Feb 19, 2006 20:47
So, on my way home yesterday, I called Dan to see what's up for the night.
He tells me he just talked to Shane, and they canceled the Rid of Waste show, because Dave Fegley died that night.
I don't know how to feel about this. I am deeply saddened, but I just really didn't know him as well as everyone else. They always hung out, and drank @ the BrewWorks all the time. I only saw him about once a month. Hell, the last imagary I have of him, was him on his knees trying to molest Toast and Hawkeye while mashed.
No one knows yet what happened, besides him not waking up in the morning. Only a bunch of hours after they all were @ the Brew Works drinking with him. I hope to know soon. Dan said that maybe he had issues, and never told anyone....I can see that, from how he lived his life. Crazy like. Always having fun, always smiling and being...well...Dave.
This'll be my first close friend death. I hope it doesn't happen again till I'm 80.
I love you man.
*raises one last glass*