Jan 15, 2014 09:34

Title: Bonnie And Clyde Didn't Work Alone
Author: Maidenjedi
Characters: Boba Fett, River Tam
Length: ~1k words
Author on LJ: maidenjedi
Author Website: AO3 and FFN Profile and LJ Tags
Why this must be read:

Two scruffy 'verses are these, nice and dirty and plagued with everyday concerns from our galaxy: how to make a living, survive and even thrive. River and Boba are bruised and alone, and they connect tenuously. Their characters need someone, and they are there for each other. Life doesn't require much more than this.

Bonnie And Clyde Didn't Work Alone

star wars: original trilogy, star wars universe, crossover, firefly, star wars: extended universe, fanfic

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