Pairing(s): Ned/Chuck, The Narrator
Length: 5527
Author on LJ:
kanekoAuthor Website:
AO3Why this must be read:
This is my last rec, and I have very intentionally saved the best for last. This fic is sweet, and sad, and delightfully odd, all without ever seeming to try too hard. It's a bit meta and bit timey-wimey, and does an excellent job of turning the Narrator into a great character in his own right, one who's just as invested in his story as we are. Also, it manages to give the saga of Chuck and Ned not only one but two happy, satisfying endings. If you only ever read one thing in this fandom, please make it this.
At that very moment (in the sense that the infinite encompassed all moments), the narrator was making himself a cup of tea.
Unlike those he observed, he had no phobias. He wasn't afraid of touching or being touched or Halloween or abandonment. He lived austerely and simply and enjoyed a rich inner life. His only vice was a certain nosiness, and in the greater scheme of things, he thought, that was hardly a vice at all.
The truth was, though, it was more of a vice than he liked to let on. You see, the narrator was the kind of person who would sneak a look at the last page of a book, and then smugly dole out hints about the ending to his friends.
"The sad truth is that some romances don't work out," he said the time his bookclub decided to read Jane Eyre. He said it airily, as though he were speaking about life in general, but everyone knew he'd just spoiled something about the plot.
Today, he took a peek further into the story. He flipped forward and forward and forward, to the part of the story where Chuck and Ned were getting married.
Twice Upon a Time