Feb 17, 2007 16:32
Oh my GOD, I hate packing.... all that's left is little fiddly bits that are just being fiddly and it's driving me nuts! I just want to be there already! *sobs*
Michael's not coming til Monday now though, so at least I have a bit more time to get myself sorted! I just wish it was all done and over 'cause I'm absolutely shattered!
But then of course, I'll have no phone-line and no internet and no tv, so i shall be sat in my flat on my own watching porn on my computer 'cause what else can I do? I suppose I could UN-pack... but that's just too sensible!
I've found so many things in the last few days, things I forgot I had, things I forgot existed, things that have made me smile and laugh and some that have made me shed a few tears... I also found a little list of things that me and Chrissi used to find hilariously funny... I think I'll email her and remind her, maybe make her smile... no harm in making people smile... is there?
My 'current crush' (blergh, i hate that word) emailed me again today.... I sent her pictures of me, and she said she likes them very much... I'm still wary, but she seems genuine so far... we'll see. But damnit she's HOT!!!!
I'm am getting addicted to Facebook... I've got in touch with so many old school friends, it's strange and nice, but kinda depressing, 'cause the majority of them are all off travelling the world, having gotten their degrees and suchlike, some are doing higher degrees or training as professionals, some are getting married, one's just had a baby... and I'm only just moving into my own flat, at the age of 25, no degree, no nothing... still waiting for therapy and still crazy.... ugh... I guess I've learnt a lot though, I've been to the university of life as it were... and I wouldn't change anything, not a thing, because i don't really believe in having regrets, I just sometimes wish I could have gone down the routes that they've all gone down... maybe mine's better in the end, I don't know... maybe neither one is better, just different.
And as well as facebook, I am now addicted to season 3 of Lost.... how much more exciting can that show get?!?!?! The whole Sawyer Kate thing is so so so sooooo cute! Gotta love the bad guy! Heh heh... I always have had a soft spot for the bad ones! But then a lot of women do I think! Grrrrrr!
Note to self: