The Man in that One Suit, by lynne_monstr (general audiences)

Jan 15, 2014 18:49

Pairing: gen
Length: 416
Author on LJ: lynne_monstr
Author Website: AO3

Why this must be read: for just the sheer fun of an adorable crossover with reality show “What Not To Wear” as Stacy London and Clinton Kelly discuss the sartorial splendor of John Reese and Harold Finch.

It’s been a series running joke about Reese being known to both criminals and good guys alike as “the man in the suit” because he’s adopted his classic black suit, worth with a tieless white shirt no matter the season or occasion. Someone like Clinton Kelly would have something to say about that, obviously, and this little fic captures his voice and those of the characters well. While the “real” people comment on Reese’s bland choices, they praise Finch’s custom suit with waistcoat and matching pocket square while pondering the relationship of the men whose attire they are judging.

The Man in that One Suit

person of interest, fanfic

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