Dec 12, 2008 14:10
Yesterday I was lamenting all of our holiday decorations being in storage, so I decided to get out the few things we do have here at the house...candles! I came across one that an ex made me, I believe it was for Valentine's Day. It still smells really pretty, so I put it out. I didn't burn it for a long time after we broke up because I felt residual resentment whenever I did, but all thing pass. I'm over it. Candle is a candle, and still a very pretty one. A second odd reminder came in the form of the millwright company at work today. Just a name. Hah. Get out of my head. I guess this comes in tandem with the relief I felt yesterday when I was contacted by someone I haven't heard or seen from in almost two years. I've been worried for some time that he was just gone. I can't even explain how overjoyed I was to hear from him. So with this all a revelation. A cliche I wish I'd taken more to heart when I started dating and carried through all the muddled relationships, the good and the bad.I probably still would have made all the mistakes I made, but maybe they wouldn't have mattered as much at the time. All things really do happen for a reason. If it doesn't seem like it's working, it probably means there's something or someone better waiting for you. Take it in stride, enjoy the good times, and move on. can thank your lucky stars it didn't work out.