The Man Who Chased the Setting Sun by LostWendy1 (Gen)

Jan 15, 2014 15:08

Fandom: Fairy Tales: Original fairy tale with references to others
Characters: The King, The Queen, The Prince, The Peasant Girl, original and canon characters
Length: 12K words
Author Website: at AO3

Why this must be read: Because sometimes you need a little help figuring things out.

Despite having parents who were loving to him and beloved by their people, there was once a prince who was very spoiled indeed. His parents gently tried to point out how wrong-headed he was being, but I'm afraid they mis-stepped by spoiling their only child. Any beautiful thing he saw he wanted immediately, but often abandoned it for the next shiny.

One day, his fancy was captured by an unusually beautiful sunset and he decided he must own the sun. Though everyone, including the sun, tells him it is impossible, he is sure that a handsome prince like himself will be able to figure out how to accomplish his goal. Thus he begins a long and winding quest. Enjoy.

The Man Who Chased the Setting Sun

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fairy tales, fanfic

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