“No Other Sun” by Binky (NC-17)

Aug 15, 2004 17:10

Pairing: Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon
Author on LJ: unknown
Author Website: unknown; BinkyTorture@ikillclowns.com
Why this must be read:

Qui-Gon is trying to solve two mysteries: Why is he being haunted by an unfamiliar Jedi of variable age whose blue-green eyes are always terribly sad, and how is this visitant connected to a boy Qui-Gon meets in the temple creche?

"I didn't get Ben in trouble, did I?"

Qui-Gon's mouth went dry. "B-Ben?"

Obi-Wan nodded. "That's his name. He told me some other stories, too, not just the sad one. Don't be mad at him, okay? I like him."

Qui-Gon's mind was trying to run in a thousand different directions at once. "I won't be mad." He took a deep breath, calming himself. "What was the story about? Can you tell me?"

"It was about a really big fight between the Siff and two good Jedi. One of them was the best fighter of all the Jedi, and he had a Padaban there helping him. He loved the Padaban a lot, and he didn't want him to get killed by the Siff, so he tried to fight it by himself. But the Siff killed him instead, and the Padaban got so mad, he cut the Siff into pieces and saved everyone." Obi-Wan looked up at Qui-Gon with big, solemn eyes. "I guess it had a happy ending, but I didn't like that the good Jedi fighter got killed."

I thought I’d conclude the Angstapalooza with this interesting spin on a standard plot. I’ve read dozens of stories about attempts to alter or prevent That Scene, but this is, to my knowledge, the only one told from the decedent’s point of view, rather than his would-be savior’s. In addition to the usual angst, we’re given a well-rounded portrayal of a pre-Xanatos Qui-Gon as he banters with Mace, tries to make sense of Yoda’s “cryptic natterings,” and deals with some particularly adorable young initiates.

“No Other Sun”

star wars: prequel trilogy, star wars universe, fanfic

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