manager would look over my records and see if there was anything he could do to save my job. This weekend we were back out at JD's, which was a little more relaxed than last weeks "haven't seen each other in a year" visit. Today I had a doctor appointment, then we went to see Monsters vs Aliens in 3D. It was fantastic! Tonight I got wonderful news that not only is my job secure but my points have gone from 29.5 points to 1.5! Whew! What a week!
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